Mr. Iannarelli

Core Chemistry

Class Syllabus 2017-2018

Course Description

-This course is a study of basic inorganic chemistry. Emphasis is on the experimental method, critical thinking, and scientific literacy. Concurrent enrollment in or completion of Geometry must occur before teacher recommendation is honored.

-Topics include:

·  The Scientific Method, Lab Procedures and Safety

·  Measurement, Precision and Significant Figures

·  Classification of Matter

·  Atomic Structure

·  The Periodic Table

·  Chemical Bonding

·  Chemical Nomenclature

·  Chemical Reactions

·  Stoichiometry

·  Kinetic-Molecular Theory

·  Energy and Thermochemistry

·  Gas Laws

·  Acids and Bases

·  Chemical Equilibrium

·  Oxidation/Reduction (Redox) Reactions

Required Materials

-Textbook: Chemistry: Matter and Change, 2005., Dingrando et al. (class set only— extras are available for checkout if needed)

-Everyday Items (come prepared; don’t be that guy or girl that falls behind!):

·  Composition Notebook for Laboratory Work

·  Three-Ring Binder or Folder for Handouts

·  Spiral Notebook

·  Scientific Calculator (does not have to be a graphing calculator)

·  Pencils/Pens


Grading Scale

·  90%-100% = A

·  80%-89% = B

·  70%-79% = C

·  60%-69% = D

·  <60% = F

-Semester grades will be calculated using the following formula:

80% (points earned/points possible for the semester) + 20% (final exam)

-Points will be awarded for assessments (tests) and lab work/assignments/quizzes (all one category; will appear as “daily work” in Infinite Campus). These categories will be weighted at 60% and 40% respectively.


-Any assignments given are due at the start of class the next day unless otherwise specified.


-TEST GRADES ARE FINAL. Students will be given one opportunity per semester to make corrections after a poor test performance. However, the highest possible grade on a corrected test is a 70%.

-Students absent with a legitimate excuse will be given one week from their return day to complete missed assignments, labs, and tests. It is the students’ responsibility to schedule make-up labs and tests. Class assignment and test schedules will be available on the class calendar online:

Class Policies:

·  Respect the teacher, each other and PHS property.

·  Come to class on time and prepared to learn.

·  Abide by all PHS guidelines for students.

·  Electronic devices such as cell phones may not be used in class unless instructor allows them for a specific learning activity (ex; taking a video of a demonstration). Phones will also be collected during all tests—NO EXCEPTIONS! Phones will be returned to students after tests are finished.

·  Comply with all safety rules, including no food or drink in class (water is acceptable).

Consequences for Violation of Rules:

·  Student will be warned and asked to change behavior; continued offenses will be referred to administration.

·  Students will immediately be removed from lab for unsafe behavior, given a zero grade for the lab, and referred to administration.

·  Prohibited electronic devices used in class will be confiscated for the duration of the class period and possibly taken to the office for parent pick-up.

·  Cheating and plagiarism will result in a zero score for the first offense and referral to administration. Further offenses can result in being dropped from the class with an F.

Teacher Contact

-I am readily reachable by e-mail. If you need to contact me by phone, please call the school and leave a message including your phone number and the best time outside of class to return your call.


-PHS phone: (480) 224-2982 x2982

-Class website:

-Tutoring is available Monday-Thursday after school in F212. It is the students’ responsibility to schedule a tutoring appointment. I can also come in before school if needed. I coach wrestling during the winter but will be available by appointment if other arrangements need to be made.

-If a student misses an assignment, check with me when you return or simply e-mail me; chances are I have an electronic copy. I also maintain a “miss a day?” wall in the back of the room with assignments updated weekly. Assignment files will not be posted on the class website.

-I will post extra resources on the class website from time to time (such as notes, links to videos, etc.). Be sure to check often!

Welcome to Core Chemistry! I look forward to meeting and working with all of you!