Club Leadership Training for Rotary Foundation “Future Vision”
For Rotary Club Leaders
Major changes are occurring at The Rotary Foundation that affect the methods by which programs get funded. These changes are collectively called Future Vision and they will affect how your club will participate in many of the programs now funded by the Rotary Foundation, starting in July 2010. Examples of these programs (using current terminology) – Group Study Exchange, Ambassadorial Scholarships, District Simplified Grants, Matching Grants. Districts and clubs will have more control and flexibility on how past donations to the Foundation now can be used. There are many exciting and empowering aspects to this Future Vision but it will also come with more responsibilities for us.
TRF requires District and Club Leadership to attend training sessions and sign a legal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) before they are eligible to participate in these programs. In the coming year our clubs in District 5360 will have access to US$180,000 for local and international projects and programs. Individual Clubs will be able to access this funding or participate in the programs only if they “qualify” and sign a Memorandum of Understanding. Clubs that have signed the MOU will be able to apply for funding after April 1, 2010. The District Grants Committee has been asked to put on a training session for club leadership to prepare Presidents-Elect to sign the MOU at PETS in late March or shortly thereafter. Every Club should plan to have several representatives at this training session. TRF requires that Rotarians be trained in advance of signing the Club MOU which from this year forward will be an annual requirement. This high level training will be most appropriate for club leadership - President, President Elect, Foundation Committee Chair, International Director, and Community Director – but others may also attend if space permits. Sessions will be less than 3 hours long and will take place in major centres within the District. More in-depth and hands-on training will occur at our new District Grants Management Seminar scheduled for May 8th in Calgary.
To Register (or for information) please contact one of the following as soon as possible. Event locations are still being arranged and we will publicize the locations in late January.
Area / Training date / Time / Local contact / Email to Register/Seminar location / phone
Medicine Hat & Area / Feb. 6th
(Saturday) / 9 am / Karen Blewett /
Heritage Room Callaghan Inn / 403.548.7640
Red Deer & Area / Feb. 20th
(Saturday) / 9 am / Adele Poratto Mullen /
location TBA / 403.343.0067
Calgary & Area / Feb 27th
(Saturday) / 9 am / Walter Haessel / Gerry Darichuck /
location TBA / 403.266.2469
Lethbridge & Area / March 6th (Saturday) / 2 pm / Henning Muendel / Community Room
Lethbridge Public Library / 403.329.4746
If the date in your area is not possible for you, feel free to arrange attendance in another area by calling the appropriate contact. We are excited about the changes and see lots of great possibilities for our clubs interested in “Doing Good in the WORLD”.
On behalf of the District Grants Committee
Bob Wiens,
Club Leadership Training for Rotary Foundation “Future Vision”
Backgrounder for Grant Training Workshop on February 6, 2010
“Rotary International is totally revamping the way it carries out its international work. The Future Vision Plan, which can be reviewed on the RI website, is all about how we will use the resources of Rotary to carry out both International and Community projects. Gone are names such as Ambassadorial Scholarships, and GSE teams. The kind of work we have done in these areas in the past, now will be under our District’s and ultimately club control, and will be far more flexible.
In the Grants area, The Rotary Foundation has only two names now; Global and District. A large amount of money will be available to the District to carry out a wide range of programs. With Global Grants, which will be matching grants, we will be able to carry out large international project.
Since the change is extensive, and since we are one of the Districts piloting the new approach, it is necessary for us to fully understand what is expected of us. In fact, Rotary won’t allow a Club to become involved until it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
The training program we will have on Feb 6, 2010 is to help key Rotarians better understand the Future Vision plan, and to prepare for the signing of a Club MOU which will hopefully take place by March 30, so that a Club is in a position to access Rotary’s resources as of July 1, 2010.
President, PEs, International or World Community Service Director, and Community Projects Directors will all benefit from attending this half day seminar. Other Rotarians who are interested are also welcome.
Please set aside the morning of Feb 6 and register with Karen Blewett. The event will be held in the Heritage Room at the Callaghan Inn in Medicine Hat. Leadership for the event will include Garth Toombs (from the District WCS Committee), Neil Swensrude (the District Foundation Chair) and Karen Blewett.”
Check this link for a good quick description of FV.