HTTOHS300A: Contribute to OHS processes
Raise OHS issues in accordance with organisation procedures
Share information on safe work practices and work procedures with members of the work group 3
Safe working procedures 3
Safety signs and symbols 3
Training 4
Check the OHS practices of less experienced members of the workgroup 5
Provide guidance and coaching to less experienced members of the workgroup to support them in working safely 6
Support members of the workgroup to accurately record incidents and complete associated workplace documentation according to organisation procedures 10
Summary 11
Share information on safe work practices and work procedures with members of the work group
Safe working procedures
When the hazards have been identified and assessed and control measures have been worked out, management may formulate policies, programs and procedures to make sure the risks are properly controlled. The policy is essentially the statement of management’s commitment to health and safety; the program is a set of plans and activities to give effect to the policy, and the procedures are the details about how each job and task can be done in the safest way practicable.
Workers should be trained in these procedures, and it is essential for them to understand and follow whatever safe working procedures have been established.
These systems of work are sometimes referred to as Safe Operating Procedures (SOPs), or Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS). A SWMS is a statement which describes how work is to be carried out. It identifies the work activities assessed as having a safety risk and outlines the safety risks. It also describes the control measures that will be applied to the work activities. The SWMS includes a description of the equipment used in the work, the standards or codes to be complied with, the qualifications of the personnel and training required to do the work.
The consequences of not following these systems of work them can include injuries or illness for workers or others present at the workplace, loss of morale and productivity, and prosecutions of the employer.
Safety signs and symbols
Some organisations use safety signs and symbols to indicate the hazards present in various parts of the work environment. These are standard international signs from which workers can tell, for example, when eye protection should be worn, or where emergency showers are located. Workers should be familiar with these signs and comply with them at all times.
Activity 1
Training in risk control measures, in safe work procedures, and in how to participate in the risk management process, is essential to achieve a safe and healthy workplace. Induction training must be given when workers first start work at an organisation, and from time to time after that, as necessary. Workers should be trained in how to use substances and equipment safely, and in the systems which are in place to protect health and safety, including the functions of the workplace OHS committee (if there is one) and the OHS representative. The training should also cover the reporting and investigation of accidents/incidents, and any other health or safety concerns. Workers should make sure they follow the training they have been given, and should always ask their supervisor if they are not sure how the job can be done safely.
Check the OHS practices of less experienced members of the workgroup
Checking OHS practices of the team is something that should be regularly carried out in the child care team and particularly so when you have a new member of staff join the team.
This can be achieved by simply observing other workers as they carry out daily tasks or a more formal process where you ask each staff member to demonstrate a particular practice e.g. effective hand washing or a hygienic nappy change procedure and you check their competency off on a checklist tool.
Checking safe work place practices is something that all staff should be encouraged to develop leadership skills in. Your ability to explain a task carefully, give constructive feedback, encourage others and problem solve are necessary skills to effectively guide your co-workers.
Provide guidance and coaching to less experienced members of the workgroup to support them in working safely
Coaching is a process whereby a Manager or Team Leader trains an employee in a specific skill or set of skills.
Coaching can involve many of the following skills:
· Instructing
· Directing
· Motivating
· Nurturing
· Guiding
· Delegating
· Collaborating
Less experienced staff members will often require coaching and guidance when they are required to:
· Record and report incidents
· Complete and store documents such as safety checklist
· Complete their OHS responsibilities such as safe storage of chemicals and safe manual handling practices
Coaching and guidance can be:
· Done spontaneously for example when a staff member asks you for instructions on how to store a cleaning chemical or when you notice a staff member not wearing gloves for a nappy change procedure.
· More formally planned for in response to a workplace incident to ensure that all members of staff understand the correct procedures for completing a task.
Coaching is often undertaken by an experienced worker who consistently demonstrates sound knowledge and skills in a particular area and is a wonderful opportunity for developing your own professional skills.
Coaching has a number of additional benefits including:
· Improvement in the quality of work
· Higher levels of productivity
· Reduced training costs
· Reduced employee turnover rates
· Increased employee motivation
Coaching is a particularly effective strategy to maintain OHS standards in the workplace.
Activity 2
The following information could have been given to the new staff member to increase their understanding of ways to control manual handling risks:
· Where possible, kneel rather than bend down. For example, if a child needs comforting instead of bending over and picking the child up, sit down and encourage the child to climb on your knee, or kneel so that you are closer to the child’s level.
· Minimise bending by remaining close to the cot when lifting children
· Never twist while lifting
· Carry children only when necessary. The correct way is with one arm under the child’s buttocks and your other arm supporting the child’s back. At the same time, hold the child facing you, as close to your body as possible. Try to avoid carrying a child on your hip because this may strain your back.
· When sliding, pulling or pushing equipment which is not easy to move, ask for help and organise a team lift
· Sit in an adult-size chair for reading , don’t sit on children’s chairs for prolonged periods of time as they are too low for adults and can contribute to back pain.
· Wear clothing that allows for free movement – some clothing can increase the risk of injury for example long skirts or tight jeans
· Choose footwear that is safe i.e. Covered in shoes with non slip soles may help to decrease the risk of injury
· Cluttered floor surfaces increase the risk of slips, trips and falls when performing manual handling tasks. Plan the lift and make sure the pathway is clear.
· keep fit by exercising regularly. The fitter and more flexible you are the less likely you will be to injure yourself while manual handling.
How to lift safely
· place your feet in a stride position
· keep your breastbone as elevated as possible
· bend your knees
· brace your stomach muscles
· hold the child/object close to your centre of gravity
· move your feet, not your spine
· prepare to move in a forward-facing direction.
Redesigning tasks and workplaces with manual handling in mind
The best way to make manual handling safer is to redesign the task or the workplace.
Some examples of what this means include:
· work surfaces must be at the correct height in laundries, nappy change areas and kitchens
· Heavier items should be stored on lower shelving and located close to where they will be used to minimise the distance they need to be carried or handled
· Steps should be provided at the nappy change table for children to climb up rather than staff having to lift children up for changing. They should be placed to avoid tripping and have a non slip surface on the step treads.
· When purchasing equipment for the service consideration should be given to the manual handling requirements of staff before any purchase is made.
· When washing floors remember the 50% rule—only clean 50% of the floor at one time so that there is always a dry area for walking
· Use trolleys for carrying heavy equipment/materials, but remember to ensure the equipment is regularly maintained.
Support members of the workgroup to accurately record incidents and complete associated workplace documentation according to organisation procedures
All carers need to be able to confidently and accurately record the outcomes of hazard identification systems used in the service and to record any incidents that have occurred in the workplace.
The best way we can support our co workers to accurately complete OHS documentation is to ensure that all staff:
· are aware of the procedures for completing documentation and where and how they can access the procedures
· are shown where they can access forms/documents and where they need to file them or store them after they have been completed
· are actively encouraged in the hazard identification process on a daily basis and are confident in their ability to address these where appropriate and to report them when they are unable to rectify the safety concern.
· understand that incident reports must be completed in pen ,must be signed and must be completed as soon as practicable after an incident has taken place to ensure accuracy.
· Understand that their documentation must be objectively and factually written – as with all documentation it is what actually happened that is significant not what staff felt might have occurred.
· are comfortable asking for help from a more experienced staff member when they have any difficulties completing any of the above.
Activity 3
· Every staff member has OHS knowledge and skills that should be shared with others in the work team to highlight workplace hazards and to ensure safe work place practices are followed
· Checking the work practices of other less experienced staff and coaching and supporting them to improve workplace safety practices is a highly effective way to improve OHS practices in the child care centre.
· New staff should be given OHS information on procedures and practices related to hazard identification and documentation of safety concerns when they initially enter the workplace and should then be regularly monitored.
· Coaching also increases the professional skill base of the individual undertaking the guiding role
Certificate III in Children’s Services: HTTOHS300A: Reader LO 9650 XXX
© NSW DET 2010