Elko County Board of Commissioners


Sheri Eklund-Brown

John Ellison

Charlie Myers

Mike Nannini

Warren Russell Elko County Manager Robert K. Stokes


COUNTY OF ELKO. ) ss. JULY 23, 2008

The Board of Elko County Commissioners met on Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 7:00 a.m., in the George Boucher Administration Building at 569 Court Street, Elko, Nevada; in the George Delong Home in Midas, Nevada at 10:00 a.m.; in the Tuscarora Pottery School, Tuscarora, Nevada at 2:00 p.m.; in the Mountain City Community Hall, Mountain City, Nevada at 4:30 p.m.

There were present: County Commissioners Mike Nannini, Chair

John Ellison

Charlie Myers

Sheri Eklund-Brown

ABSENT Warren Russell

Elko Co. Manager Robert Stokes

Deputy District Attorney Kristin McQueary

Deputy County Clerk Marilyn Tipton

Road Supervisor Otis Tipton

Planning & Zoning Dept. Randy Brown

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The proceedings were as follows:


Chairman Nannini called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m.

Commissioner Russell was not present at this meeting.


No public comments were submitted.


Parcel Map Waiver Request:

Maridek LLC and Spring Creek Utilities:

Discussion and consideration of the approval of a request for a waiver of the Parcel Map requirement for a 3.33-acre parcel of land to be transferred in fee title to Spring Creek Utilities for the construction and operation of a one million gallon water storage tank and all other matters related thereto.

Randy Brown explained a conditional use permit was granted to Maridek LLC and Spring Creek Utilities for a water tank and storage facility. Staff recommended the waiver of the parcel map.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown disclosed that she had four parcels listed in that area which would benefit from that water tank. Therefore, Commissioner Eklund-Brown abstained from voting.

Commissioner Ellison asked for clarification why it was a waiver of a parcel map. Randy Brown explained there would be no parceling now but it would be better to encompass the tank now on an existing parcel. He noted that the remainder of the parcel would remain as open space with conditional use.

MOTION: Commissioner Myers moved to approve the request for waiver of parcel map. Commissioner Ellison seconded the motion. Commissioner Eklund-Brown abstained. The motion was approved by majority vote.



Pursuant to Notice No. 24-2008, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS – INVITATION TO BIDS, bids were received and opened on July 16, 2008. Pursuant to bid review and tabulation results, consider awarding the bid to the lowest responsive/responsible bidder.

Highway Chairman Myers called the Board to order at 7:05 a.m. and adjourned the Highway Board at 7:06 a.m.


A.  Presentation and review of claims for approval.

MOTION: Commissioner Myers moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Ellison seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.


Commissioner Eklund-Brown stated the LS power plant was requesting letters of support from White Pine County this week and suggested that be upon their agenda during the first week of August.

Commissioner Nannini stated the City of Wells was having a gas war and it was at $3.95 per gallon of gas.

Cash Minor stated North Dakota and Colorado’s gas prices were lower than those in Nevada were, without the gas wars.

Commissioner Myers asked about the Montello Fire Department. Robert Stokes stated they had an interim Fire Chief and this would be addressed at the August 7th meeting.

Otis Tipton reported they were having busted gas caps on their equipment out in the field and they were stealing the fuel.

Chairman Nannini called a recess at 7:13 a.m.

The meeting was recessed and the Board of Commissioners traveled to Midas, Nevada to reconvene at the George Delong home across the street from the Midas Fire Station beginning at 10:00 a.m.


Chairman Nannini called the meeting to order at 10: 02 a.m.


Commissioner Ellison led the meeting participants in the Pledge of Allegiance.


The commissioners and staff introduced themselves to the meeting participants. Commissioner Nannini informed them that Commissioner Russell was not present today.


A.  Midas School Replacement Project:

Discussion and report on the efforts to replace the historic Midas School Building and all other matters related thereto.

Dan Bennett submitted a written letter regarding the project. He stated the Friends of Midas had asked an engineer, Terrance R. Tobey, of Reno to design an all steel structure-canopy. He stated it would be the same size of the school but it would an open-air canopy. Dan Bennett stated that within the next two weeks the engineer would meet with the County Building Department to discuss the preliminary design. Dan Bennett stated this was one of their three options.

Commissioner Ellison inquired if they qualified for CDBG grant funding for the engineering. Dan Bennett stated because of the costs they were looking at other options. He did not know about the application to CDBG. Dan Bennett noted it would be considered a public structure so it would have stricter building regulations. He stated they were advised to get a licensed structural engineer first and move forward with project.

Commissioner Ellison suggested they contact Lynn Forsberg to see if they would qualify for CDBG funding. Commissioner Nannini commented that Lynn Forsberg would retire August 29, 2008.

Ricarda Braatz asked if they had considered a permanent structure. Dan Bennett stated the engineer was looking at a design and what they could afford. Commissioner Eklund-Brown asked if they had insurance proceeds available. Dan Bennett replied $161,000 on the structure and $25,000 on the contents. He stated they were removing the foundation and would be starting from the ground up. Commissioner Nannini noted Commissioner Eklund-Brown was their representative and suggested coordination with her on this project.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown would like to get a school for the school age children of the ranchers and the miners. She noted that Newmont Mine was formally involved with previous school and they may be willing to donate or donate employees’ time toward a new school building. Dan Bennett commented that they had no funding to build or sustain the building. Commissioner Eklund-Brown asked if that would be a County building or a Friends of Midas Building. Commissioner Eklund-Brown explained that if they transferred the land to the County, the County could improve it through grants. Dan Bennett stated a contractor had suggested the transfer of ownership. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted a local architect had been working on the Tuscarora project and may help them. She reported that grant funding was obtained for the Tuscarora project and Queenstake had volunteered time and materials. Dan Bennett felt that the committee would consider the transfer of ownership.

B.  Financial Request:

Discussion and consideration of a request for financial support for a project to plant and irrigate trees in the Midas community and all other matters related thereto.

Dan Bennett found a program to plant trees on the property they leased from the County. He stated Gerald Miller had put together a sketch that could accommodate 30 to 40 quality trees and volunteered to help with some funding. Dan Bennett reviewed the various species of trees being considered for planting. He gave an overview of the scope of the project inclusive of irrigation, drip system and PVC piping with a cost estimate of $5,000 to $6,000. Dan Bennett stated the Big Horn Sheep Foundation would donate $1,000 and the Friends of Midas had also volunteered $1,000. He stated they received pledges from the Midas Water Co-Op and the Volunteer Fire Department. Dan Bennett asked that the County participate in the funding. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted the County had participated in other community projects and suggested a donation of $3,000 and then there was the possibly of receiving $500.00 each from the other donators.

MOTION: Commissioner Eklund-Brown moved to donate $3,000 from the contingency. Commissioner Nannini seconded the motion.

Cash Minor suggested that it be taken from the Community Services Fund.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown amended her motion to take the $3,000 from the Community Services Fund. Commissioner Nannini seconded the amendment. The motion passed unanimously.

Kristin McQueary suggested a follow-up resolution. Commissioner Eklund-Brown stated the County would collaborate with them on projects. She suggested that they get involved during the budget process. The board members explained to the meeting participants about the budget season and community representation during those sessions for future projects. Jerry Singleton stated most of the people in town had selected Dwayne Jackson to be their representative. Commissioner Eklund-Brown suggested that they form an advisory board for better representation.


General discussion regarding Midas streets and street issues.

Highway Chairman Myers assumed control of the meeting at 10:27 a.m. and adjourned the Highway Board at 10:40 a.m.


General update and discussion of water system matters as may apply to the Midas Community.

Gene Casci, resident manager of the Co-op, stated the water quality was excellent and they had performed the quarterly testing to comply with state regulations. Commissioner Ellison inquired about the installation of the last tank. Gene Casci stated the new tank was up but the old tank was still there. He reported that they had two different water wells and switched between the two to relieve the wells. Gene Casci stated the new well supported the community during the winter because the upper well freezes. Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if the old tank could be used for backup in case of fire. Gene Casci reported on the poor condition of the older tank and it was cut out of the system. Commissioner Ellison noted that the BLM yard was located below the community. Gene Casci stated they had fought the schoolhouse fire with the new tank. Commissioner Eklund-Brown felt they had potential for further growth in the Midas area and voiced concern if their water system could handle full build out. Gene Casci replied they had taken off the moratorium. They have 60,000 gallons but were using 30,000 gallons daily. Gene Casci stated traditionally the upstream well ran dry in the fall or would reduce water pressure. He questioned whether the new well could supply 200 more additional hookups. Gene Casci noted there were part-time residents in the community and felt if every lot was hooked-up it would tax the system. Kristin McQueary explained that the lot structure in the town was small old lots and they need multiple lots to put in a building because of setback requirements and to put in a septic system. She stated that because of the restrictions the total build-out would not match the total lots in the town. Gene Casci stated that they needed four lots to have an approved septic system.


Other Midas Community matters of interest including but not limited to, wildfire, insect infestations, solid waste disposal, law enforcement, recreation, utility services, streets or other issues for reporting and discussion that may be assigned to subsequent agendas for the Board of County Commissioners’ action.

Commissioner Eklund-Brown inquired if there was anything new on a possible school and about the total of school-aged children in the community. Jesse Braatz replied they do not have very many children. He commented that if they were going to build a building; he suggested they build one that they could use. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted they had been looking at using a ranch building. Ricarda Braatz inquired where the County stood regarding a school. Commissioner Eklund-Brown noted it would have to be a collaborative effort between Elko and Humboldt counties and they would have to collaborate with the ranchers and miners. She noted the biggest issue was finding an existing structure that passed a building inspector’s approval. Commissioner Myers did not feel the School District had a sufficient budget for another school at this time.

Commissioner Nannini asked about the crickets and the grasshoppers. Several residents replied they were not a big problem. Commissioner Nannini commented that they were in the Tuscarora area. Commissioner Ellison cautioned they might return to the area. He reported the state was baiting them at this time.

Jim Schennum voiced concern about the size of the brush pile by the dumpster and the upcoming brush remediation project scheduled through Nevada State Fire Council that might cause a fire hazard. Commissioner Eklund-Brown suggested that he contact the BLM or the Forest Service. Commissioner Ellison noted there was funding available for the brush removal but the agencies did not haul the brush. Jim Schennum asked how it would be removed from the dumpsite. Commissioner Ellison suggested they contact the Nevada Division of Forestry. Commissioner Myers suggested he speak to Lynn Forsberg. Jim Schennum commended the residents upon their cleaning of the lots of debris in preparation of the fire season.


Commissioner Nannini thanked them for their support over the past 16 years and informed them about the term limits.

Chairman Nannini called a recess at 10:55 P.M.

The meeting was recessed and the Board of Commissioners traveled to Tuscarora, Nevada to reconvene at the Tuscarora Pottery School beginning at 2:00 p.m.


Chairman Nannini called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m.


No public comments were submitted.


Water System:

Operational report on the water system and all matters relating thereto.

Laura Moore reported they had placed a bully barn over the pump for winter protection. She stated that they were having water pressure problems. Ron Arthaud stated Jerry Johnson turns the pump switch on manually and it had been an ongoing problem for a year and a half.


Discussion and consideration of issues related to the SHPO grant project to renovate the building including Commissioner approval to solicit bids funded by the 2007 grant monies and all other matters related thereto.