Entry Guidelines

  1. The ClubGolf Junior Club of the Year Award is part of the Scottish Golf Awards and is open to all ClubGolf affiliated golf clubs and golf facilities in Scotland.
  2. The Award will be made in recognition of activity carried out by the club or facility and its committee, volunteer coaches and PGA professional during the calendar year January to December 2015.
  3. Clubs and facilities can nominate themselves for the awards while members and/or parents can also nominate their club or facility.
  4. Scottish Golf Regional Club Development Officers will also have the opportunity to nominate clubs or facilities in their region.
  5. The closing date for nominations is 5pm on Friday 29 January 2016.
  6. The judging panel will consider each nomination against the criteria below:
  • Evidence of exceptional performance and achievement
  • Demonstration of increased participation or junior membership
  • Implementation of new and innovative ideas
  • Engagement with local schools and community
  • Encouragement of family golf at your club or facility
  1. We will accept nominations using the application form below with typed content or in video format if the club wishes to use film to capture their nomination.Written entries should be no longer than 750 words while videos should not exceed 5 minutes in length.
  2. The judging panel will meet the week after the closing date to determine a shortlist of four clubs or facilities, to be announced in early February.
  3. Two representatives from each of the four shortlisted clubs or facilities will be invited to attend the Scottish Golf Awards, to be held on Friday 11 March at the Edinburgh Corn Exchange, as guests of ClubGolf.
  4. The overall winner will be determined by a combination of the judging panel’s votes and an online vote, to be promoted via the Scottish Golf website.
  5. The overall winner will receive a grant of £1,500 from Scottish Golf to be invested into the club or facility’s junior golf programme. Each of the three runner-up clubs or facilities will receive a grant of £500.
  6. The overall winner will be announced at the Scottish Golf Awards and the club or facility’s representatives will be invited on stage to be presented with their award.
  7. The four shortlisted clubs or facilities will be promoted by Scottish Golf and ClubGolf to highlight their success and achievement in national and local media, as well as the Scottish Golf and ClubGolf websites.
  8. The judging panel’s decision is final.

For further information please contact:


T: 01334 466477

A: ClubGolf Junior Club of the Year Awards| Scottish Golf |The Duke’s | St Andrews | KY16 8NX

Or visit:

To complete the nomination form, please follow the four simple steps below:

Step 1:fill in the details of the nominated club/facility
Step 2:select your entry category
Step 3: tell us why your club should be considered under your chosen category
Step 4:check the form and return it via: or by post to:

ClubGolf Junior Club of the Year Awards| Scottish Golf |The Duke’s | St Andrews | KY16 8NX

Please completeall the boxes below to enable us to contact you regarding your nomination
Name of club/facility
Phone number (club/facility)
Primary contact name
Position held at club/facility
Phone number (personal)
Email address
Date of entry
Please select one or more of the categories below which best fits your nomination. This is to help focus your application form however your club or facility may have an application which meets one or more criteria.
Increasedmembership and/or participation
Improved coaching programme
Improved facilities for juniors
School and community engagement
Welcoming environment for families
Complete the following section with evidence to support your club/facility’s nomination. Remember you can submit a video entry but please ensure your video includes information or content based on the content below. If you are submitting a video, please complete sections 1 and 2 of the form.
Your nomination will be judged over the calendar year starting 1st January 2015 to 1st December 2015and we encourage you to consider the following criteria when completing your nomination:
  • Evidence of exceptional performance and achievement(What has made 2015 an exceptional year? How successful have you been against your goals? Is there a particular achievement which stands out?)
  • Demonstration of increased participation or junior membership (A major increase in junior membership numbers or a significant jump in those taking part in your coaching as a result of new activities or running your programme differently)
  • Implementation of new and innovative ideas(A new idea which has made a real difference, something unique which makes your club stand out, a fresh approach to your programme which has made a positive impact, new coaching initiatives)
  • Engagement with your local community(reaching out to the local community to broaden your appeal and widen your audience, collaboration with other sports clubs or local partners, positive local media coverage, closer working with schools network)
  • Encouragement of family golf at your club or facility(integration with your club or facility’s Get into Golf programme, attracting new adult members through parents/guardians of ClubGolfers, increased focus on the family environment in your clubhouse)

Name of Club/Facility
Please tell us in no more than 750 words why your club/facility deserves to be ClubGolf Junior Club of the Year 2015.

Continued on next page


Please return your form via e-mail:r by post to:

ClubGolf Junior Club of the Year Awards| Scottish Golf |The Duke’s | St Andrews | KY16 8NX

Keep up-to-date with the latest news on the Scottish Golf Awards at, at or on Twitter @ScottishGolf using the hashtag #ScotGolfAwards