Clwb Plant Awel y Mynydd


Aims and Objectives

TheaimofCLWBPLANTAWEL Y MYNYDDis to provide quality,accessibleout of school childcare offering a range of play activitiesin a welcoming atmosphere. The club is based at YsgolAwel y Mynydd.

Children for Whom Care is Provided

The clubs operate for boys and girls of YsgolAwel y Mynyddinfants and junior departments aged 3 - 11 years as stated in the admissions policy. The Club caters for 48 children, in line with our Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) registration.

The Club offers a child centred environment meeting the social, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional needs of children and recognising the individual needs of each child who attends.

It has been requested by the Schools’ Child Protection Officer that if there are any Child protection issues relating to a school pupil being unable to leave school then a contract is signed by the School’s Child Protection Officer to ensure that the child has a safe environment to wait until alternative arrangements are made.

Opening hours

•Theafter-schoolclubopensbetween2.45pmand6.00pmeveryday duringschoolterm-time.


Staffing levels meet the requirements set by CSSIW at all times.


SeniorPlayworkerICSSIW MrsKimberleyRobertsperson in charge
Deputy Senior Playworker Miss Sara Davies
Assistant Playworkers:MrsCaroleWilliamsMrsMargaretEvans
Miss Kayleigh Williams
Miss Caroline Evans
Mrs Margaret Hughes
CSSIW Registered Person/ResponsibleIndividual: / Mrs Nicola Jones

Volunteers may assist in the club at various times. All staff and volunteers have Criminal Records Bureau enhanced checks and where relevant checks by the Independent Safeguarding Authority and a full induction to the Club.

Club Premises/Facilities Offered

The Club is based atYsgolAwelY Mynyddand has the use of the Community / Nurture Room, school studiohall, School main hall, DosbarthAlarch, Corridor between Hwb Building and Teaching Block, garden area outside nurture room / Studio Halland the school yard.

The Club provides appropriate areas for a range of needs including a food preparation/dining area, a quiet area, a large play area and outdoor play space. Toilet and first aid facilities are available as well as storage and administrative space. There are a suitable number oftoilets available for use by the children attending the Club, and separate toilets for use by staff.

Services Offered

In line with the arrival and collection policy the Club, Children who attend CylchMeithrin are brought to the club by Cylch Staff, staff collect children from the Reception classes and accompany them to the club premises where the children are registered. All other children are bought to the school hall by their teachers at the end of the school day.

Snacks and drinks are available at the beginning of the session. All food and drinksofferedisinlinewithourhealthyeating policy, and meet the dietaryneedsandpreferencesofchildrenasindicated on the child’s registration form.

Collection of Children by parents

Children will be collected by their parents and or other named individual on parents’ contract from the Nurture Room through the side gate. There will be a member of staff present in this location during the hours of 3:00 & 5:30pm whilst staff and children are away from the main registration room whilst participating in activities.

  • Parents must collect their children by 5:50pm at the latest.
  • Parents must give the names of all persons authorised to collect their child on the registration form. Only persons named on this form will be able to take the child from the Club, unless prior arrangements in exceptional circumstances have been put in writing by the main contact for the child to the senior playworker. The Club also reserves the right to make additional checks if considered appropriate in these exceptional circumstances.
  • Under no circumstances will a child be released to an unknown person.
  • It is the responsibility of the parent / guardian to ensure that any changes to the named individuals who can collect their child are communicated to the senior playworker both in writing and verbally.
  • The person collecting a child must approach a playworker so that playworkers know who is being collected, and by whom, and can sign the children out.
  • Daily attendance records are updated promptly with the time children are collected.


A wide variety of activities are offered. Some activities will be planned weekly by playworkers, whilst stilloffering opportunities for free play. Children will be encouraged to participate in the planning and evaluation of activities and ideas for equipment when it is being purchased.

Languages Used

Themainlanguage of theClubisEnglish / Welsh.Bilingualsignswillbeused whereappropriate.

Club Routine

2.30 -2.45 / Staff arrive at Clwbto set up
3:00-3.30pm / Collectyoungerchildrenandwaitforotherchildren tobeescortedtotheClub.Completedaily
attendance register.
3.00-3.45pm / Free play
3.45pm to4.15pm / Snack time (taking note of any individual needs)
4.15- 5.50pm / Structured and free play : parents collect children
6:00pm / Club closes

Terms and Conditions

The terms and conditions for using the Club are set out in our parent/club contract and club policies and procedures. Parents/carers must sign this before their child starts attending the Club. This contract includes arrangements for collection of fees.

Admissions policy

The Club is open to any child attending YsgolAwelY Mynydd. We have a detailed admissions policy which can be found in the family's handbook. A copy can also be obtained from the senior playworker.

All children and adults are treated with equal concern and respect. No child will be discriminated against on the grounds of race, colour, ethnic or national origin, religious beliefs, disability or in any other matter to do with club.

Contact Information

Contact name


Mrs Kimberley Roberts / Mrs Nicola Jones

Contact Telephone Number



Contact Address


Clwb Plant Awel y Mynydd

YsgolAwel y Mynydd


LLandudno Junction



LL31 9RZ

Email Address


This address should be used for all written correspondence to the Club, including any correspondence to the management committee and/or the Registered Person/ ResponsibleIndividual.

Arrangements for complaints and concerns

We welcome suggestions andconstructive criticism from parents/carersand children to help us maintain a high quality provision. Please speak with the senior playworker if you like to make anysuggestions. A suggestion box is also always available by the Club's entrance. However, from time totime a parent/carer or child may find it necessary to follow the complaintsprocedures, copies of which can be found in the family's handbook. A copy can also be obtained from the senior playworker.

Parents are welcome to contact the CSSIW at any time with concerns, complaints or compliments please see the the CSSIW details below.

Arrangements for dealing with an emergency

The Club has comprehensive emergency procedures. Details can be found in the parent’s handbook, or can be obtained from the senior playworker.

Emergency procedures

  • If a child requires urgent medical advice or treatment, the Club will notify parents and/or other named contacts immediately and if necessary an ambulance will be called to take the child for such treatment.
  • If parents have not arrived by the time the ambulance needs to leave, the child will be accompanied to the hospital by a member of staff.
  • Parents will be requested to consent to any urgent emergency medical advice or treatment necessary during the running of the Club and parents will authorise the Club to sign any written form of consent required by the hospital authorities if the delay in getting any signature is considered by the doctor to endanger the child’s health and safety.
  • The Club implements clear emergency procedures – evacuation in case of fire or other significant incident (including reverse fire / emergency drill). The Club will be practice these half termly (recognising that young children benefit from more frequent practice) and when a new child, staff member or volunteer starts at the Club.

This Statement of Purpose and all policies and procedures are reviewed and updated as necessary and/or in line with any changes in regulation and at least annually. Any changes to the service are notified to CSSIW. The Club notifies parents/carers of any changes to the Club's policies and procedures.

Clwb Plant Awel y Mynyddis registered with and is inspected by:

CSSIW North Wales Region

Welsh Government office

Sam MynachLlandudno Junction LL31 9RZ

0300 7900126


Nodau ac Amcanion

Nod Clwb Plant Awel y Mynyddywdarparugofal plant sydd o ansawdd ac ynhygyrch, sy’ncynnigystod o weithgareddaumewnawyrgylchcroesawgar.

Y Plant y DarperirGofalareuCyfer

Mae’rclwbyngweithreduargyferbechgyn a merchedYsgolAwel y MynyddAdranBabanodarIauoed 3 - 11fel y gosodiryn y polisimynediad. Mae’rClwbyndarparuargyfer 48o blant, ynunolâ’rmanylioncofrestru ag ArolygiaethGofal a GwasanaethauCymdeithasolCymru (AGGCC).

Mae’rClwbyncynnigawyrgylchplentyn-ganologsyddynatebanghenioncymdeithasol, corfforol, meddyliol, creadigol ac emosiynolpobplentynsy’neifynychu.

Gofynnwydganswyddogamddiffyn plant ysgolsydd â osoesofn am ddiogelwchdisgyblion ac nadydyntyngallugadaelyrysgolyn y contract eilofnodiganswyddogamddiffyn plant yrysgolisicrhau bod y plentynynamgylchedddiogeliaros tan Gwneirtrefniadauamgen.


  • Mae’rclwbôl-ysgolaragorrhwng 2:45 a 6:00 bob dyddynystodtymoryrysgol.

Mae’rlefelaustaffio bob tro’ncyd-fyndâ’rgofynion a osodirgan AGGCC.

UwchWeithiwrChwarae: / Mrs Kimberley Roberts
DirprwyUwchWiethiwrChwarae / Miss Sara Davies
GweithiwrChwaraeCynorthwyol: / Mrs Carole Wiliams
Mrs Margaret Lynne Evans
Miss Kayleigh Williams
Miss Caroline Evans
Mrs Margaret Hughes
Person a gofrestrirgan AGGCC/Person Cyfrifol: / Mrs Nicola Jones

Mae gwirfoddolwyryncynorthwyoyn y clwbarwahanoladegau. Mae pobaelodo’r staff, a’rgwirfoddolwyrynymgymryd â gwiriadaumanylach y SwyddfaCofnodionTroseddol, a llebo’nbriodol, wiriadau’rAwdurdodDiogeluAnnibynnol ac AnwythiadLlawni’rClwb.

Safle’rClwb/Y Cyfleusterau a Gynigir

Lleolir y ClwbynYsgolAwel y Mynydd ac maemoddiddoddefnyddio’rYstafellMagwraeth, PrisNeuadd, NeuaddStiwdio,DosbarthAlarch, coridorrhwngadeiladHwb a bloc addysgu, garddardal aArdalChwarae Tu allan. Mae’rClwbyndarparumannauaddasargyferrhychwant o anghenion, gangynnwysardalparatoibwyd/bwyta, ardaldawel, ardalchwaraemawr, a lleichwarae y tuallan. Mae cyfleusterau toiled a chymorthcyntafargael, ynogystal â lleistorio a gweinyddu. Mae niferpriodol o doiledauargael, i’wdefnyddiogan y plant sy’nmynychu’rClwb, a thoiledauarwahân at ddefnydd y staff.

Y Gwasanaethau a Gynigir

Ynunol â pholisicyrraedd a chasglu’rClwb, Mae plant oCylchMeithrinyndwyni'rclwbgan Staff y Cylchmae’r staff yncasglu’r plant o dosbarthiadauDerbynac yneuhebrwngiadeilad y clwbllecofrestrir y plant.Bydd y Plant arall cerddediclwbefoathrawonarhyd y dydd.

Mae byrbrydau a diodyddargaelarddechrau’rsesiwn. Mae’rhollfwydydd a diodydd a gynigirynunolâ’npolisiarfwyta’niach, ac yncyfarfod ag angheniondeietgola’rhyn a ffafrirgan y plentyn, ynôlyrhyn a nodirareiffurflengofrestru.

Cynigirystodeang o weithgareddau. Byddrhaigweithgareddauwedieucynllunio’nwythnosolganweithwyrchwarae, trabôntynparhauigynnigcyfleoedd am chwaraerhydd. Fe anogir y plant ifod â rhanyngnghynllunio a gwerthuso’rgweithgareddau, a phryniantcyfarpar.

YrIeithoedd a Ddefnyddir

Prifiaith y ClwbywSaesneg/Cymraeg. Defnyddirarwyddiondwyieithogllebo’nbriodol.

Trefn y Clwb

Trefnarferol y Clwb:

2:30 – 2:45y.p. / Staffdechrauclwb
3.:00 – 3-30 / Plant dodiClwb. Cofrestrpresenoldebdyddiolllawn
3.00 – 3:45 / ystyriedanghenionunigol
3:45 – 4:15 / AmserBwydystyriedanghenionunigol
4:15 – 5:50 / ystyriedanghenionunigol. Rhienigasglu plant.
6:00 / ClwbynCau
Telerau ac Amodau

Gosodir y teleraua’ramodauargyferdefnyddio’rClwbynein contract rhiant/clwb, a pholisïau a gweithdrefnau’rclwb. Rhaidirieni/gofalwyrarwyddo’rddogfen hon cyni’wplentynddechraumynychu’rClwb. Mae’r contract hwnyncynnwys y trefniadauargyfercasgluffioedd.


Mae’rClwbaragoriunrhywblentynsy’nmynychuYsgolAwel y Mynydd. Mae gennymbolisimynediadmanwl,i’w weld ynllawlyfr y teulu. Ceircopiynogystalganyruwchweithiwrchwarae.


Enwcyswllt: / Mrs Kimberley Roberts / Mrs Nicola Jones
Rhifffôncyswllt: / 07549683948
Cyfeiriadcyswllt / Clwb Plant Awel y Mynydd
C/O YsgolAwel y Mynydd
Llandudno Junction
Cod post: / LL31 9RZ
Cyfeiriad e-bost: /

Dyliddefnyddio’rcyfeiriadhwnynachospobgohebiaethysgrifenedigi’rClwb, gangynnwysunrhywohebiaethi’rpwyllgorrheoli a/neu’r Person Cofrestredig/Person Cyfrifol.

Trefniadauargyfercwynion a phryderon

Croesawnawgrymiadau a beirniadaethadeiladolganrieni/ofalwyr a phlanti’nhelpuigynnaldarpariaeth o ansawdduchel. Mae croesoichisiaradâ’ruwchweithiwrchwaraeoshoffechwneudunrhywawgrymiadau. O brydi’wgilydd, foddbynnag, gall rhiant/gofalwreichaelhi’nangenrheidioliddilyn y gweithdrefnaucwyno, y gwelircopïauohonyntynllawlyfr y teulu. Ceircopiynogystalganyruwchweithiwrchwarae.

Croesewirrhieniigysylltu ag AGGCC arunrhywadeg â phryderon, cwynionneuganmoliaeth. Gwelermanylion AGGCC isod

Trefniadauargyferymdopi ag argyfwng

Mae gan y clwbweithdrefnauargyfwngcynhwysfawr. Doir o hydifanylionllawlyfrrhieni, neuganyruwchweithiwrchwarae.

Adolygir a diweddarir y Datganiad o Ddibenhwn, ynghydâ’rhollbolisïau a gweithdrefnaufelbo’nangenrheidiol ac/neuynunol ag unrhywnewidiadaumewnrheoleiddiad, ac o leiafynflynyddol. Hysbysir AGGCC o unrhywnewidi’rgwasanaeth. Bydd y Clwbynhysbysurhieni/gofalwyr o unrhywnewidiadauibolisïau a gweithdrefnau’rclwb.

CSSIW North Wales Region

Welsh Government office


Llandudno Junction

LL31 9RZ

0300 7900 126

Reviewed November 17 / WediAdolyguTachwedd 17

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