Clyde Cottage Eco Committee
Minutes from 12th January 2012
Apologies: Joanne Clark, Anna Headridge, Dot, Pauline Beautyman, Diane Thornton
Attendees: Abigail Apps, Esther Barrett, Julie Henderson, Yvonne Tracey, Maureen Clark
Updates since the last meeting
- The 4 year olds had been involved in a composting workshop with staff. It was very interesting and informative but the session wasn’t really long enough. The nursery was given leaflets and ideas on how to stop the rats coming back.
- Abigail advised that she had a steel bin that was useful for composting and that she would pass this over to the nursery for them to use.
- Grants – were to be shelved at this moment with some background research to be done by Esther on Co-Op Community Grants. A decision needs to be made as to what we will be requesting the money for before a grant can be applied for. It was thought that maybe a grant could be applied for for the children to have a year of Forest Walks or something similar. Esther to speak to transport about the cost of hiring a minibus.
- Litter collections – there is a rota and the children monitor the litter they are picking for volume and type of litter. The Little Tikes room litter pick in their own section but would like more little litter pickers to share out. Bin bags were received from Milton House to aid the litter picking. A Children’s Committee will be set up to analyse litter and look at ways to stop people dropping litter.
- Milk cartons – the parents who volunteered to take part in the recycling of the milk cartons are being given bags to take away and this does seem to be working. However there is a problem that the bags can sometimes be wet – is there a way around leaving the bags outside? Julie to write to parents of the new starts asking them if they can also volunteer to help.
- Recycling pick up – A council member advised that currently individual pick ups cannot be auctioned. However, it might be that co-mingled pick ups will come into force at some point in 2012. This would mean that paper, cans and plastic can all go in the one bin for collection. This would be a big benefit to the nursery. Esther will contact the council member again later in 2012. The children currently take the paper recycling to the big bins at the school.
- Fruit boxes – the fruit man is re-using boxes cutting down on the number of boxes being used by the nursery.
- Bio-diversity – The council has a Bio-diversity officer called Marina Curran-Colthart who is based in Oban on 01631 569191. Julie will contact Marina when we are closer to working on this subject.
- The Wallboard is to be updated by Julie, Denise and the children.
- Eco Code – as part of working towards our green flag we need to come up with a motto, code or saying. Something like Bob the Builder’s “ Reduce Reuse Recycle”. It was thought that maybe a competition could be run with the children for them to come up with the code.
- It was brought to our attention that we do not yet have a community member on board and it was thought that this could be someone from CLANN.
- Parental involvement days were discussed and it was also mentioned that Community Service people could be drafted in to work on the nursery. There is also the Allotment Society and Timebank. Abigail was going to contact the Allotment Society and Julie was going to speak to Michaela at Timebank about how the system works.
Date of next meeting
Wednesday 15th February 4pm – 6pm