English Department
Scholastic Year 2013-2014
4th Period Set Book Questions & Answers
Unit (10)
1-Why do you think people push themselves to the extreme limits by doing a heroic action or extreme sport?
*They want to achieve goals. *They want to overcome fear.
*They want to be famous and rich.
2-What qualities should a mountain climber or sportsmen doing extreme sports posses?
2-What are the qualities needed for doing extreme sport?
*They should have mental and physical fitness.
*They should be courageous, adventurous and well-determined.
3-What are the difficulties (risks) and problems Sportsmen face while playing extreme sports?
3-What risks might mountain climbers face while climbing a summit?
*They may face extreme exhaustion.
*They may face extreme cold or dizzying heights.
*They may face frost-bite or lack of oxygen.
4-What kind of arrangements a mountain climber should have before climbing a summit?
4-What are the preparations should someone do before going on an expedition?
*He should check equipment. *He should take enough food and water.
*He should take a compass and first aid kit.
5-What were Zeddy's aims in climbing the seven summits?
*He wanted to highlight the importance of protecting the environment.
*He wanted to encourage Arabs to practice the sport.
6-Why did Zedyy travel to the mountains in Pakistan?
*He wanted to help Muslims there after the earthquake.
*He wanted to take part in the reconstruction.
7-What are the things "items" you should take with you when going on an expedition?
*You should take enough food and water.
*You should take a mobile, a compass and first aid kit.
*You should take a pair of binoculars.
8-What type of personality and skills do you think are important for challenge?
*The person should have mental and physical fitness.
*The person should be courageous, adventurous and strong-willed.
9-What do you think you would you learn from an expedition?
*You can learn to depend on yourself.
*You can learn self-confidence and self-control.
*you can learn patience and cooperation.
10-What are the pros and cons of breaking a record?
=Pros:-*You can achieve your goals. *You can be famous and rich.
*You can improve your skills.
=Cons:-*It's very risky and dangerous. You can expose yourself to danger.
*You may lose your privacy. You can't enjoy your family life.
11-How can you stay safe whilst doing extreme sport?
11-Suggest some pieces of advice you can give to someone doing extreme sport?
11-What are the best ways that ensure safety whilst doing extreme sport?
*you should take equipment. *you should be well-trained.
*You should take a mobile and a medical kit.
*You should tell a friend where you are.
Unit (11) the Final Frontier
1-What is the importance of space of discovery?
1-Why are astronauts desperate to know more about space?
*It makes us understand the world around us.
*It ensures the survival of humanity.
2-What are the aims/importance of the International Space Station "ISS"?
*It conducts experiments that are impossible on Earth.
*It Sends and receives data.
*It orbits the Earth to collect information.
3-What are the unique relationship between Kuwait and the International Space Station "ISS"?
*Kuwait was the first country in the Arab world to contact the ISS.
4-What are the pros and cons of space travel/exploration?
4-What are the pros and cons of being an astronaut?
=Pros:-*It makes us understand the world around us.
*It's very exciting experience. *It improves life on Earth.
=cons:-*It's very risky and full of danger *It costs a lot of money.
*Astronauts live away from their families.
5-Are you in favour of "for" or against space travel/space discovery?
*I'm against .It's an abhorrent waste of time and money .We should spend money on the poor and the homeless.
*I'm for. It's very exciting. It makes us understand the world around us. It makes us improve life on Earth.
6-What risks an astronaut might face in his work field?
*He might face lack of oxygen. *He might face shuttle explosion.
*He might face health problems.
7-Being an astronaut is not an easy job. Explain.
*It needs a lot of study and training.
*Studying space costs a lot of money.
*Astronauts live away from family and friends.
8-Why do you think Venus is called the morning star and the evening star?
8-Venus was given the epithet "the morning star and the evening star". Discuss
It's perceivable from the Earth three hours before the sunrise and three hours after the sunset.
9-Why do you think it's impossible to live on Venus?
*It's extremely hot. *It has a heavy atmosphere full of carbon dioxide.
*It doesn't have any rivers or oceans.
10-Why do you think Earth is the only planet in the solar system that has potential to sustain life?
10-Earth is conducive to human habitation .Explain
*It's full of rivers and oceans. *The temperature is suitable for humans.
*It has many plants and animals.
11-What are the similarities between Earth and Venus?
*They have the same age *they have the same size.
12 –Why do you think life is impossible on Mars?
*Its atmosphere lacks oxygen.
13- Space technology advances have enabled humans to revolutionize their life on Earth.
*Scientists have developed air craft technology' flight industry'
*Scientists have developed and improved wireless communications.
14-How did space technology help flight industry?
*The aircrafts "planes "became lighter. *The plane engines became quieter and economic.
15-How has space technology help in improving wireless communications?
15-Wireless technology has been developed to achieve many benefits .Give examples.
*Scientists can collect data from space ships.
*Scientists can monitor heart activity and alert the medical stuff.
16- How do we use space technology in our daily life?
16-How has space technology benefit people in their daily life?
16-Mention some of the spins-off that improved life on Earth?
*We can watch satellite televisions. *We have GPS system.
* Weather forecasting has improved greatly.
*we have sunglasses that protect us from the harmful rays.
*We have trainers that make walking easy.
*We have mobiles. *we have the air conditioner that cools our house.
17-Why do astronauts wear a space suit?
*It keeps them alive. *It has a cooling system and the communication tools.
*It provides them with oxygen.
18-What activities do astronauts do in their free time in space?
*They contact their family on Earth.
*They take pictures of the Earth.
19-Are you for or against space tourism? Why? Why not?
*I'm for. It's a very interesting experience. It makes us believe in the mighty power of Allah.
*I'm against. It's a waste of money. We should spend money on the poor.
Unit 12"Child prodigy"
1-What is meant by "a child prodigy"?
It is a person who has an outstanding talent or skill at an early age.
2-Being a child prodigy has many advantages and disadvantages. Explain.
=Advantages: - *They become famous *They become the centre of attention.
*The government nurtures them by providing them with the best education.
=Disadvantages:-*They can't enjoy their childhood like normal children.
*They lose their privacy. *They spent most of their time studying.
*People treat them like adults.
3-There are many child prodigy stories around the world. Mention some of their outstanding talents?
3-What are the outstanding talents of a child prodigy?
*They are talented in rapid calculations.
*They are talented in memory games.
*They can finish education at early age. *They can get higher educational degrees.
4-How can a child prodigy be nurtured in order not to lose their talents and uniqueness?
*Parents and teachers should encourage them to learn more.
*The government should provide them with good education.
*We should give them a chance to show their talents.
*We should provide them with the materials they need to practice their talent.
5-How can someone improve his talent?
*He should take training courses.
*He should nurture it by providing its needs.
6-A child prodigy should be treated as a special case. Do you agree or not? Why?
*I don't agree .We should treat child prodigy normally because he is still a child.
*They need to play and have fun.
7-What does it take to create an intelligent inventors?
*We should nurture their talents and provide them with training courses.
*We should provide them with the materials they need for their inventions.
*We should give them financial support.
8-What are the benefits of challenging yourself to a science fair project?
*You might gain some money.
*You can enjoy the spirit of challenge.
*You build a name for yourself.
Focus on
1- What does it take for someone to fulfill/achieve his dreams and ambitions?
*He should be persistent, well-planned and organized.
*He should have determination and strong will.
*You should find support from family and friends
2-Maha AL-Ghunaim Is a Kuwaiti business woman of many achievements. Discuss
*She established her own company.
*She received many awards for her work.
*She is one of the most powerful women in the Arab world.
Prepared By
Miss Reahab Abdul Monem
Revised By HOD
Hanan AL Fuzai