Data Request :Research or GrantUse this form to request data if the use is for a grant proposal or research project. A fee will be assessed.
- Introduction
Connected Lane County aims to increase the number of local high school graduates who are successful in higher education and life by creating a seamless and streamlined transition between early childhood, K-12 and higher education through partnerships and relationships with educational, community, and business partner organizations. To assist in this endeavor, the data collaborative collects data longitudinally on all students in the Lane County region as they travel between K12 schools and levels, and into Lane Community College and the University of Oregon.
- Procedures
All research requests must be submitted to Heidi Larwick at Connected Lane County at . After review by a panel of three, a CLC staff member will reach out to you and discuss expected timeline, data availability, and project scope. The Research Review Committee meets monthly to review research proposals. Priority is given to research that enhances student learning. A letter informing the applicant of approval or rejection will follow via email.
A research queue exists which determines the priority and order of projects to be researched given limited research capacity of approved researchers.Due to the difficulties surrounding data and research needs, we will do our best to provide accurate information about deadlines and data availability.
When appropriate, please include a copy of Institutional Review Board (IRB) protocol for Human Subjects Review indicating approval of proposal.
- Costs
Costs for data to be used for research or research associated with a grant are charged at a rate of $100/hour of data coordinator time. Please note that there is no charge for an initial consultation or preliminary exploration to make sure the research request is possible. A not-to-exceed cost associated with a defined scope will be created after preliminary investigation
- Data Privacy
All research will be performed by approved Connected Lane County research using methods designed in collaboration with the group or individual needing the data. Unfortunately data privacy protections prevent us from releasing student level data or allowing outside researchers access to the combined dataset.
All research will be deidentified and aggregated. Any data point with fewer than 10 students will be suppressed. Please be aware of this restriction if you desire your data to be broken out by small subpopulations such as racial/ethnic groups.
- Matching Your Data to Connected Data
The CLC database can use existing student-level data files (excel or csv) you may have on individual programs or individuals who need to be in an experimental or control group. Custom data can be loaded into a program table and matched against the existing system. This process will match your custom data points or program population to the longitudinal records in the system. Please note that this process de-identifies the students and we will not attempt to identify individuals.
Any questions about what data is contained in the Connected Lane County system, how the research process works, or how to get in the research queue should be directed to Heidi Larwick at .
Project Request(Title of the project you would like CLC to consider)
Principal Investigator Name / Research Costs
I understand that there is a research fee of $100/hour that will be charged upon the completion of work.
There is no charge for consultation and preliminary investigation. Costs will be calculated as a not-to-exceed.
Principal Investigator EmailPrincipal Investigator PhoneConnected Lane County Metric Most Affected (e.g. 11: College Participation)
Data Deadline/Schedule (When the data is needed and/or milestones)
Study Population (e.g. Ninth graders in Eugene 4J who took Algebra)
Research Purpose and Objectives (Attach greater detail)
Proposed Research Plan/Description of Desired Research Methods (Attach greater detail)
Benefits/Action Expected (as a result of the research)
Send completed forms to Jonathan Jacobs (). Form rev. 8/18/2015. V1-2