January 2013
CobbCountySchool District
School Counseling Program
Counseling Core CurriculumAction Plan
School: Sope Creek Elementary School / School Year: 2013-14Counselor(s) and Other Participants (include names and titles):Jennifer Frederick, Sara Jane Lombardi, Claire Murphy
Topic of Counseling Core Curriculum: "Increasing Kindness, and Reducing Aggressive Conflicts and Teacher-Mediated Disputes in Grades K-5"
ASCA Domain(s), Standard(s), and Competency: Personal Social Development Domain: Standard A: Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes and skills to help them understand and respect self and others; Standard B: Students will make decisions, set goals, and take necessary action to achieve goals.
Competencies:PS:A1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10; PS:A2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7; PS:B1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7
Grade Level(s): K-5
Number of Lessons to be Delivered? 5-9 lessons
Location (in what class or subject):All classes in grades K-5
Start and End Dates: August, 2013-March, 2014
Process Data (number of students to be affected): 1160
Curriculum and Materials Needed:
Botvin, G. Botvin LIfeskills Training. NY:National Health Promotion Associates, 2009.
Braun, E. Trust Me, Jack's Beanstalk Stinks. MN:Picture Window Books, 2012.
Burch, R.G. You Can Count on Me. CA: Creative Teaching Press, 2002.
Cain, J. The Way I Feel. WA:Parenting Press, 2000.
Derolf, S., et al.The Crayon Box That Talked. NY:Random House, 1997.
Haan, A. I Call My Hand Gentle. NY:Penguin Group, 2003.
Hallinan, P.K. Rainbow of Friends. IN:Ideals Children's Books, 2005.
Harrison, J. & Breeding, K. Connected and Respected. MA:ESR Publishing, 2007.
Hennessey, B.G. & Hiroe Nakata. Malaysia:Candlewick Press, 2005.
Hudson, C.W. Hands Can. China:Candlewick Press, 2003.
Mariotti, M. Hanimations. NY:Kane/Miller Publishers, 1989.
McCain, B.R. Nobody Knew What to Do. IL:Albert Whitman and Company, 2001.
Otoshi, K. One. China:KO Kids Books, 2008.
Parr, T. It's Okay to be Different. NY:Little Brown and Companyh, 2001.
Portis, A. Not a Box. NY:Harper Collins, 2007.
Ransom, J. Don't Squeal Unless It's a Big Deal. DC: Magination Press, 2006.
Schmidt, F., et al. Peacemaking Skills for Little Kids. MIami:Peace Education Foundation, 1997.
Scieszke, J. The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. NY:Scholastic, 1989.
Seskin, S. Don't Laugh at Me. Toronto:Tricycle Press, 2002.
Stover, J.A. What If Everybody Did? USA:1960.
Verdick, E. Words Are Not For Hurting. MN:Free Spirit Publishing, 2004.
Vigliano, A. Being a Good Citizen. Il:Heinemann Library, 2010
Wallace, N.E. The Kindness Quilt. China. Marshall Cavendish Corporation, 2006.
Content and Purpose
Lesson Content and Activities (what specifically will be covered):Sope Creek's School Counseling Core Curriculum Action Plan will involve teaching 5-9 lessons in every classroom grades K-5 to address our school goal of a safe and nurturing learning environment. This curriculum will include appreciating individual differences, undertanding varying points of view, the nature of conflict, conflict-resolution skills, and increasing knowledge about kindness and bystand responsibilities.
Goal: Reduce by 40% the number of office discipline referrals for serious conflicts; reduce by 30%the number of teacher-mediated disputes; increase by 10% student perception of, and knowledge about, kindness and safety in our school, and increase by 10% teacher perception of the level of kindness shown in their classrooms and throughout the school.
Intended Student Outcome: Students will be able to utilize conflict resolution strategies and experience an increase in perception about the level of kindness and safety in our school.
Data Collection
What type of perception data (changes in attitude, skills, and/or knowledge) will you measure? Pre/Post perception data from students and teachers
What type of outcome data (achievement, attendance, and/or behavior) will the lesson impact? Number of serious office referrals for conflicts between students and teacher-mediated disputes
How will you determine if the delivery of the curriculum was successful? By analyzing post perception and behavior data, we will be able to determine if the curriculum has a causal link to improved behavior and perception of kindness and safety at our school.