/ Asha for Education
Houston Chapter
P.O. Box # 420659
Houston, TX77042-0659

October 10, 2018


Every year, Asha for Education's online fundraiser Work an Hour ( raises money for schools and educational projects in India. Work an Hour is a symbolic gesture of contributing one hour of your pay towards these projects.

This year we have 12 projects that highlight Asha's unique methodology of working on socio-economic issues in India. On behalf of Asha for Education I would like to register our group for receiving matching donations from your company during Work an Hour – between July 4th and Sept 5th 2006.

Asha for Education is organized under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law for charitable purposes. We have a federal tax-exempt status under IRS Code Section 501(C)(3) and our Federal Employee Identification number is 77-0459884.

Asha represents hope for many children and our objective is to convert this hope into reality. Our goals are:

Support educational and literacy projects in India

Promote awareness of social issues associated with illiteracy and poverty in India

Collaborate with other non-profit organizations for providing wider support.

I am enclosing the following documents which will help your office to process future matching gift application.

Basic information on our group - “Asha for Education”

Fact sheet of projects supported by

A copy of the 501(C)(3) approval letter

I invite you to visit us on our web page at for more information. You may also write us at our mailing address mentioned above. I thank you and hope that we will receive your support in the future.


Ruhi Surendran

(for WAH 2006 Team)

/ Asha for Education
Houston Chapter
P.O. Box # 420659
Houston, TX77042-0659

Who are we?

We are a group of professionals and students.

What is our aim?

We work towards socio-economic change in India. We believe that illiteracy is a major handicap for the poor. We hope to help them build a brighter future for themselves and for India through basic education and vocational training.

How do we achieve it?

We collect tax deductible contributions from supporters in the United States to fund educational projects run by voluntary groups in all parts of India. Projects are chosen with care, and typically visited by an Asha member before the decision to support them is made. Since Asha is run entirely by volunteers, we have no operational costs, and contributions go entirely towards supporting projects.

How you can help...

Your matching gift along with the original donation will help give children an opportunity they might otherwise not have. Even a small dollar amount, at current exchange rates, will go a long way towards making a difference in a child's life.

For more information...

Chapters of Asha exist in a number of American cities. To find out more please visit our web site at

Thank you,

Members of WAH 2006 Team