Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Closed Session 6:00 P.M.Open Session 6:30 P.M

Meeting Location: Argonaut High School, 501 Argonaut Lane, Jackson, CA 95642

NOTE: If you need a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services to participate in the public meeting, please contact the Superintendent’s Office at 209-257-5353 at least 24 hours before the scheduled Board meeting. {Government Code §54954.2} [Americans with Disabilities Act of 1900, §202.]

NOTE: A copy of the Board agenda and backup materials is available for inspection and review at Amador County Office of Education, 217 Rex Ave., Jackson, CA during regular business hours. In addition, this agenda has been posted on the Amador County Unified School District Website at An audio recording of the Board Meeting is made.



[X]Bob Laurent – Board President

[X]Kandi Thompson – Board Clerk

[X]Rose Oneto

[X]Susan Ross

[X]Janet White

3.0Roll taken by the Secretary to the Governing Board.

4.0VISITOR COMMENTS on Closed Session Only

No visitor comments were made.

6.0Recess – 10 minutes



The pledge of allegiance was led by Argonaut High School student Miles Tomczak 6:35


Both closed session items, 2016/2017-17 and 2016/2017-18 were approved.

Board Member Rossmoved to approve 2016/2017-17 and 2016/2017-18. Board Member White seconded the motion.

Motion Passed 5-0.


No changes were made to the agenda.

Board Member White moved to approve the current agenda. Board Member Thompson seconded the motion.

Motion passed 5-0.


Anyone may address the Board regarding any item that is within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction. NOTE: If you wish to address the Board please complete a speaker card and give it to the Board clerk. This part of the Board’s meeting is set aside for members of the public requesting to address the Board on general items which are not agenda items calendared for action, which are not first readings listed in the agenda, and are not items previously referred to committee and not yet returned to the Board for action. A speaker is limited to three (3) minutes. This agenda item will be limited to twenty (20) minutes. Anyone whose name remains on the speakers list at the end of the allotted time will be granted time at the end of the regular meeting. The Board will not discuss or take action on an item introduced during this portion of the agenda, as this would constitute an illegal act on the part of the Board.

Lisa Varwig, Paula Romo and Nicki Silvera, teachers and parents/members of the PTO at Jackson Elementary School, expressed concern about the play structures and student safety. They would like the play structures to be safe and accessible to all of the students. Quotes and a proposal for improved playground equipment were provided to the Board.


12.1Spotlight on Schools –Argonaut High School (Mr. Vicari)

This Spotlight on Schools presentation featured Argonaut High School, with Principal Kelly Hunkins. The presentation provided an overview of Argonaut High School’s unique attributes and accomplishments. A video presentation was shared. ASB president Hannah Gonzalvesand student AdamCranfill introduced Mrs. Hunkins who talked about the school’s accomplishments and the wellness program. She shared that Argonaut has become a data driven school and provided relevant student achievement data. Hannah Gonzalves spoke about inclusion, the approachable staff, and introduced athletic director Mr. Hunkins who described the Five Star Program. Makenna Cabri spoke about being a student athlete and how student athletes are students first.

12.2Presentation to Block A Recipients (Mr. Vicari)

12.2aRyan Albiani – Argonaut High School Block “A” Letter for Community Service.

12.2bTyler Anderson – Amador High School Block “A” Letter for Community Service.

12.2cMakenna Cabri – Argonaut High School Block “A” and Pin for Community Service.

12.2dMcKenna Seyboldt – Amador High School Block “A” for Community Service.

12.2eMichaela Zysman – Amador High School Block “A” and Pin for Community Service.

12.2fJacob Crocker – Amador High School Block “A” for Community Service.

12.2gSheila Poore – Amador High School Block “A” and Pin for Community Service.

12.2hAbbagailNeele – Argonaut High School Block “A” for Community Service.

12.2iGabriella Dehn – Amador High School Block “A” for Community Service.

12.2jAlex Ramirez – Argonaut High School Block “A” for Community Service.

12.2kEmma Daily – Amador High School Block “A” for Community Service.

12.2lVanessa Kristoffersen – Amador High School Block “A” for Community Service.

12.2mJohn (Cole) Hermanson – Amador High School Block “A” for Community Service.

12.2nZoey Peters – Amador High School Block “A” for Community Service.

12.2oBrook Fossen – Argonaut High School Block “A” for Community Service.

Mr. Vicari presented Block “A” and Community Service Pins to students that attended the board meeting.


The Board of Trustees received these items under separate cover as an addendum. Public copy available during regular Board meeting and on the district website at

Board Member Oneto moved to approve the consent agenda. Board Member Thompson seconded the motion.

Motion Passed 5-0.


13.1aBoard Meeting – February 8, 2017

13.2Business (Mr. Zearley)

13.2aWarrants issued between January 27, 2017 and February 9, 2017, $929,673.26.

13.3Personnel (Mr. Vicari)

13.3aCoaches Hired – Action (Mr. Vicari)

Board Member Thompson asked about the winter coaches on the agenda. Coaches are already working and will received their stipends at the end of the year.

13.4Curriculum (Ms. Greiten)

13.4aRSDSS, Region 6

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1065 Section 1117, requires each state to establish a statewide system of intensive and sustained support and improvement for local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools receiving Title I funds to increase the opportunity for all students served by agencies and schools to meet the State’s academic content standards and student academic achievement standards. This federal requirement was codified in State law through Assembly Bill 312 (Chapter 1020, Statutes 2002), a trailer bill to the 2002 Budget Act for California, which established a Statewide System of School support (S4) designed to support the requirements of the ESEA. See also California Education Code Section 52059.

13.4bMemorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Sacramento County Office of Education -

The Sacramento County Office of Education (SCOE) and CAERC (the Capital Adult Education regional Consortium) is providing each of the Adult Education Block Grant members (AEBG) more funding to improve data and accountability for its members. ACUSD is an AEBG member and will receive additional funding, retroactively, as a result of this addendum. The period of this addendum is from July 1, 2016 to December 31, 2017.


13.5aSutter Creek Primary received school supplies from Safeway in Jackson.

13.5bJackson Elementary, PE department received a check for $856.89 from Motivate 5K fun run/walk.

13.5cSutter Creek Primary received school supplies from Mr. Mike Sigman.


13.6aSMART Lamp

13.6bNon-Fiction Library books – out of date


Public comments regarding Discussion/Action Items will be addressed during the Discussion/Action agenda items.Anyonemay address the Board regarding any item that is within the Board’s subject matter jurisdiction. NOTE: If you wish to addressthe Board please complete a speaker card and give it to the Board clerk. A speaker is limited to three (3) minutes.

14.1Student Board Members –Discussion/Action (Mr. Vicari)

In an effort to (a) engage students and hear their perspectives on issues and decisions that could affect them, and (b) support student leadership and related college and career readiness, Board President Laurent request discussion by the Board to consider involvement of high school student board members in the governance team process. Mr. Vicari provided background information and a recommendation to consider student board members. Board Member Oneto asked if the student board members would be able to vote. Mr. Vicari stated yes they would be able to vote but not be counted. President Laurent stated that in other districts, student board members would vote first and then the governing board would take that voting into consideration.Members had further discussion. President Laurent and Board Member Thompson volunteered to be on a Board subcommittee to further develop the Board Policy and bring it back to the Board for approval.

14.2Governance Handbook–First Reading – Discussion (Dr. Slavensky)

At the October 12, 2016 governance team training workshop, the Board gave direction to form a Governance Handbook Ad hoc Committee. The committee members were Amy Slavensky, Kandi Thompson, Susan Ross, Mary Walser, Frank Porter, and Teri Crain. The Governance Handbook Ad Hoc Committee met on October 19, 2016 and November 3, 2016. The committee developed a Draft Governance Handbook which was placed on the Board agenda as a first reading at the January 11, 2017 Board workshop. Board President Laurent requested that a first reading be held again at the January 25, 2017 regularly scheduled Board meeting to address any further considerations to the Draft Governance Handbook after the CSBA Board Policy Workshop held on January 18, 19, & 20, 2017. Dr. Slavensky noted the edits and revisions in the draft. Board Member Ross said she appreciated some of the changes that were made. Board Member White said she was satisfied with the revisions. Board Member Oneto said that she thought a great job was done. Board Member Thompson verified the requested changes had been completed. President Laurent said there needs to be more clarification about Board research (page 10) and suggested an edit on page 11. President Laurent suggested the Governance Handbook be accepted as the first reading with the minor changes.Board Member Ross moved to accept the Governance Handbook as a first reading. Board Member Oneto seconded the motion.Motion Passed 5-0.

14.3Positive Public Relations and Communication Video Project Options –Discussion/Action(Dr. Slavensky)

At the January 25, 2017 Board of Trustees meeting the Board directed the Superintendent to do additional research and provide options to support positive public relations, community outreach, and communications regarding the work of the school district. This agenda item is in response to this direction. Additionally, it is anticipated that strategic and professional use of video communication may increase enrollment over time by attracting students and families from nearby counties through advertisement of new, high quality programs such as full-day kindergarten, career technical education (CTE), adult education (AE), science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), etc. Dr. Slavensky stated that the Argonaut students presented a wonderful video message at the meeting, pointed out the four options for the Board’s consideration, and recommended option 3. Board Member Ross asked if option 3 would allow high schools students to go to other sites and work with the professionals. Dr. Slavensky noted the students would have that opportunity. Board Member Oneto had questions regarding the cost. Dr. Slavensky stated that Trinette Marquis-Hobbs would use some of her previously approved contracted hours to support this project. Board Member Thompson asked about the amount of hours and time needed for our students and said she would like to see a sample of what the students could do. Board President Laurent asked Argonaut High School students LoLoMatanitobua and Ben Hayes their opinion. Ben thought the teacher they have is enough for Argonaut. Dr. Slavensky was very thankful for the student input and she also pointed out that this is short term to try it out.Board Member Thompson moved to approve option 3. Board Member Oneto seconded the motion. Motion passed 5-0.

14.4Agreement for Consultant Services: Leadership Associates – Action (Dr. Slavensky)

Leadership Associates is the firm the Board of Trustees approved and used for the 2016 superintendent search and the 2016-17 three-part governance team training workshop series. During one of the workshops, the Board agreed to utilize the services of Leadership Associates for the facilitation of the Superintendent’s first year evaluation process. The first contract proposal in this Board item is for these services; the second contract is for executive advisement services.Dr. Slavensky explained the purpose of the contracts. Board Member Ross moved to approve both contracts. Board Member White seconded the motion.Motion Passed 5-0.

14.5Resolution Regarding Declaration of EmergencyConditions at Amador and Argonaut High School Fields(Mr. Zearley)

Excessive rains during January and February 2017 have created unsafe and unusable conditions at both stadium fields. The field areas have eroded beyond repair and need to be immediately replaced. Not having usable fields at both high schools seriously impacts daily physical education activities, as well as athletic practices and events. It is estimated that the repairs will take two to three months to complete. Mr. Zearley explained the resolution and asked the Board to approve it in order to expedite the repair of the fields. Board Member Ross asked if approving the resolution means they can start work right away. Mr. Zearley said they would be able to begin the work as soon as the weather allows. Board Member Oneto requested that the Board be informed when the work begins and suggested that the field at Ione Junior High School also be repaired and used. Mr. Zearley stated the Ione field was not set to be a competitive field, but is due to have some summertime work. Board Member Thompson asked if they approve the emergency resolution, does that mean the Board doesn’t get to see a plan. Mr. Zearley said he would bring back a plan for the Board to see.President Laurent requested that when a contract is chosen that it be emailed to the Board. He also asked about using artificial field turf.Board Member Thompson moved to approve the resolution. Board Member Ross seconded the motion.Motion Passed 5-0.


15.1LCAP Update – Part 2 (Ms. Greiten)

Based on the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), which was passed in 2013, California has a new accountability system that is based on multiple measures. These measures are used to determine local educational agency (LEA) and school progress toward meeting the needs of their students. The measures are based on factors that contribute to a quality education, including high school graduation rates, college/career readiness, student test scores, English learner (EL) progress, suspension rates, and parent engagement.

This new accountability system replaces the former Academic Performance Index (API) system. The new system, also called the Dashboard, will become public in March 2017. Board Member Ross appreciated the presentation and would like to see more information. Board Member Thompson thanked Ms. Greiten for the presentation and updates. President Laurent asked a question regarding graduation rates being lower from previous years. Ms. Greiten said the data is from the California Department of Education’s (CDE) Data Quest system. President Laurent expressed a concern about accurate data. Board Member Thompson is concerned about why ACUSD data is lower than the state averages.

President Laurent called for a five minute recess.8:30

15.2Report from Superintendent (Dr. Slavensky)

Dr. Slavensky thanked Mrs. Hunkins and staff for hosting the Board meeting tonight, and expressed that she enjoyed seeing all the students and their work. Dr. Slavensky shared she has been a member of the Association for California School Administrators (ACSA) for many years and remains involved. Most recently,ACSA Region 7 of the Motherlode Area hosted a meeting at the ACUSD district office for which she was the keynote speaker. Dr. Slavensky also shared she attended the ACSA Superintendents’ Symposium recently and networked and collaborated with other superintendents from throughout the state. Dr. Slavensky reported that she is continuing to visit school sites on a regular basis and recently facilitated coaching visits at Argonaut High School, Sutter Creek Elementary School, and Ione Elementary School.

15.3Amador County Recreation Agency Report (ACRA) (Board Member Oneto)

Nothing to report at this time.

15.4Reports and Requests from Board Members8:45

Board Member Oneto thanked Mrs. Hunkins and Argonaut High School for everything they have done to prepare for the Board meeting. Board Member Thompson said she had the opportunity to visit Amador High School on a Board Walk and enjoyed it very much even though the electricity was out.President Laurent asked about rumors about old busses being used and the newer ones sitting in the yard. Mr. Zearley stated that director of transportation Doug Green decides which busses are sent on which routes and that there are no current maintenance problems. President Laurent would like to have a report from the transportation department and a report about Advanced Placement (AP) courses.