Iowa Mission of Mercy

Questions and Answers

1. What is the Iowa Mission of Mercy (Iowa MOM)?

The Iowa MOM is a two-day free dental clinic for any child or adult that needs dental services, regardless of previous dental history.

2. When and where is this free dental clinic?

The clinic is Friday, November 18, and Saturday, November 19, 2011 at the Tyson Events Center, 401 Gordon Drive, Sioux City, IA. The clinic opens at 7:00 a.m. and closes when we have reached our capacity that day. Patients are seen on a first-come, first-served basis, and we strongly encourage you to come early.

3. How does the clinic work?

The clinic will be staffed with hundreds of volunteers from throughout the state of Iowa, including licensed dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants. As you or your family enters the Tyson Events Center, volunteers will register you, take basic health history, and then direct you to the appropriate area. There are no qualifications (except possible health issues) to take advantage of the clinic services.

4. What dental services will be offered?

Depending on your need, services may include cleanings, extractions, fillings, a limited number of root canals, and a limited number of “flipper” partials. Unfortunately, the Iowa MOM is not able to provide crowns, dentures, or bridges. You and your attending dentist will decide the appropriate service that best fits your circumstances. An individual’s most severe problem will be given first priority. Services will be administered on a first-come, first- served basis.

5. It is difficult for me to walk – will there be help available?

Yes – wheelchairs and those with special needs will be accommodated as best as possible. Interpreters will also be available.

6. Will child care be available while an adult is being served?

Limited child care will be available for those not able to care for their small children while services are being provided. We strongly urge adults to bring other responsible adults to care for young children, if possible.

7. Should I be prepared for long waits for services?

We expect to serve 1,000 or more patients. Although it is our goal to be efficient with service delivery, it may not be unreasonable to expect to spend several hours receiving services, depending on the severity of the dental problem. We hope to serve as many patients as possible within the two-day period.

8. Where do I park?

Free parking is available in the patient parking designated areas at the Tyson Events Center.

9. This clinic is free – how can that be?

The Iowa Dental Foundation, realizing that dental services are not financially feasible for many Iowans, has organized and fundraised for this event. It is the fourth such clinic ever conducted in the state of Iowa.