Clerking Workshop for Canadian Yearly Meeting
October 31, November 1, 2014
Friends House, Toronto, ON
The Education & Outreach Committee of CYM (E&O) is pleased to offer a workshop by Arthur Larrabee on clerking Quaker meetings for worship for business. We are encouraging all clerks and recording clerks of monthly meetings and CYM committees to attend this workshop, and it will also be open to others who wish to develop these skills. This is the same course Arthrur Larrabee offers at Pendle Hill. Folks from CYM who have taken this course at Pendle Hill have returned with much excitement and many praises for this course.
The course is titled: “Serving the Community with Joy and Confidence.” This is an opportunity for both new and experienced clerks of Friends' meetings and committees to meet and think together about the roles of clerks. It is expected that each person will leave the weekend with new energy and enthusiasm for being a clerk, feeling well grounded in both the theoretical and the practical. There will be handouts, exercises and opportunities to share experiences, with most work being done in a whole group setting.
Arthur Larrabee is a life long Friend and member of Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. He has led many workshops on clerking. He has served as clerk of his monthly meeting and has served 7 years as General Secretary of PHLYM. He comes with enthusiasm, experience, wit and humour to the task of providing servant leadership for Friends.
Friends House in Toronto has been reserved for this event. Sessions will begin on Friday evening at 7 PM and continue all day and into the evening on Saturday. The workshop will end on Saturday evening so that all may worship with Toronto Friends if they choose to stay for Sunday.
06 PM Dinner
07 PM to 9 PM Program
09 PM Adjourn
09:00 to 12:30 Program
12:30 to 02:30 Lunch and break
02:30 to 05:30 Program
05:30 to 06:00 Break
06:00 to 07:00 Dinner
07:00 to 09:00 Program
09:00 Adjourn
Ellen Helmuth is serving as the coordinator for this event. Please complete the registration form to attend this workshop and send to: or by mail: 150 Chapel St, Woodstock, NB E7M 1H4