The Rotary Roundup March 2, 2006

The Rotary Club of CentralJohnstonCounty

PO Box 1843, Smithfield, NC27577 Club 25223 District 7710

Chartered March 29, 1988

Meets 12 noon each Thursday in Suite 1404 of the Johnston Medical Mall

2005-2006 Club Officers

Mark Hall - President Wingate Lassiter – Pres. Elect Chris Key-VP Elect Donna Shumate-Past Pres. Waiel Mohammad – Secretary Jeff Britt – Treasurer

Vicki White – Club Service Martin Tetreault – Community Service Neal Davis – Vocational Service Steve Gillikin – International Service

Chris Key – Sergeant–at-Arms Jim White – Foundation Chair Mark Ryan – Program Chair Garry Gavitt - Golf Classic Chair Vicki White-Editor

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Celebrations for March 2 – March 8


Garry Gavitt on Tuesday, March 7

Wedding Anniversaries

Oops- two oversights last week- Sorry

Mack and Lori Langdon on February 29! ??

Tim and Garnett Bartram yesterday on March 1

None this coming week

CJC Rotary Anniversaries

None this week

Today’s Program

March 2 Martin Tetreault RAD

Weekly Programs

See Mark Ryan to sign up.

March 9 Donna Shumate GSE Member- Dawanna Lewis

March 16Tony Parker Keith Beamon-JCS Accountability

March 23Garry Gavitt Golf Tournament

March 30 5:00pmBrewer/White Meal Expense to the Food Pantry

Vocational Moments Schedule

Share just 2-3minutes about your vocation/classification. If you cannot be present, please arrange to switch with someone.

March 2Steve Gillikin

March 9Ted Godwin

March16Willis Godwin

March 23Warren Grimes

March 30Michael Haines

Home Delivered Meals Schedule

Meet at the center a little before 11:00 on Fridays

March 3 Waiel MohamadDavid Neville

March 10 Tony ParkerPete Pate

March 17 CarltonPernellCal Robol

March 24 Mark RyanEric Sellers

March 31 Donna ShumateWillie Smith

Highlights of Last Week’s Meeting
February 23

Pres. Mark opened the meeting. Mark R. led us in a prayer and Eddie led the pledge. We sang “Happy Birthday” to both Mark R. and Wingate.


David N. had his wife Anne with him to help with the distribution of Girl Scout Cookies. Mark R. had his father, Bill with him. Ted G. brought Jason Hardy from the Smithfield branch of KS Bank. Betty and Everitt brought Trish Stewart.

Make Ups

Mack L. delivered meals last week. Landis had two makeups. Rotarians in attendance at the RAD Speech Contest held tonight included: David A., Jeff B., Landis B., Garry G., Ted G., Warren G., Mark H., Betty J., Everitt J., Martin T., Jim and Vicki W. We were delighted to see Joy C. (on a leave of absence through the end of the Rotary year) in attendance as one of the judges.


As mentioned in my earlier e-mail, Kim is now in intensive care at WakeMedHospital in Raleigh where she is recovering from surgery she had earlier in Wilson.

Vocational Minute

Garry moved to Smithfield from Cape Cod in 1990 to work as comptroller for the Carolina Pottery. In 1992 Landis sponsored him in Rotary. After changes in the ownership of the Pottery he was employed by the JC Memorial Hospital. He is Director of Accounting and Finance and as such is responsible for the hospital payroll, fixed assets and the project to build the new hospital.

Historical Moments

Wingate recently came across a 1924 highway map of North Carolina. At that time there were two major highways in JohnstonCounty and only one of which may have been paved. NC 22 was a forerunner of 301 and was paved in concrete for a width of 16 feet. NC 10 followed a path now taken by Hwy 70. During that period it took four hours to drive fromMoreheadCity to Smithfield and Murphy was only 16 hours from the coast!

Linwood reminded everyone of the District Conference to be held in Asheville on April 28,29 & 30. He and Betsy will be leaving after the golf tournament ends and are interested in a carpool. He also invited everyone to attend his Fish Fry for the Club on the evening of May 4, the first Thursday of May. He will have a signup sheet available closer to that date.

Garry reminded everyone that there are only 8 weeks left before the golf tournament on April 28. We have both a new Gold Level and a Tee sponsorship for $1800 so far. Everyone is encouraged to continue recruiting sponsorships.

Martin announced that the RAD speech contest would be held tonight at 7:00 pm in the auditorium at the Johnston Medical Mall. Attendance will count as a make up if needed.
Pres. Mark and Susan will be leaving early Saturday morning if someone would like to travel with them.
Today’s Program

Mark R. reminded us that February is our Rotary World Understanding Month and expressed his appreciation to Doctor Steve Landau for bringing us today’s guest speaker, Da Da Gopal. He is a monk from Bahli, India, and is visiting with Dr. Landau this week. He may be addressed as “Da Da”, a title of respect meaning “brother.” As a monk, he has dedicated his life to the teaching of meditation, spirituality, and service to the whole human family. He gave a brief summary of his beliefs. Human beings are composed of three aspects: the physical, the spiritual and the mental. The purpose of this life is to bring all into balance and to love God, the creator. He believes that we love God by loving all of his creation and through giving unselfish service. To serve without expectation of personal gain protects us from our ego. After the tsunami struck in December of 2004, he and his brotherhood responded immediately by collecting money and providing personal service. More recently, he had the opportunity to serve in Houston, Texas after Katrina struck our GulfCoast. He shared a touching story

of helping an elderly gentleman get some juice, fresh air and then find his bed among the thousands of displaced persons housed in the Houston coliseum. He closed stating: “We can not do true service without spirituality, nor can we be spiritual without service.” Reminds us of our motto: “Service Above Self” Thanks, Mark, for bringing us this thought provoking program.

Closing of Meeting

The blue CART bucket was passed around. Chances for our weekly drawing have reverted to $1.00 per ticket. As before, winnings are split between the Rotary Foundation and the person who draws the Ace of Spades.There is now over $315 in the pot now since Eric drew the queen of spades.

The meeting was closed with the “Four Way Test” led by Everett.


Current CJC Membership is 49!

69% attended last week, February 23, 2006

15 Members Were Missed

Chuck BrewerJoy Callahan (LOA)

Pete Connet (mkup-Smithfield club)Ed Croom

Teresa DaughtrySteve Gilligan

Michael Haines 14Chris Johnson

Chris Key (mkup brd) Kim McCullers (hospital)

Waiel Mohamad Pete Pate

Cal Robol Donna Shumate

Woody Wilkinson

25 Had Perfect Attendance in February

Includes makeups I know about.

Please let me know if I missed yours!

David ArnnJeff Britt

Landis BullockPete Connet

Richard DaughtryNeal Davis

Claud DunnJohn Dunn

Garry GavittWillis Godwin

Warren GrimesMark Hall

Betty JonesEveritt Jones

Chris KeyMack Langdon

Wingate LassiterTony Parker

Mark RyanWillie Smith

Martin TetreaultJim White

Vicki WhiteBarbara Williford

Ronnie Wrenn

If you have not yet picked up your personalized notebook with our current Membership Roster inside, please do so.

Sergeant-at-Arms, Chris Key, has yours at the entrance table.