Applications for sabbatical leave, as well as all accompanying documents, must be received by the Office of Academic Affairs, your department chair, and the Office of Off-Campus Programs or Divisional Dean when applicable, by 4:30 p.m. on August 15. (If August 15 falls on a weekend, applications and documents are due the Monday after August 15.)

All applications must be typed and submitted electronically from your Bethel e-mail to Submission from your Bethel e-mail serves as your signature.

When preparing your application, please save and name your application as follows: SabbAppLASTNAMEYEAR OF SABBATICAL (Example: SabbAppLOPEZ2015-2016)

*** Due date: August 15 by 4:30 p.m. (or the Monday after August 15 if the 15th falls on a weekend. ***

Name Department: Position

Date of application

Category of Sabbatical Leave Being Requested (Check one):

Full year at half-salary

Half year at full salary Fall Spring

Half year at half salary Fall Spring

(Eligible after 6 semesters of full time service.)

Dates of Proposed Leave

Will your leave involve international travel? Yes No


Write a clear, 100-200 word summary of your sabbatical project for the broader university audience:


1. Objectives of Proposed Sabbatical:

2. Description of planned activities, including location and schedule:

3. Evidence you will provide that the objectives of the proposed sabbatical have been accomplished:

4. Expected benefits of proposed project to Bethel University (its students, your department or division, other faculty, and/or the institution as a whole):

5. Potential benefits of the proposed project beyond Bethel University:

6. Relationship of proposed project to your past and future professional growth and development:

7. Status of arrangements for the planned activities:

8. Courses usually taught by applicant during term(s) of proposed sabbatical leave. Please provide course numbers and names.

9. Other information that may be helpful to the committee when reviewing your sabbatical application:

Other important materials and procedures for applying for sabbatical:

·  Include an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae

·  Provide a copy of your sabbatical application to your department chair.

·  Provide a copy of your sabbatical application to the chair of other department(s) affected by your project or by your teaching load.

·  Provide a copy of your sabbatical application to Dean of Off-Campus Programs if proposed project is related to development of, or change to an off-campus course or program.

·  Provide copies of communication with outside agencies when appropriate.

I agree to the terms of employment associated with a sabbatical leave of absence as printed in COMMUNITY COMMITMENTS, and specifically agree that:

1. I will return to full-time employment for one full year following the academic year of this sabbatical leave.

2. I will not engage in remunerative employment or entrepreneurial activity during the period of this sabbatical leave without prior written approval of the Vice President and Dean.

3. I will report to, and request approval of the Vice President and Dean for any significant revisions in sabbatical plans, prior to and during the time of the leave.

4. I will complete a sabbatical report that consists of a written report and might also include a videotaped interview.

Signature ______Date ______

Revised May 2014