CMI Level 8 Additional Qualification Application Guidance Notes
CMI Level 8 - Approval Guidance NotesRef: AB/GUD/006/Feb16/V1
This guidance is given to CMI Centres (excluding Registered Centres) wishing to gain approval from CMI to deliver and assess CMI Level 8 Qualifications.
CMI Centres that wish to deliver CMI Level 8 qualifications must be able to demonstrate that they meet the following criteria:
- They are an existing CMI Centre with a history (at least 12 months) of successful delivery, assessment and moderation of CMI qualifications
- They have been free of CMI sanctions for 12 months
- They have no CMI sanctions against their Centre
- They have a clear entry policy that requires Learners hold a Level 7 or equivalent qualification (unless otherwise agreed with your CMI Quality Manager) and hold/have held a position at senior management level for a minimum of three years
- Delivery, assessment and internal verification will be done by the Centre alone and not by a Satellite (unless otherwise agreed)
- Use of distance learning is approved by your Quality Manager prior to implementation.
The potential centre should complete all sections of the application, working with their CMI Quality Manager who will be able to give support and guidance. Below is specific guidance on each question and suggestions of the type of supporting evidence that could be provided.
3.1.Please provide details and supporting documentation for assessment and verification staff. Include their relevant qualifications, occupational experience and understanding to support the assessment and internal verification of the qualifications to be offered by the Centre.
Please provide the following for each staff member:
- CV – showing relevant strategic management and leadership experience
- Qualifications – minimum Level 7
- Units they will deliver/assess/internally verify on, with a statement to show occupational competence for the relevant units (a Centre Staff Approval Form may be used, but needs to be completed in detail)
3.2.Please provide details of the Centre staff induction programme.
Please provide details of the Centre staff induction programme, for example how you will ensure that assessment strategies are operated, how new Assessors will be supported, and what the sampling strategy will be with additional supporting documentation.
How will you ensure thatstaff are made aware of the difference between Level 7 and Level 8 qualifications?
3.3.Please provide details of the Centre staff development plan/policy, in practice, showing how staff are supported.
Please provide a detailed development plan/policy showing activities, achievements, reviews and amendments that supports all staff members. This could include staff training, aims and objectives, individual CPD, events to attend or that have been attended.
4.1.Please detail the assessment methods and practices to be used for the CMI qualification(s)/units(s).
Please detail what assessment methods will be used for all CMI qualifications/units, and how you will ensure that the assessment is valid and sufficient to meet the learning outcomes.Centres should include a matrix which shows each unit and the assessment methods used and also examples of any assessment templates to be used. If you are creating an individual assessment plan for each Learner, please include an example here.
If you are using methods other than written assignments, please contact your Quality Manager to discuss the approach and to identify which documents will need to be uploaded here. Any assessment must have approval from CMI prior to use. This should be done by following the ‘CMI Assessment Brief Checking Procedure’.
4.2.Please explain how the Centre will ensure the authenticity of learner evidence and work.
Please explain how the Centre will ensure the authenticity of learner evidence and work in accordance with CMI requirements. Attach an example of your Learner Authenticity Statement.
4.3.Please describe how the Centre will ensure that assessment decisions and judgements are valid and consistent over a period of time.
Please provide detail of the process of assessment and standardisation activities that the Centre will operate in relation to Level 8 qualifications specifically. Please state how this will be reviewed over time, to ensure consistency, for example, action plans from standardisation activities.
4.4.Please detail how the evidence of Learners’ work, records of Assessors’ judgements, and records of internal verification will be retained in accordance with CMI requirements.
Explain where records are kept, in what format and for how long. Describe how the Centre ensures confidentiality and controls access to the records.
Please state how you will link to the CMI policy on record retention and how it is included in the Centre’s own recording systems. For example, this could include tracking systems, information relating to security and access, portfolios and registration details.
4.5.Please submit the Centre’s systems and records for internal verification (including sampling strategy) which ensures that national standards, qualifications, and units are consistently interpreted over time.
Evidence for this area must include the IV sampling strategy, related records, plans of standardisation and records. A procedure is required that reviews and monitors this strategy against the qualification standards.
4.6.Please explain how the Centre gathers information and feedback from Employers, Learners and others (as appropriate) to monitor and evaluate the quality and effectiveness of qualification provision against the Centre objectives.
Please provide evidence of the processes for Learners to feedback on their experiences.For example, using feedback sheets at different stages of the programme, evaluations from Employers on the return on investment of staff having completed the programme. Attach relevant documents used to collect information.
4.8.Please attach the Centre’s policy for reporting suspected or alleged malpractice to CMI.
For a guide see the Approved Centre Handbook which is accessible from 'Resources' tab on the CMI Hub.
Additional Level 8 questions
- How will your Centre ensure that Learners meet the entry requirements for the Level 8 programme? Please provide the assessment your Centre will carry out with each Learner that applies for a Level 8 qualification at your Centre (this must include completion of the ‘CMI Initial Suitability Assessment sheet’)
- How will your Centre manage progression through the qualification?
Please address these questions under section 4.1.