Clerks Notes of the Meeting of Baston Parish Council Held on Thursday 9Th September 2010 s2

Minutes of the meeting of Baston Parish Council held on Thursday 14th September 2017 at The Barn @ 20.00hrs.

Present: Cllrs: J Affleck (Chairman) A Hutchins

L Gilliatt J Hartley

County Cllr: Rosemary Woolley

Open Forum – 4 members of the public were in attendance.

10 minute presentation made on behalf of White Horse Public House re their proposed planning application to extend the property that is to be submitted in due course.

Resident (neighbour) expressed his concerns to the Parish Council re Planning Application S17/1385.

81/17 Chairman’s Remarks – The Chairman welcomed everyone to meeting.

82/17 Apologies for absence & reasons given – Cllrs Easey, Kelly and Wheatley, District Cllr Cooke.

83/17 Disclosure of Interests – None

84/17 Minutes of the last meeting – It was resolved that the minutes of the last meeting held on 13th July 2017 be approved and signed as a true and accurate record. Proposed AH, seconded LG. JA (in favour). Cllr. Hartley abstained due to his absence from the July meeting.

85/17 Clerks report on matters outstanding –

Overhanging shrubs on corner of Main Street and Deeping Road – referred to SKDC.

Basal tree growth Thetford Avenue – reminder sent to LCC.

Debris left on top on verge after clearing – referred SKDC Big Clean.

S17/0903 – planning permission granted.

S17/1129 – planning permission granted.

S17/1162 – planning permission granted.

S16/0808 – planning permission granted.

86/17 Planning –

S17/1666 – Seagate Homes UK Ltd – Application to vary Conditions 2 and 6 on S16/2694, Land to the rear of 36 Main Street, Baston PE6 9QJ – no observations to make.

S17/1385 – Pair of detached one and half storey dwellings and garages, Stop Gap Cottage, 95-97 Main Street, Baston PE6 9PB - The development is not in keeping with the surrounding houses because of the higher density that would be created by 2 dwellings and garages on the restricted block size, and is therefore not appropriate for the area. We do not believe that the requested development can be achieved without impacting upon existing street trees which would have to be removed. We are unsure whether the developer owns the land required to access the property. We have received representations from residents in the area who also have the above concerns. In view of the above the Parish Council object to the above application. Proposed AH, seconded JA (all in favour).

87/17 Finance –

a)  Report on balances and quarterly update – Financial Reports emailed to all Cllrs prior to meeting.

b)  Payments made:

i)  Wendy Gray, Parish Clerk – August £346.63, September £346.63

ii)  Wendy Gray, Parish Clerk – Expenses £111.08

iii)  Abbie Burt – Community Cleaner (July £90.00) – (August £112.50)

iv)  BDG Mowing – Grasscutting village verges and remaining green spaces – July £470.00, August £945.00 (includes hedgecutting – total invoice payable £1,415.00

v)  Wendy Gray reimbursement HMRC payment £301.00

vi)  Deepings Internal Drainage Board - £3.62

c)  Melton Mowbray Building Society – new forms received, Parish Clerk to contact existing signatories to sign relevant forms for transferring to new signatories.

d)  Thurlby Cubs – request for donation towards visit to Belgium Trip re 100 year anniversary. JH proposed, seconded AH that the Parish Council contribute £100 – all in favour.

It was resolved that items (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) be approved for payment.

Letter received from Baston CE Primary School confirming amount spent (agreed at February meeting) agenda item for next meeting. Parish Clerk to request update on proposed meeting re parking i.e. date!

88/17 Highways – Cllr Hutchins will attend meeting with LCC at Thurlby depot on 26th September 2017.

89/17 Village Concerns – None reported.

90/17 Defibrillator - Defibrillator is live and can be used – training scheduled for Tuesday 3rd October at 6 p.m. meeting outside garage where defib is housed.

91/17 Correspondence –

Willow Tree Farm event “Build a Home for Herons” on 16th September.

The Deepings Practice Patient Participation Group Deepings and Glinton Voluntary Car Scheme.

LALC Annual General Meeting Tuesday 17th October 2017.

Letter of complaint from The Baskervilles.

92/17 Reports from Outside Bodies –

Cllr Woolley LCC - I have arranged a meeting with Rowan Smith LCC Highways Officer at Thurlby. Rowan met with Anglia water contractors a few weeks ago and reports that they have yet to design a system which takes into account all the surrounding systems, it is in the hands of Anglican Water.

It has been a year since the County Council introduced the street light policy and a working group has been set up to look at its impact. . If you feel that you suffered from a criminal act or had problems with emergency services locating your premises because of this policy please contact me as soon as possible so that it could be included in the research.

I have arranged a meeting with the new police sergeant Ian Martin who deals with the Deepings, Stamford & Bourne areas. Concerns to date are hare-coursing, travellers and speeding through villages.

You may see the Gritting Lorries out in preparation to grit the 2000 miles of highways between October & April and would use approximately 35,000 tonnes of salt.

LCC are asking District and Parish Councils to support them with trying to get a fairer funding for Lincolnshire. We are the second lowest funded council in the country and the funding formula needs to be altered as at present rural areas are at a disadvantage. In the Greater Lincolnshire Area in 2017/18 the revenue was calculated at £1,565 per dwelling with the average across the whole of England = £1,805 per dwelling. If we were funding to that amount it would give an additional £116m to the area.

BPFMC – Communication between BPFMC and the Parish Council – we have a proposal which we would like to introduce at next month’s meeting, AH will circulate in advance adopted resolution to present document.

The other outside bodies had nothing to report.

93/17 To agree items for the press release –

LCC Street light policy.

LCC Gritting Lorries out in preparation to grit the 2000 miles of highways between October & April.

The SKDC Big Clean has been in our area - thank you SKDC.

Time to think about cutting back branches/bushes on your property which overhang footpaths as it can be a serious problem for those with mobility issues.

Planning Applications.

Defibrillator Training.

Date of next meeting.

94/17 To resolve whether the Council move into Closed Session – None.

95/17 Any Other Business - Items for agenda in September – BPFMC proposal, Remembrance Cheque, Budget – Cllrs to put forward any requests/donations.

Benches – DW liaising with SKDC and LCC on what we need re licenses etc and what we need to do.

96/17 Date of next meeting – Thursday 12th October 2017 at The Barn at 8 pm. The meeting closed at 9.50 p.m.

Signed: …………………………………………… Dated: ………………………………………
