Clifton Clyde USD 224

Board of Education Meeting

April 4, 2016, 7:30 p.m.

Clifton-Clyde High School

Members Present

April Fahey, Pat Girard, Stephen Kieffer, Alan LaPolice and Scott Seifert. Deb Ohlde arrived at 7:53 p.m. and Brandon Koch arrived at 8:38 p.m.

Others Present

Superintendent Corey Reese, Principal Eric Sacco, Clerk Denise Cyr, Ryan Baxter, Kieran Wurtz, Emily Junek, Art Baker, Roger Perkins, Dan Thalmann, Matthew Jorgenson, and Donice James.

Call to Order

President Seifert called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m.

Approve the Consent Agenda

Under Agenda Item 8b – OPPA and Senior Send Off were added to the agenda. Motion by Kieffer seconded by Fahey, to approve the consent agenda as modified. Motion carried 4-1. LaPolice abstained from voting and an abstained vote counts as a nay vote. The consent agenda includes the following: adopt the agenda, approve March meeting minutes, accept the treasurer’s report, and the approval of gifts and grants. The agenda was changed around to allow board members to arrive and be able to hear the NPL discussion. Item 8D was moved after Item 8B and Item 7 was moved before Item 8C.

Approval of Bills

Motion by Girard, seconded by Fahey, to approve the payment of bills as presented. Motion carried 5-0.

Correspondence Review

The board received a thank you note from Larry John and Kara Nobert for the hours spent on the superintendent search and President Seifert received KSHSAA minutes.

Principal’s Reports

Mr. Sacco-Grade School/Middle School/Pre-K Out of District Enrollment: Mr. Sacco’s report was on the board share file. April 22nd will be the PRK Round-Up. A discussion was held concerning out-district enrollment in PRK and transportation of these students. It was the consensus of the board to wait until after round-up to see the circumstances of the students involved.

Mr. Reese-Driver’s Education: Drivers education classroom time will be taught from June 1-10 in the high school Ag classroom and then driving time will be conducted in vehicle #36, the blue van. The fee for driver’s education is $75/student. Motion by Kieffer, seconded by LaPolice, to approve Kathy Robinson to teach driver’s education as presented. Motion carried 5-0.

Mr. Reese-Summer School: Summer School will run from July 5-29 at the grade school from 8am-12 noon. The Summer Food Program will be held again this summer with a serving site at Clifton Grade School and The Branch in Clyde. Cindy Francis is also looking into adding a snack program after summer weights. The summer teacher contracts and summer food program staff will be approved at the May meeting.

Mr. Reese-Swim Lessons: It was the consensus of the board to not supplement swimming lessons this year with the current situation of the budget.

Mr. Reese-OPPA: Cindy Francis, Mr. Reese, and Denise Cyr had a conference call with Steve with OPPA concerning possible savings to the district if a switch were made to contract out food services. The savings were coming at the expense of staff benefits and food purchases being bid out to prime vendors and not the local vendors. After visiting with Steve, it was the recommendation to not contract with OPPA and to implement some new concepts into our district food program to try to increase the participation rate and look at labor costs.

Mr. Reese-Senior Send Off: President Seifert presented information on the Senior Send Off at the absence of Mistie Knox who could not attend the board meeting. The counselors of CCHS, Hanover, Linn and Washington Co. are presenting this senior experience on May 4th at Hanover High School from 8:30-11:30 a.m. It is designed to prepare seniors as they transition into the next stage of their lives with experts presenting information on mental health, student services, alcohol and drug awareness, self-defense, finances, sex and STD’s, physical health and nutrition, what makes a good employee, personal safety, and frontline self-defense. It was the consensus of the board to allow the seniors to be transported on the field trip with parent consent.

Denise Cyr-Board Policy IHF: Motion by LaPolice, seconded by Kieffer, to approve board policy IHF Graduation Requirements as amended. Motion carried 6-0.

Denise Cyr-KASB December Policy Revisions: The board had the second reading on the proposed KASB policy revisions from December. The board asked for the policies to be listed out on which to approve/replace/delete. These policy revisions will be acted on at the May meeting.

Northern Plains League Discussion with Roger Perkins: Mr. Perkins, NPL President, was present to discuss the 15 high schools that make up the Northern Plains League (Beloit-St. Johns HS, Chase HS, Downs-Lakeside HS, Glasco HS, Miltonvale HS, Kensington-Thunder Ridge HS, Lincoln HS, Mankato-Rock Hills HS, Natoma HS, Osborne HS, Scandia-Pike Valley HS, Sylvan Grove-Sylvan-Lucas HS, Tescott HS, Tipton Catholic HS, and Wilson HS) and how and when games are played, league dues, and the league activities (scholar bowl, music, art, and forensics) as well. It takes a 2/3 vote to get into the league and Chase and Natoma have already stated that they will not vote in favor of USD 224 due to the distance. The earliest USD 224 could be voted into the NPL would be the 2018-19 school year unless another district drops out. Mr. Perkins said the earlier the league has the request for admittance from USD 224 the better but at the latest the end of the 2016-17 school year. The district is considering this change for the high school league only. Middle school would remain were they are. The board would like to make a decision on whether to ask for admittance into the NPL league ASAP.

Matthew Jorgenson-ADA Bus bids: Matthew presented the bids that were received for used and new buses with wheelchair accessibility. Motion by Koch, seconded by Girard, to approve bid #2 for the purchase of a 2012 12 plus 2 special needs Bluebird school bus with approximately 10,900 miles on the odometer from George Motor Co. for $48,457. Motion carried 7-0.

Matthew Jorgenson-Summer Maintenance Plan: Matthew discussed the list of summer maintenance and repairs for the district. The summer crew of Lisa Fahey, Shawn Fahey, Stephanie LeBlanc, Kristy Chartier will return and the district will advertise to hire one additional student summer worker.

Matthew Jorgenson –Surplus Equipment: Matthew recommended the following vehicles being declared surplus property: Bus #1-1996 18 passenger bus with approximately 175,000 miles; Bus #3-1999 18 passenger bus with approx. 198,000 miles; Bus #92A-1992 84 passenger bus (required to dispose of due to 25 years of service); Bus #24-2002 29 passenger bus with approx. 125,000 miles; Car #31-1999 Intrepid; and Van #33-2003 Green Dodge Van with approx. 205,000 miles. Motion by Koch, seconded by Fahey, to dispose of the surplus equipment list as presented through Purple Wave. Motion carried 7-0.

Executive Session for Personnel: Motion made by Seifert, seconded by Girard, to enter into executive session for a period of 10 minutes for the purpose of discussing non-elected personnel in order to protect the privacy interests of the individuals to be discussed and invited Mr. Reese and Mr. Sacco. Motion carried 7-0. The board entered into executive session at 9:36 p.m. and reconvened in open session at 9:46 p.m.

Motion by Fahey, seconded by Ohlde, to extend the executive session for the same reason for an additional 10 minutes and to invite Mr. Reese and Mr. Sacco. Motion carried 7-0. The board entered into executive session at 9:47 p.m. and reconvened in open session at 9:57 p.m.

Motion by Seifert, seconded by Kieffer, to extend the executive session for the same reason for an additional 5 minutes and to invite Mr. Reese and Mr. Sacco. Motion carried 7-0. The board entered into executive session at 9:58 p.m. and reconvened in open session at 10:03 p.m.

Motion by LaPolice, seconded by Ohlde, to accept the resignations of Matthew Railsback, Ag Education Teacher, and Carissa Blackwood, Fourth Grade Teacher, at the end of the 2015-16 school year. Motion carried 7-0.

Motion by Fahey, seconded by Kieffer, to accept the retirement of Trudy Reed, Title I Teacher, at the end of the 2015-16 school year. Motion carried 7-0.

Motion by LaPolice, seconded by Ohlde, to approve the hire of Arika Haresnape as Ag Education Teacher/FFA Advisor beginning with the 2016-17 school year. Motion carried 7-0.

Motion by Kieffer, seconded by LaPolice, to approve the license personnel for 2016-17 contracts as presented. Motion carried 7-0.

Executive Session for Negotiations: No action taken.

Strategic Planning – Priority Project Updates/ ADA Wheel Chair/Stair Lifts/Elevator: Mr. Reese presented an estimate on stair lifts/platform lift from Howard Distribution and a fee proposal from Campbell and Johnson Engineers to provide design development drawings and estimates for ADA lifts to be installed at CCMS and CCHS. Green’s Home Improvement LLC was not able to conduct an on-site visit in March so the board should have their quote for the delta inclined platform stair lift for both the high school and middle school at the May meeting.


Motion made by LaPolice, seconded by Kieffer, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 7-0. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m.


Board President Board Clerk
