Teacher Sites
(This category provides information and supplemental printable and online materials for teachers.)
http://barrier-free.arch.gatech.edu/Lab/index.html NSF-sponsored project to make chemistry and physics experiments accessible to the disabled. Contains high school and college level laboratory experiments, accommodation advice, and other information to facilitate accommodation for a variety of disabilities.
http://school.discovery.com Parent, teacher, student ideas – Lesson Plans, Teacher Store, Custom Classroom, Teaching Tools, Curriculum Center, Homework Helpers, Brain Boosters, Clip Art, Puzzlemaker, Science Fair Centers, and Study Starters.
www.washington.edu/doit/MathSci/ Examples of math and science materials for students with disabilities.
www.washington.edu/doit/Resources/semteach.html Resources from the
DO-IT folks for mathematics and science teachers on working with students with disabilities.
Student Sites
(This category provides online multimedia science activities and free printables.)
www.acme.com/jef/science_songs/ Collection of audio songs on space, energy & motion, experiments, and weather. *
http://animal.discovery.com/guides/atoz/atoz.html A mega-site for student researchers interested in learning more about animals. Extensive media, including the video zoo, makes the site wonderful for students with reading difficulties.
www.batcow.org/ Visit the Kids Corner to learn about bats (word searches and coloring pages) from the Bat Conservation of Wisconsin.
www.cellsalive.com/index.htm A stock video library of film and computer-enhanced images of living cells and organisms for education and medical research. Includes both live recording and computer animation on Cell Biology, Microbiology, Immunology, and Microscopy (ie. immune cells, mitosis, bacteria, parasites)*
www.epa.gov/kids/ Environmental Kids Club. Has Student Site, HS Site, Teacher Site, Ask EPA, games, art, etc.
www.energy.gov/engine/content.do?BT_CODE=KIDS Kids Zone. Friendly portal through which energy and science education resources can be accessed and enjoyed by children. Select Electra (loves to read and get facts); Geo (loves to use hands and do projects), or Windy (enjoys finding patterns related to energy).
http://www.exploremath.com Explore Learning offers a catalog of modular, interactive simulations in math and science for teachers and students in grades 6-12. Teacher subscription $349.00 per year but has a free 30-day trial and you may launch 1 free gizzmo a day. Gizzmos are designed to supplement curriculum.
www.foodsafeschools.org/ National Coalition for Food Safe Schools (NCFSS). A wealth of school food safety information and resources for children, parents, educators, school nurses, school food service staff, etc. Fun things for kids (ie. songs, coloring book)
www.google.com Select images tab to search for 1000’s of pictures. Excellent for preparing Powerpoint presentations as an alternative to a written report.
www.haverford.edu/physics-astro/songs/ 185 physics songs, some MP3, some lyrics only.
www.howstuffworks.com Categories include AutoStuff, Computer Stuff, EntertainmentStuff, Electronicstuff, HomeStuff, MoneyStuff, Peoplestuff, ScienceStuff, TravelStuff and OtherStuff.
www.infoplease.com Extensive resource for students - Homework Center (Geography, History, Language Arts, Math, Science, Math, Soc. Studies, study tips to print, writing skills, etc.), access to references (ie. almanacs, atlas, dictionary), and much more.
www.liv.ac.uk/Chemistry/Links/refperiodic.html Learn about the periodic table. (Try Tom Lehrer's Elements song for a little humor or #10 - The Comicbook Periodic Table)
http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/index.html Molecular Expressions. Activities to investigate light, optics, and color. Features a Photo Gallery exploring the world of optical microscopy (covers everything from "burgers and fries" to integrated circuits and ceramic superconductors). Each activity has a teacher version followed by a separate student page.
www.mybloodyourblood.org/ Free information for elementary and MS/HS on blood (ie. blood biology, red blood cells, glossary of terms). Pay $35.00 to purchase a video and gain password to online Teaching Tools.
www.onlineconversion.com Automatically convert measurements and other things from 1 to another (ie. length, speed, weight, volume, angles, area, cooking, currency, calculate amount to tip)
www.windows.ucar.edu Windows to the Universe. Beginning, intermediate and advanced space multimedia information and activities (Our Planet, Our Solar System, Astronomy & the Universe, Space Weather, Space Missions, Mythology, Art/Books/Film, Geology, Life - cells/ecology, Physics). Also in Spanish.
http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~dms/educate.html Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. Activities for kids, teens, and educators (ie. quiz, word match, crossword puzzles, coloring book).
Anatomy Sites
www.innerbody.com Study the anatomy of the human body. Each topic has animations, 100’s of graphics, and thousands of descriptive links. It’s fun, interactive, and an ideal reference site for students.
www.msjensen.gen.umn.edu/webanatomy A collection of study aids for entry-level anatomy and physiology students, timed tests, multiplayer games
New 2007
http://www.washington.edu/doit/Video/wt_sci.html excellent training video using assistive technology. Interview of students with various disabilities.
Southwest Wisconsin Technical College Math/Science Resource Center site is a compilation of materials. You will find printable tables of math and science related data such as a table of measurement conversions You will find printable step-by-step instructions for solving specific problems like making metric conversions. There are interactive tutorials, such as making recipe conversions that are available to download.
www.biointeractive.com HHMI.org Howard Hughes medical institute
http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/ Science News for Kids is a new Web site devoted to science news for children of ages 9 to 14. Our goal is to offer timely items of interest to kids, accompanied by suggestions for hands-on activities, books, articles, Web resources, and other useful materials. www.chemcollective.org/vlab/vlab.php A virtual Chemistry lab www.darlington.k12.wi.us/lcm/mathscience.htm offers a variety of previewed math and science websites
www.bsu.edu/eft Ball State University Electronic field trips and webisodes. Electronic Field Trips are the result of partnerships between Ball State University and museums across the country. Since most students are unable to take advantage of the immeasurable content in faraway museums, the program uses technology to make those resources available to a large, national audience. Broadcasts are free, click webisodes, view all, select and click play or you may register EFT and receive curriculum, website and broadcasts.
Nankee, C. and Schermacher, N. (upadated 3/07) 1