University of FloridaCampus Planning and Construction Management Division

PPDUTILITIES / Facilities Turnover & Final Billing Request

1 / initiate by FPC Project Manager / 4 / forward toPPD Energy ManagementOffice for action
Date: / TO: / Nainan Desai / P: (813) 974-2488 / PPD Energy Management
From: / FPC PM Name / / F: (813) 974-3199 / OPM 110 / PO Box 7500
VIA: / CM/GC PM Name / ☐ E-mail / ☐ FAX / ☐ Campus Mail
Project No. and Name:
CM/General Contractor:
Building Number:
Building Occupant:
Occupant Contact Person:
Effective date: / SC Date
2 / request by CM / General Contractor
Request for Utilities / Facilities Turnover:
This project has been determined to be substantially complete. Final meter readingswere witnessed by PPD by close of Effective Dateand documented on MDS (Meter Data Sheet). Utility services should now be billed to the building Occupant, and the Project billing cycle should be stopped. All required PPD maintenance and building services support should begin on effective date. The prepared Meter Data Sheets for all meters are attached for PPD use and preparation of the final project billing. The following utilities for the building are hereby turned over to PPD.
☐ /


/ ☐ /

Potable Water

/ ☐ /

Housekeeping Service

☐ / Security/Access / ☐ / Sanitary Sewer / ☐ / Elevator / Escalators
☐ / Data Storage / ☐ / Hot Water (domestic) / ☐ / Grounds Maintenance
☐ / Natural gas / ☐ / Hot Water (BTU) / ☐ / Solid Waste Service
☐ / Gray Water / ☐ / Chilled Water (BTU) / ☐ /

Unless noted below, all grounds and building maintenance should begin on the effective date.

(Effective date is contract Substantial Completion date- only one SC date applies regardless of phased occupancy)

Exceptions: / None.
Temporary Electrical & Telephone services to the construction trailer.
Date: / CM/ GC Project Manager:
3 / endorsement by FPC Project Manager
FPC Project Manager Approval for Utilities / Facilities Turnover:
Please complete the PPD Work Orders for the following tasks on the Effective date.
☐ / Disconnect all applicable temporary utilities (see exception listed above).
☐ / Verify the meter data sheets for all permanent meters
☐ / Read and record meter readings.
☐ / Provide final billing to the FPC Project Manager.
Date: / FPC Project Manager:
5 / acceptance by USF PPD
Facilities described above are accepted for USF PPD operations and maintenance services.
Date: / USF PPD

Copy:FPC PM(when Item 1-5 are completed, PPD Energy Management provide copy to FPC PM)


File:PMG-24A PPD Utility Turnover.docx