
Brussels, 14 September 2007

The new EU-US Atlantis programme: paving the way for innovative transatlantic university degrees

One year after the signature of the new eight-year EU-US education agreement, the European Commission is launching jointly with the US authorities 14 new transatlantic cooperation projects. The European Commission will invest a total of €3.8million in these projects, an amount that will be matched by the US authorities. Their purpose is to foster transatlantic academic cooperation through innovative student exchanges resulting in double degrees, joint curriculum development, and policy studies.

Ján Figel', European Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Youth, said "the Atlantis programme is a tangible example of the fruits of our cooperation with our American partners". He added: "Atlantis gives renewed impetus to the process of innovation in higher education, an objective that the Commission believes to be highly important for our efforts to encourage university reform. Furthermore, Atlantis will help promote mutual understanding between the EU and the USA, by allowing hundreds of European and American students to spend between one and three semesters on the other side of the Atlantic with full academic recognition of that period of study abroad."

The Atlantis programme seeks to encourage an innovative and sustainable range of student-centred activities, in both higher education and vocational education and training, and between different regions of the European Union and the United States. In particular, the programme's transatlantic exchanges help students in the USA and the EU acquire the skills they will need to meet the challenges of the global knowledge-based economy. With innovative courses and degree structures, such as joint or double degrees, students participating in these transatlantic exchanges will gain the knowledge, professional skills and language capabilities that are becoming essential to successfully participate in the modern workforce and meet the social challenges of the 21st century.

This year, the European Commission will be investing €3.8million for 14 new projects that were selected from a total of 56 funding applications. The selected projects comprise:

  • eight Transatlantic Degrees. These are joint or double Bachelor's or Master's degrees;
  • two Excellence in Mobility projects. These are projects that are similar to the EU's Erasmus university exchange programme, and which focus on curriculum development with student mobility for one academic term; and
  • four Policy Oriented Actionsaimed atenhancing transatlantic collaboration through studies, seminars, working groups, and benchmarking exercises that address comparative higher education and vocational training issues.

The US Department of Education will provide equivalent funding for the US partner schools. The joint selection process was conducted by the Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) on behalf of the European Commission, and by the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) on behalf of the US Department of Education.

In total, the selected projects cover 32 European institutions from 12 Member States and 22 American institutions. The most-represented Member States are Germany, UK, Italy, Spain and Sweden[1]. The fourteen grants will support 380 students in two-way transatlantic exchanges with full recognition by the home institution of the studies undertaken abroad. Of these, 284 students will be funded by the Transatlantic Degree action, spending a full academic year on the other side of the Atlantic and receiving, upon successful completion of their study programme, a joint or a double degree from one university in Europe and one in the United States.

Since the inception of the programme in 1995, 136 projects have been funded involving close to 400 European universities and vocational training institutions and an equal number of institutions in the USA. To date, over 4000 students have participated in this programme in two-way exchanges.

This year's applications were reviewed by independent experts in Europe and the United States according to established joint guidelines. Highlights from the Transatlantic Degree projects include double bachelor degrees in geosciences, urban planning, and information management. Dual master degrees include programs in mechanics, and materials and electronic engineering. Under the Policy Oriented actions, highlights include a study to map existing transatlantic dual/double degree programmes, and projects addressing applied research in gender equity and entrepreneurship education.

The number of funding applications under the Atlantis programme in 2007 was 40% higher than in 2006. The results of the 2007 call for proposals confirm the growing interest for the programme and especially for the new format of Transatlantic joint/double degrees.

For further information please see:

Annex: EU-US Joint selection 2007 – List of selected projects.


Application no.TD-136081 / Dual Bachelor of Science Degree in International Field Geosciences
Project Summary: This project will develop and implement an innovative dual B.Sc. degree programme in Geosciences that focuses on field-based learning in an international setting, while also including substantial training in allied sciences, language, and culture. The programme will be centered on the different natural geosciences laboratories already used by each partner and will take advantage of complimentary in-house research facilities operated by each. This programme builds on the strength of existing institutional relationships, geosciences curriculum, and complementary research facilities among all three consortium partners. The project is expected to mobilize 48 students (24 from each side) and 24 faculty.
EU funding:€ 408.000
EU lead institution:
EU Project coordinator:
Institute of Geosciences
tel.: 49-(0)331-9775811

EU partner institutions:
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE CORK, IE / US lead institution:
The University of Montana
US Project coordinator:
Marc Hendrix
Department of Geosciences

Application no.TD-136145 / IBIM - International Bachelor's in Information Management
Project Summary: This undergraduate dual degree project includes a four-year program leading to B.Sc degrees from Bentley College (USA), and either Tilburg University (Netherlands) or DeustoUniversity (Spain). This integrated program of study in international management of information technology utilizes unique strengths and strategic interests of all three schools. In addition to the program of study leading to the two diplomas, the institutions offer extensive cultural opportunities. U.S. students gain Dutch and Spanish proficiency Faculty teaching residencies will support synergistic teaching and publication. The IBIM projects will prepare students to become effective managers at the interface between Information Systems and business functions in aninternational business environment.
EU funding:€ 408.000
EU lead institution:
TilburgUniversity, NL
EU Project coordinator:
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
tel.: 31/13/4663020 or +31/13/4662178

EU partner institutions:
University of Duesto, ES / US lead institution:
US Project coordinator:
Nader Asgary
BentleyCollege, CroninInternationalCenter

Application no.TD-136178 / Urban regeneration in globalising cities : a transatlantic undergraduate planning programme
Project Summary: This undergraduate dual degree programme focuses on a course of study that provides students with foundation skills for critical analysis on topics of contemporary, cross-national urban planning and regeneration. Students will spend one year abroad during the four-year course of study. The exchanges will also develop the programme of study through workshop activities involving faculty from the three universities. Graduates of the programme will be able to make effective contributions to the sustainable development of communities and connect global processes to local policy agendas.
EU funding:€ 408.000
EU lead institution:
The University of the West of England, Bristol, UK
EU Project coordinator:
Cities Research Centre
tel.: +44 (0) 117 328 3045

EU partner institutions:
Polytechnic of Milan, IT / US lead institution:
University of Illinois at Chicago
US Project coordinator:
Prof. Raffaella Nanetti
University of Illinois at ChicagoCollege of Urban Planning and Public Affairs

Application no.TD-136278 / A Transatlantic Dual Degree Programme in Nursing
Project Summary: This undergraduate dual degree project will be the first of its kind—a dual degree in nursing. There is a need for international recognition of nursing education to facilitate efficient emigration of nurses. International collaboration will play a key role in improving health care education and addressing critical issues in the worldwide nursing workforce. This project will support the expansion of an existing collaborative partnership to provide transatlantic dual-degrees. The objectives of the programme are to prepare a culturally competent international nursing workforce, create mechanisms for the exchange of undergraduate students majoring in nursing, to develop a dual-degree model and to share evidence-based practice standards for education that cross international boundaries.
EU funding:€ 408.000
EU lead institution:
SemmelweisUniversity, HU
EU Project coordinator:
Egészségügyi Főiskolai Kar
tel.: + 36-1-486-5910

EU partner institutions:
LaureaUniversity of Applied Sciences, FI / US lead institution:
US Project coordinator:
Marie Theresa O’Toole
NazarethCollege, Department of Nursing

Application no.TD-136308 / Transatlantic Double Bachelor in Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering
Project Summary: This undergraduate dual degree project focuses on the disciplines of materials science and mechanical engineering. The programme is based on a common programme of study that is developed and delivered jointly by the three universities. It also includes a well-integrated language training and cultural experience programme. The outcomes of the project will be the enhancement of undergraduate materials science and mechanical engineering education delivered with an integrated joint programme of study, a multilingual-multicultural-engineer profile for enhanced opportunities for future education and employment possibilities, and a significant advantage for EU-U.S. cooperation.
EU funding:€ 408.000
EU lead institution:
Saarland University, DE
EU Project coordinator:
Materials Science and Engineering
tel.: +49 / 681-3023208

EU partner institutions:
LuleåUniversity of Technology, SE / US lead institution:
US Project coordinator:
William Warnes
OregonStateUniversity, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Application no.TD-136351 / CIRT: Consortium for Intercultural Reflective Teachers
Project Summary: This undergraduate dual degree programme will prepare intercultural reflective public school teachers through a 2-year transatlantic programme that emphasizes inclusion and differentiated instruction, citizenship and multicultural education, language learning, and pedagogy and didactics. Cohorts of U.S. and EU students will begin the programme each fall semester in studying the first year at EU partners, then a second year at PennState to finish an integrated sequence of education courses and field experiences and earn dual baccalaureate degrees in a total of four years. Consortia faculty will travel to each partner school to develop and implement the curricula and collaborate on evaluation research and dissemination.
EU funding:€ 408.000
EU lead institution:
JönköpingUniversity Foundation, SE
EU Project coordinator:
School of Education and Communication
tel.: +46-36-101494

EU partner institutions:
University of Chichester, UK / US lead institution:
US Project coordinator:
Jamie Myers
PennStateUniversity, College of Education

Application no.TD-136358 / ATLAS - Atlantic masters in electrical-computer engineering and computer science
Project Summary: This graduate programme will offer dual-degree MS programmes that will build on existing dual-degree agreements between the participating universities and their respective departments to provide new pathways for students to participate in dual-degree programmes in Electrical Computer Engineering and Computer Science. Students will learn important skills with training in foreign culture, language, and professional activities.
EU funding:€ 408.000
EU lead institution:
University of Trento, IT
EU Project coordinator:
Department of Information and Communication Technology
tel.: +39 0461 88 3972

EU partner institutions:
MunichUniversity of Technology, DE
POLITECNICO DI TORINO, IT / US lead institution:
Georgia Institute of Technology
US Project coordinator:
Michael McCracken
Georgia Tech, College of Computing

Application no.TD-136384 / EMME: EU-US Transatlantic Degree Program in Engineering Mechanics/Materials Engineering
Project Summary: This dual graduate programme will develop a transatlantic dual master's programme in Engineering Mechanics/Materials Engineering. This programme builds on the existing strengths of each institution, providing students with an exceptional educational experience with an extremely strong multicultural, international component. Students will be able to study on all three campuses (including one year abroad) and obtain two degrees in two years, a Master's degree in Engineering Mechanics from the U.S. and a Master in Materials Engineering from either of the two EU schools. Both degrees currently exist and can be obtained by students in the regular programme at the respective institutions.
EU funding:€ 408.000
EU lead institution:
Université de Rouen, FR
EU Project coordinator:
Prof.Jean MarcSAITER
Department of Physic
tel.: 33 (0)2 32 95 50 85

EU partner institutions:
LuleaUniversity of Technology, SE / US lead institution:
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
US Project coordinator:
David Allen
University of Nebraska, College of Engineering

Application no.POM-136152 / TESEVERO: Benchmarking Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Education in EU and US
Project Summary: This policy project aims is to analyze the current configuration of academic programmes and activities carried out to promote entrepreneurship in the U.S. and in Europe. The case of Silicon Valley in the U.S. and that of the EU’s outermost regions, specifically the Canary Islands and Madeira will be specifically addressed. To achieve this, the characteristics of entrepreneurship education and activities in the EU’s outermost regions and in Silicon Valley will be identified and its results benchmarked. Other excellence entrepreneurship education programmes in the U.S. and the EU will also be taken in to consideration. The project will propose a set of policy recommendations on the entrepreneurship education that will be disseminated through the participant institutions in both continents.
EU funding:€ 50.000
EU lead institution:
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, ES
EU Project coordinator:
Departamento de Economía y Dirección de Empresas
tel.: +34928458958

EU partner institutions:
University of Madeira, PT / US lead institution:
University of San Francisco
US Project coordinator:
Dr. Carlos S. Baradello
University of San Francisco, School of Business

US partner institutions:
University of Santa Clara
Application no.POM-136282 / Developing the Nursing Capacity for Global Healthcare Leadership
Project Summary: This policy project focuses on the unparalleled opportunities for higher education institutions that provide nursing education to address some of the critical issues facing global healthcare systems. The changing landscape in healthcare, prompted by demographic shifts, increased population mobility, and rapid advances in medical science and technology requires a concerted effort to develop nurse leaders capable of collaborating on an international scale. There are insufficient global nurse leaders prepared to address the demands of complex international health policies and practice trends. Nursing faculty from four universities will work collaboratively in the United States and the European Union to develop a curriculum, learning experiences, and leadership-focused outcomes that address health care issues of global concern.
EU funding:€ 50.000
EU lead institution:
University of Southampton, UK
EU Project coordinator:
School of Nursing and Midwifery
tel.: +44 23 8059 8524

EU partner institutions:
Alice Salomon Fachhochschule Berlin, DE / US lead institution:
University of Washington
US Project coordinator:
Brenda Zierler
University of Washington, School of Nursing

US partner institutions:
Application no.POM-136395 / Transatlantic Degree Programs (TDP) Inventory project
Project Summary: The policy project will develop and launch a multi-tiered online survey of U.S. and European higher education institutions to assess the number and types of existing transatlantic linkages. In addition, the project will include a Transatlantic Degree Programmes (TDP) manual that will serve as a key resource to institutions in Europe and the United States. Finally, the project will also focus on strategies for disseminating the survey findings and TDP Manual.
EU funding:€ 49.953
EU lead institution:
Free University BerlinDE,
EU Project coordinator:
John F. Kennedy Institute, Free University Berlin
tel.: +49-(0)30-838-52-474

EU partner institutions:
Latvian Rectors' Council, LT
Franco German University, DE / US lead institution:
Instistute of International Education
US Project coordinator:
Daniel Obst
Membership and Higher Education Services

US partner institutions:
The StateUniversity of New York System Administration (SUNY)
Application no.POM-136451 / TARGET - Transnational Applied Research in Gender Equity Training
Project Summary: This policy project will draw on the expertise of EU and U.S. faculty to develop evaluation criteria for gender mainstreaming training. It will focus on area studies experts to compare third-country training to that conducted within the EU, identify context-specific differences in training needs, and enhance the focus on intersectional inequalities. The project will also conduct expert workshops to identify best practices in regard to content, methodology and curriculum standards, and disseminate databases of expertise and best practices to policy makers and academic programmes.
EU funding:€ 49925,45
EU lead institution:
MadridComplutenseUniversity, ES
EU Project coordinator:
Departamento de Ciencia Politica y de la Administracion II
tel.: +34-91-3942624

EU partner institutions:
RadboudUniversity, Nijmegen, NL
HumboldtUniversity of Belin, DE / US lead institution:
University of Wisconsin-Madison
US Project coordinator:
Myra Marx Ferree
University of Wisconsin, Department of Women’s Studies

US partner institutions:
Northeastern University, US
Application no.EIM-136276 / DETECT - Design Entrepreneurship Technology Engineering Collaboration Transatlantic Project
Project Summary: This mobility project is a collaboration of four engineering, design and technology education institutions addressing a 21st century global imperative; namely that innovative Engineering & Technology will be done by multidisciplinary knowledge integration in a collaborative, cross-cultural, global, and digital environment. The project will develop a suite of sustainable innovative international learning contexts and institutionalize a full semester student exchange.
EU funding:€ 180.000
EU lead institution:
DublinInstitute of Technology, IE
EU Project coordinator:
School of Control Systems and Electrical Engineering
tel.: 00353 1 4024729

EU partner institutions:
Hochschule Darmstadt, University of Applied Science, DE / US lead institution:
US Project coordinator:
Robert Herrick
Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology Department

US partner institutions:
The PennsylvaniaStateUniversity
Application no.EIM-136413 / ICACE - International Cooperation in Ambient Computing Education
Project Summary: This mobility project aims to develop multidisciplinary skills in the next generation of computer science workers. As computer systems become ever more ubiquitous and are sold globally, there is a corresponding increase in the need to raise up a new workforce with top technical skills and knowledge as well as a broader multidisciplinary perspective with multicultural understanding. The project aims to inject multidisciplinary skills into the current computing curriculum, fosterunderstanding of other cultures by means of exchanges, and directly influences curriculum development in the partner institutions. This will be carried out by integration of the project in the programmes and curricula of the institutions and by dissemination via workshops.
EU funding:€180.000
EU lead institution:
University of Sunderland, UK
EU Project coordinator:
School of Computing & Technology
tel.: +44 191 515 3629

EU partner institutions:
FernUniverstät in Hagen, DE
University of Algarve, PT / US lead institution:
US Project coordinator:
Emrah Orhun
TroyUniversity, Computer Science Department

US partner institutions:
San DiegoState Univ
University of Arkansas at Little Rock