Welcome to the first edition of Maths Scene!
Welcome to the first edition of Maths Scene!
Welcome to our first edition of Maths Scene, our ‘one stop’ termly newsletter!
Our aim is to harness mathematics leadership and expertise to develop and spread outstanding mathematics practice in all our city schools for the benefit of our children and young people.
This newsletter brings together a core of professionals who represent key strategic partners to include: the Nottingham City Early Years Team (EYFS), Nottingham City Primary Team, Transform: Teaching School Alliance, LEAD: Teaching School Alliance, Nottingham Learning Trust ,Bluecoat Academy Trust as well as the West and East Midlands Maths Hubs.
On a regular basis we want to share with you, current developments, thinking and research about mathematics, key documents, together withwebsites and resources. We would also like to share opportunities for current professional developments being offered by this partnership.
Please feel free to contribute any articles, resources and ideas of practice that you are using successfully in your schools and settings, so we can share them amongst this mathematics community. We hope to include these in our next publication. Please forward your contributions to the following website address:
Our aim is that ‘Maths Scene’ expands to become a valuable site for all our city practitioners!
Bally Atwal (Primary Lead Teaching& Learning Specialist) on behalf of our partners.
CPD Summaries
As part of our work in partnership we have summarised the currentCPD offers from partners.
These documents will be updated regularly and the date of the update added to the documents.
>For more information please visit:
"Getting it Right at KS1!" FREE CPD offer to all City Schools
In conjunction with the Education Improvement Board's (EIB) 10 year strategic plan, the Primary Team would like to offer a mathematics development opportunity to all city schools.
>For more information please click here
Singapore Primary Maths
An intensive three day training programme to develop and implement excellent maths teaching strategies for fluency, problem solving and reasoning, in line with the new primary maths curriculum. Bookings to be made by emailing . Places are limited!
>For more information or to book onto this course please click here
Secondary Maths Strategy Conference January 2016
Nottingham City LA in partnership with Maths Hubs East Midlands East announce the Launch of the Nottingham City Secondary Maths StrategyConference - This course is suitable for Head of Maths, Second in Maths and Primary Maths Co-ordinators. Only 40 places available so BOOK NOW!
>Please visit Secondary Maths Strategy January 2016 for more information
Maths Hub Autumn Bulletin - Courses and Events
Please find below a list of just some of the courses and events that will be taking place.
- CMEP: Using the resources effectively in your A Level classroom
- Secondary Subject Leader Network
- Primary Subject Knowledge Enhancement
- Mastering Mathematics (Primary Post ITT SKE)
- University of Nottingham Secondary NQT Network Meetings
- KS3 Multiplicative Reasoning Project
Maths Hub Information for Schools
Partners in the Maths Hub have a specific Maths Hub page supported by all strategic partners. Flyers are available to download from the page -
Exemplification for Moderation
Y3, Y4 and Y5 Exemplification for Moderation - The year 3, 4 and 5 mathematics moderation documents exemplifies key performance indicators of the expected standard in mathematics at years 3, 4 and 5. It is not a planning assessment tool as it does not cover the entire year 3, 4 or 5 programme of study.
>For more information about the Maths Exemplification for Moderation for Years 3, 4 or 5 please visit:
Our Partners
East Midlands East Maths Hub- Led by The Minster School in Southwell, Nottinghamshire. Dedicated to “creating passionate and outstanding mathematicians”.
East Midlands West Maths Hub-Led by George Spencer Academy, Nottinghamshire. Their vision is to transform maths education so that all of the children are excited about and committed to becoming mathematicians.
LEAD Urban Teaching School Alliance- A dynamic partnership of schools committed to harnessing, nurturing and sharing the specific skills and attributes required to teach and lead in areas with diverse pupil populations.
NCETM( - The National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics isa collection of teaching resources, provided by the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM), which were published in a series of online magazines covering early years, primary, secondary, and further education for teachers of mathematics.
Nottingham City Early Years Team CPD offer- The Team's purpose is to support the Family Nottingham Plan, support the provision of funded places for 2, 3 and 4 year olds and deliver on the various statutory duties placed on the Local Authority by relevant legislation.
Nottingham City Primary Team Courses and Conferences- The Primary Team's suite of teachingand learning courses and conferences has been carefully designed to equip practitioners with the range of skills and knowledge they need to make a positive difference back in the classroom.
Nottingham City Primary Team CPD poster- The Primary Team delivers high quality teachingand learning support for primary schools. The team operate a traded service for Nottingham City Council.
Transform Teaching School Alliance- Transform is a strategic partner in the East Midlands West Maths Hub. As a strategic partner we have contributed to the design and delivery of a range of workshops, events and professional networks offering support, resources and latest curriculum practice for primary and secondary Maths teachers and leaders.
Nottingham City Council Primary Team
The Primary Team delivers high quality teachingand learning support for primary schools. The team operates as a traded service for Nottingham City Council.
Our specialists deliver courses, conferences and whole school staff meeting and INSET training.
Our tailored approach to in-school CPD allows your school to build a package of support that best suits your need and can be delivered over the course of the year exactly how and when you need it.
>Click here for more informationabout our Primary Team
Maths - Solve the Problem! A course for F1 and F2 Practitioners
/ Do you enjoy mathematics? Do you need new ideas on how to engage your children in the Maths that is all around us?
This course will support you to make mathematics fun, active and challenging for yourself and the children.
>For further information about this course please visit:
Maths Scene! Read what’s now, new & next in Maths!
If you have difficulties accessing information or stories, drop us a line and we’ll do what we can to help.
To suggest ideas for content, contact us on 0115 87 64252
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