Sarah Chiodetto (chair)

Mary Gatherer (T&R - nursing)

Gillian Ironside (MPA)

Lorraine Jackson (T&R – nursing)


  1. To have a named Chair or co-Chairs.
  2. To meet at least three times a year, to undertake the work required and ensure its progress.
  3. To prepare an agenda for each meeting and brief minutes/action points of the meeting.
  4. To provide these minutes/points to the Clerk of the School’s GEG.
  5. To draw-up a project plan to complete each annual cycle of work within the required time frame, for the next three years.
  6. To collate and review the number of support staff within the School, by gradeand gender, annually in January1reporting to GEG in May of each year.
  7. To review the staff survey prior to roll out (next survey scheduled for Nov 2017), to ensure suitability for support staff, and ensure that results from these staff can be reported separately to those of the academic/research staff.
  8. To encourage support staff to compete the staff survey.
  9. To report the training available for support staff, and uptake by gender e.g. equality and diversity, unconscious bias, management, leadership, P&DR, any internal workshops, other training. Report how staff are kept up-to-date about training, and how effectiveness is monitored and developed.- this is a requirement for silver
  10. To report the support given to support on career development.-this is a requirement for silver
  11. To review the induction processes and materials for staff within the School, and update these where needed specifically for support staff (in collaboration with the Induction working group).
  12. Monitor the uptake of induction by new support staff and review its effectiveness (in collaboration with induction working group).
  13. To report the support provided to staff before, during and on returning from maternity leave (in collaboration with mat/pat/par leave working group).
  14. To collate and review the data on maternity return rates of staff, and the proportion remaining in post 6,12, and 18 months after returning1 (in collaboration with mat/pat/par leave working group).
  15. To report on the number of support staff who work part-time after a career break to transition back to full-time roles, applications and success.-this is requirement for silver
  16. Identify support staff contributing to
  17. School committees,
  18. University committees.
  19. To provide a written report updating on these actions, and any others the working group has identified and acted upon, with recommendations to the clerkof the School’s GEG, in Decemberof each year.

Data to be provided centrally in January of each year; 2. Data to be provided centrally in February of each year; 3. Data to be provided centrally in March of each year; 4. data to be provided centrally in April of each year; 5. Data to be collected locally; 6. New action