CMM APS Past Performance References

Country, Project Title, Dates, and Award Amount / Donor Agency / Award Number / Donor point of contact’s name, mailing address, email address and phone number / Brief Project Summary
Conflict mitigation in Peru: multi-stakeholder engagement & peace building in mining and extractive activities; (February 2011 – September 2013); $1,197,180 / USAID/CMM / AID-527-A-11-00004 / Claudia Rohrhirsch, AOTR

Doanh Q. Van,
Agreement Officer

Av. La Encalada s/n Monterrico, Surco
Telephone: (51-1) 618-1200, 618-1499
Fax: (51-1) 618-1350
Apartado Postal 1995, Lima 1 / This activity seeks to contribute to the positive transformation of social-environmental conflicts associated with extractive industries in Peru through the promotion and legitimatization of the culture of dialogue and the development of capacities conducive to generating a climate of trust between local and national stakeholders involved in the mining, oil and gas industries. In addition, it seeks to stimulate the generation of inclusive, practical public policies based on best practices that support good governance
and responsible corporate action.The project seeks to replicate and expand the experience over the last ten years of the National Dialogue Group on Mining and Sustainable Development, or the Dialogue Group (GDMDS), creating a similar space for the oil and gas sector and the Amazon. Regional Dialogue Groups on mining will be supported in Apurímac, Arequipa and
Cajamarca. The project will promote meetings and national dialogue initiatives
associated with the mining, oil and gas sectors that promote engagement amongdistanced stakeholders.
West Bank/Gaza - An Eye to the Future: Building Skills and Attitudes that Underwrite and Promote Conflict Mitigation in Gaza; (July2009- June 2012); $1,199,679 / USAID/CMM / 294-A-00-09-00207-00 / Cara Stern
Acting Director, Democracy and
Governance Program
U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv
71 Hayarkon Street
Tel Aviv, 63903
Tel: 972‐3‐511‐4848
Fax: 972‐3‐511‐4888
Sara Borodin
Desk Officer
Tel: (202) 712‐4836
Email: / In partnership with the Eastern Gaza Society for Family Development Edgework Consulting, CARE is bringing together individuals of different ethnic, religious, and/or political backgrounds in people‐to‐people activities that address the root causes of tension and instability.
Over two thousand children, ranging in ages from nine to thirteen years, have benefited from program curriculum, a cadre of trained adults and a dynamic network that builds and reinforces the pro-social skills which are critical to successful conflict mitigation and management. Children who complete the six month program, families, and other key adults in the community exhibit significant improvement in social skills and attitudes that lend themselves to positive citizenry; trust, cooperation, communication, kindness, respect for rules, respect for other’s property, understanding other’s feelings, and responsibility for one’s actions – the skills that mitigate conflict.
Nepal- Women and Youth As Pillars of Sustainable Peace;
(January 2008 to December 2012); $2,038,650 (1.5M EURO) / EC (with match funds from the DFID Partnership Programme Agreement) / N/A / Ms. Enora Marenne
Programme Manager
Delegation of the European Commission to Nepal
Uttar Dhoka Sadak, Lainchaur
P.O. Box 6754 Kathmandu Nepal
Tel: + 9771 4 429445, 4 429446 (*8191)
Fax: + 9771 4 423541
/ The project supports the sustainable development processes of poor, vulnerable and socially excluded women and youth by providing them with institutional support and enhancing the capacity of local civil society networks to be able to advocate for their rights. At the community level, the project seeks to advance grassroots dialogue and leadership in the political process, foster a democratic culture and engage in community-based peace building efforts, especially through working with women and youth.
Multi-country - Strengthening Capacity to Design, Monitor and Evaluate Peace building Programming; (March 2009 to February 2012); $1,274,156
(937,500 EUR) / EC / IFS – RRM 171-705 / Mr. Francisco Garcia
European Commission
Directorate General
Unit A/2
CHAR 12/045
B-1049 Brussels
/ The overall objective of this project is to improve the quality and effectiveness of civil society and government peace-building and conflict prevention programming.
The project will work with peacebuilders in Nepal, Uganda and Eastern DRC to critically evaluate assumptions underpinning peace building programming, pilot means to demonstrate impact, and build local capacity in DM&E.
East Timor - Community Activities for Local Mitigation, Empowerment and Reintegration (CALMER)
(December 2007 – August 2009) USD $399,667. From January-May 2008 the project was also funded by CIDA and from October 2008-August 2009 by UNDP with the total contract values of approximately USD $502,000 / USAID and CIDA / 486-G-00-08-00004-00 / Filipe Da Costa or
Mark Anthony White

Tel:+670 332 2211/2
Guterres, Ana Lourenco, CTO
Sergio Vieira de Mello Road
Dili, Timor-Leste
Tel: +670 723 0575 (Mobile)
Thomas M. Stephens, RCO
Sergio Vieira de Mello Road
Dili, Timor-Leste
Tel: 202-712-0000
Email: / The CALMER project was a USAID funded peace building project which aimed to: reduce incidences of violence in Bairo Pite through strengthening local level leadership; address the root causes of conflict, developing community-based mechanisms for conflict mitigation; and promote active participation by all sectors of the community. CALMER worked with various stakeholders in the community to development a framework for engagement with the gangs in an effort to transform violent MAGs into constructive organizations that utilize the potential of youth for the benefit of the wider community.The activities of the CALMER project were divided among two teams: the Training and Capacity Building (TCB) team and the Community Outreach (CO) team. As part of their functioning the TCB team provided training and capacity building to various elements of the community who were best positioned to promote peace building but lack the necessary skills or tools to do it. In parallel with this the CO team engaged in various community activities and monitoring exercises to increase the level of social cohesion in the community.