Certified Hypnotist, Past Life regressionist,
Life Between Lives Practitioner
FAX 888-394-4054
NurseHealer/Divine Purpose GuideworkTM Client Intake Form
Please answer as many questions as possible; but you may leave any blank that you feel uncomfortable answering.
Name: / Date:Address:
City/State/Zip: / Occupation:
Phone (home): / Phone (work):
Phone (cell): / Email:
Goal(s) for session(s):
Do you have knowledge of your Divine Purpose? __Yes (Explain) __No
Which elements would you like to include in your Divine Purpose Guidework?
___ Releasing undesired attachments
___ Releasing non-serving thought processes
___ Cultivating confidence and decisiveness
___ Personal meditation techniques
___ Guided meditation
___ Spiritual clearing
___ Spiritual practices
___ Spiritual development
___ Sacred space
___ Activation of light channels for ascension and enlightenment
___ Working with spirit guides, angels and light beings
___ Dreaming with purpose
___ Developing a personal mission statement
___ Clinical or transpersonal hypnosis
___ Past Life Regression
___ Spiritual Regression or Progression
How did you hear about us?
Please note any medical, emotional, spiritual, or other information of importance:
What is Divine Purpose Guidework?
The Divine Purpose Guidework program is designed to put you on track to fulfillment of your soul’s plan. During a Divine Purpose Guidework session I counsel you in connecting to Divine source and defining key elements of your soul purpose. As you tap into your inner spirit you access higher wisdom, clear foresight and effectuation of your Divine purpose with spiritual guidance.
Individualized soul work plans may include any of the tools for transformation and realization of your soul journey that are appropriate for you:
· Releasing undesired attachments and non-serving thought processes
· Cultivating confidence and decisiveness
· Employing personal and guided meditation techniques
· Spiritual clearing, practices and development
· Establishing a practice of honoring sacred space
· Activation of light channels for ascension and enlightenment
· Working with spirit guides, angels and light beings
· Developing practical skills for dreaming with purpose
· Developing a personal mission statement
· Clinical and transpersonal hypnosis
· Past Life Regression
· Spiritual Regression or Progression
Code of Ethics
A responsible practitioner provides competent services with concern for the client’s welfare and respect for their dignity while maintaining professional integrity. The client’s well-being is my prime concern.
Release Statement
I have been advised of the scope of hypnosis practice and I give my full consent to receive sessions by Mary Catherine “Cathy” Miller for the purposes outlined in this intake form and for future purposes that I may request. I understand that hypnosis, NLP and life coaching are not replacements for traditional medical treatment or psychological/psychiatric services. I also understand that the practitioner does not treat, prescribe for, or diagnose any condition.
I am aware and understand that in some cases it may be necessary for the practitioner to respectfully touch my shoulders, hands, or wrists in order to assist me in relaxation. I give the practitioner permission and consent to do so in order to help me to establish a beneficial state of relaxation.
I understand that the success of my session depends greatly on my own ability and desire to create change in myself. I understand that results vary and that the above named practitioner may not guarantee results.
I will be on time for appointments and take responsibility for creating positive change as desired for my life.
Signature ______Date______
(You may write on the back or attach added sheets if more space is needed for answers.)
Guided Meditation * Hypnosis * Past Life Regression * Life Between Lives