Glasgow’s Improvement Challenge 2015 – 2020
Cluster Improvement Plan
Establishment: / St. Denis’ Primary SchoolLIG Area: / NE LIG 2 St.Mungo’s Academy, Eastbank Academy, WhitehillAcademy and St.Roch’sSecondary Learning Communities
Cluster: / St. Denis’ Primary, St. Michael’s Primary, St. Thomas’ Primary, Haghill Park Primary, St. Anne’s Primary
Cluster focus: / Numeracy
Session: / 2015/2016
Head of Establishment: / Louise Mackie / Date: / 11th September 2015Glasgow’s Improvement Challenge representative: / Michelle Fletcher / Date: / 11th September 2015
QI / Priority / Expected outcomes for learners which are measurable or observable
5.3 / To continue to develop the curriculum in line with Curriculum for Excellence and to continue to raise the attainment and achievement of children in Numeracy. /
- Children experience effective teaching and learning tasks which are linked to the appropriate Experiences Outcomes.
- Improved attainment in Numeracy & mental agility.
- Pupils experience a broader and more comprehensive Numeracy and Maths curriculum through the progression pathway.
- Increased active learning and mental maths experiences in Numeracy for pupils.
- Varied learning experiences, including Outdoor Learning, in Numeracy which provides opportunities for ‘Challenge’ and ‘Application’.
- Pupils more engaged in learning and able to discuss their learning.
Tasks to achieve priority / Timescale
and checkpoints / Those involved – including partners / Resources and staff development
To introduce a Numeracy Tracking system for each child from P1 - 7 and to devise a new format for recording results to clearly highlight pupils who require support and pupils who require challenge. / October 2015 / Ms Fletcher (PT)
Class Teachers
HT / Feedback from teaching staff with regard to new trackingsystem.
MALT results collated in June 2015.
Progression Pathway – using Overview of Learning in Numeracy.
To meet with teaching staff individually and discuss pupils to support and challenge.
Group Plans to be created for Class ASL File. / October 2015 / Ms Fletcher (PT)
Class Teachers
DHT / Professional dialogue with staff regarding children who require support and children who are achieving more.
SMART targets to be recorded on Group Plans – Class ASL File.
Staff familiarise themselves with Numeracy Tracking – Overview of Learning.
To revise the structure of ‘The Good Lesson’ in all Numeracy and Maths inputs. / October – December 2015 / Ms Fletcher (PT)
Class Teachers
DHT / Class Teachers revisit ‘The Good Lesson’ approach focussing on effective questioning, thinking skills and effective plenary.
Staff peer visits and peer shadowing.
To introduce a weekly Mental Maths Challenge to promote Challenge and Application of learning in Numeracy. / October – December 2015 / Ms Fletcher (PT)
Class Teachers
Pupils / Staff work together, led by Ms Fletcher, to discuss teaching & learning approaches to active learning and mental maths activities.
Staff peer visits and peer shadowing.
To devise and implement new learning experiences in Active Maths linked to Outdoor Learning in Numeracy across the school. / January – June 2016 / Ms Fletcher (PT)
Class Teachers
Pupils / Class Teacher’s Forward Plans, weekly plans and evaluations for Active Numeracy, Mental Maths and Mental Maths Challenge.
Class Teachers team teaching with PT & DHT.
Class Observations / Learning Walks by SMT.
Planning for assessment and evaluation, and Sharing of Standards in Numeracy and Mathematics. / January – June 2016 / Ms Fletcher (PT)
Class Teachers
Pupils / Class Teachers have the opportunity to collegiately plan, deliver, assess and evaluate Active Numeracy and Mental Maths lessons.
Class Observations and opportunities for professional dialogue, within stages, in Numeracy and Maths. / October 2015
– June 2016 / Ms Fletcher (PT)
Class Teachers
HT / Class Observations / Learning Walks by SMT.
Staff peer visits and peer shadowing.
Jotter Monitoring / Tracking Numeracy.
Numeracy Tracking – Overview of Learning evidence to be completed & collated for each child in Class Files. / November 2015, March 2016 & June 2016 / Ms Fletcher (PT)
Class Teachers / Individual tracking documents to be completed in November 2015, March 2016 & June 2016 for each child.
Pupil progress monitored by CT & SMT.
Termly monitoring of ASL Files and Group Plan evaluations and next steps. / December 2015, March 2016 & June 2016 / Ms Fletcher (PT)
Class Teachers
DHT / ASL File Group Plans, evaluations and next steps in learning for children who require support with their learning and children who are achieving more than the expected results.
MALT assessment to be administered to Pupils in P1-7 and measure improvement in attainment. / April 2016 – June 2016 / Ms Fletcher (PT)
Class Teachers
DHT / MALT Assessment results.
Evidence of Impact
- Monitoring of Forward Plans and weekly plans will demonstrate planning of quality learning experiences in Numeracy and Mental Maths which incorporate challenge and application of learning.
- Tracking Numeracy progression through ‘Overview of Learning’ paperwork in November 2015, March 2016 & June 2016.
- Learning conversations will provide pupils’ opportunities to discuss and give feedback on their learning experiences in Numeracy and Maths.
- Classroom observations by SMT and peervisits will provide opportunities for professional dialogue.
- Team teaching will provide moderation opportunities and the opportunity for professional dialogue.
- Monitoring Maths jotters/ Learning Logs / Personal Learning Plans will provide evidence of pupils’ attainment and improvement.
- MALT Maths analysis tracking will provide evidence of pupils’ attainment and improvement.
- Tracking & ASL Meetings will provide opportunities to discuss Summative and Formative assessments information used in Numeracy and Mental Maths to ensure all pupils including ASN pupils and pupils who are achieving more are meeting their targets.
- Through professional dialogue and moderation activities there will be a shared understanding of standards and expectations in Planning, Assessment, Evaluation and Skills Development in Numeracy and Mathematics.