CLS Strategic Planning Committee
Agenda – Oct. 15, 2015
235 Morris, 2:30 – 3:35 p.m.
Members: Karolyn Bald, Sheri Craig, Rob Dixon, Linda Dickmeyer, Andrew Ives, Kathryn Parker, Terence Smith, Peter Stovall, Jörg Vianden
Consultant: Charles Martin-Stanley
Excused: Rob Dixon, Linda Dickmeyer, and Charles Martin-Stanley
I.Sharing of Data, Results, Reports for Transparency
A.Google Site
1.Maripat showed us Google Sites
2.Need to play with program
a.See if it can allow people to comment
b.Don’t want to inundate everyone with update emails
B.CLS Website –
1.Link to Google sites?
2.How much can we edit/add information versus having Jake Speers do the editing/adding?
C.All in agreement to use what is best after testing – Jörg and Maripat
II.Finalize SWOT Summary
A.Kate will do the final proof of the summary
B.Once sent out (no later than Monday at 5:00) and if she hasn’t heard from anyone by Wednesday noon, she will assume it is good to go
III.Data Collection
A.Department Visits
1.Communication Studies - Linda, Karolyn and Terry
a.Tuition reimbursement/family break
b.Little perks to help keep faculty
2.Psychology – Rob and Sheri
a.Many of the same ideas as SWOT and Communication Studies
b.Long list of priorities
3.Take notes from meetings and give one or two priorities at the top of the page before listing of ideas
4.We are hitting more department meetings than we originally thought - some are not scheduled until December
B.Community leader to help promote CLS
1) Have been given no incentive
2) Have been given no direction
IV.Which groups to collect more information from
A.Undergraduate CLS Senators - Jörg- Food
B.Humanities group as an outreach - Kate is a member of this group.
C.Chamber of Commerce – Karolyn
D.The Rotary – Terry
E.UPS - Sheri - Brown Lunch Meeting – Food
F.TRAC Focus Group – Peter
G.Administrators - Dean’s Council –Jörg
H.Grad Students - Andrew –Food
I.Student Affairs –Jörg
V.Questions to ask other groups
A.Possibly revamp questions for “internal” smaller groups based on how questions were answered at Department meetings
1.What is your perception of CLS students?
2.What is your perception of liberal arts?
3.How well do we/can we communicate the value of a liberal arts education?
B.Tentative “External” Group questions
1.What are ways UWL and your business can collaborate?
2.When you hear“UWL” what do you think?
3.When you hear “CLS liberal arts and science” what do you think
4.When you hear“College of Liberal Arts” what do you think?
Sheri Craig