How to make a

Clothes Peg Fairy

Difficulty: 2

You will need:

·  1 x Dolly Peg (cat no. 209902)

·  Pieces of Craft Fabric or Nylon Net (cat no. 209388 or 209039)

·  Length of wool or Yarn (cat no. 209958)

·  1 x Tinsel Pipecleaner (cat no. 204151)

·  Length of Ribbon (cat no. 209912) or metallic thread

·  Glue (e.g. cat no. 701608)

·  Felt tip pen

·  Old CD to use as a template

How to make your Fairy

1.  Begin by cutting a circle from Craft Fabric or Nylon Net. We used Nylon Net in two colours and used an old CD as a template. This forms the fairy’s dress.

2.  Fold the circle of fabric in half and cut a slit approximately 5mm long in the centre. When you open the circle out you will have a slit roughly 1cm long. Push the circle over the head of the Dolly Peg. Hopefully, it will be a fairly tight fit.

3.  Gather the Fabric or Net at the fairy’s waist and tie with Ribbon or thread to secure.

4.  Put a dab of glue on top of the fairy’s head and attach a length of wool or Yarn to make the fairy’s hair. Pull out some strands of the wool or Yarn to create a more realistic representation of flowing hair.

5.  Next, take the Tinsel Pipecleaner and fold it into a butterfly shape as shown in the diagram. Fold the ends back over the top wings to secure. Glue the wings to the fairy’s back. Set aside to dry.

6.  When the glue is dry, use a felt tip to draw a face onto your fairy. She is now ready to grace a bough of the Christmas tree or festive table.

©Copyright Hampshire County Council 2012