BSBPMG510A Manage projects
Activity 1: Workplace activities
Research the answers to these questions in your own workplace. You can check your answers against the guidelines on the last page, but naturally your answers will vary depending on your workplace.
For background information on these questions go to the reading for this topic.
- How are team members identified and chosen in your workplace?
- What team development will you use with your project team?
- Have you worked in teams before? What made that experience successful or unsuccessful? How much of that was due to the management of the team by the project manager or team leader?
- What control mechanisms would you put in place for your project?
- Identify the kind of information that will be useful in your project reports.
Check your answers
Question 1
Talk to other people who have been involved in projects within your workplace and ask them how they chose or were chosen to be part of a project team. Find out about whether job descriptions and skill lists were developed, whether places were advertised and if formal interviews were conducted.
Question 2
You will need to look at the skills, knowledge and attitudes of your team and identify any additional skills that need to be developed. You may also need to obtain knowledge or change attitudes to get your project completed as planned.
Question 3
List all those items that were good and bad from a past project or team activity and who was responsible for each item; think about what could have been done differently to improve the project process.
Question 4
Controls might include project reports at set intervals, such as daily or weekly progress, timeline updates, budget monitoring, supplier monitoring etc.
Question 5
Your answer will depend on the nature of your project and your stakeholders. If you don’t have a model to use, start by including information on the following topics in relation to your project:
· accomplishments
· work to be completed
· problems (issues) encountered
· scope change requests
· newly identified risks
· useful observations.
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