Dear Instructor:

In order to meet the disability related needs of your student(s), we ask that you help us to recruitVolunteer Note Takers.

Please complete the following steps:
  1. At the beginningof the lecture, please read the In-Class Announcement Script to your class.
We ask that you attempt to recruita minimum of three volunteers.
  1. Please inform students that they can register Online to be a Volunteer Note Taker. The link can be found on the AccessAbility Service website
  1. Please remind potential volunteers that they are to provide a sample copy of their lecture notes when registering online. This can be done by uploading their notes to the web service, or visiting AccessAbility Services in Room SW302 to scan notes.
To ensure confidentiality, please do not identify
the student and/or their disability.

Please contact (416) 287-7560 or e-mail with any questions.

Thank you for your assistance.

In Class Announcement Script

Suggested Text for Volunteer Recruitment

“AccessAbility Services is recruiting volunteer note takers to assist students with disabilities. Volunteers play an essential role in allowing students to access course materials, which they may otherwise not have access to.

There are benefits to being a Volunteer Note Taker, which include:

  • Receiving a certificate of appreciation
  • Giving back to the U of T Scarborough community
  • Gaining valuable volunteer experience
  • Volunteers have also mentioned that being a Note Taker motivates them to attend class regularly, be more attentive and take more comprehensive notes for themselves.

Volunteering involves the following tasks:

  1. Register Online to be a Volunteer Note Taker. You can find the link on the information card, or on AccessAbility Services website
  2. Attending lectures regularly and taking notes during each lecture.
  3. Provide a copy of the lecture notes to AccessAbility Services following each class. You may do this by uploading your notes to the web service remotely, or visiting AccessAbility Services to scan your notes.

We require a minimum of three volunteers. Please raise your hand if you are interested in helping out or speak to me after class.

Thanks you for volunteering. AccessAbility Services will contact you directly if you are chosen as a Note taker. ”

Tips if no one volunteers after the first announcement:

  • Please ask again and remind the class that, without assistance, the student requiring the note taking accommodation will not have adequate class notes.
  • Please remind the class that their notes will only be provided to students who have been approved for disability related note taking accommodations.
  • Please contact AccessAbility Services if you have difficulty recruiting volunteers after making an in class announcement (Tel/TTY: 416-208-2662, Email: )

Thank you for your assistance.