604b Task Force Conference Call

Thursday1/25/18 at 9:00 AM

Dial-in Number:(641) 715-3580
Access Code:463-035

Participants: Ian Cooke, Lori Wolfe, Jeff Howland, Hillary Waite, Lori Watson, Steven Tyler, Trish Settles, Martin Pillsbury, Trish Settles, Eli Goldman

FY 18 604b

  • Trish Settles begins the meeting by asking if those on the call have had the chance to review the materials matrix distributed by CMRPC. Trish then outlines that her hope for this conference call is to review and evaluate the matrix and think about how to determine what materials should be moved forward. Trish notes she has spoken with Gary Gonyea in reference to requesting an extension on the current 604b grant funds. Because there is still a lot to accomplish under the current grant, asking for an extension seems logical, Trish says. The statewide coalition has been created, but there is still extensive work to be done to hire a consultant, identify needs, and create materials. Trish notes that Gary will need to be able to see ongoing progress.
  • Trish then notes that Hillary and Eli attended the pre-RFP question and answer session at DEP on the new 604b grant round. Hillary and Eli give a general overview of the session:
  • $180,000-$185,000 expected to be split between 4-5 projects.
  • There is no geographic area that the grant is targeting
  • DEP expects to receive 20-25 projects
  • The RFR will look very similar to the one released last year
  • Planning projects referenced directly as being of interested to DEP:
  • Development of Watershed-based Plans (WBPs) for 319 grant projects. A new on-line tool to support development of WBPs
  • Determination of the nature, extent and causes of water quality problems and determination of pollutant load reductions necessary to meet water quality standards
  • Development of municipal and regional approaches to stormwater issues including coordination of technical information sharing among communities and creation of storm-water utilities in regulated and non-regulated communities
  • Development of green infrastructure projects that manage wet weather to maintain or restore natural hydrology
  • Development of preliminary designs and implementation plans that will address water quality impairments in impaired watersheds
  • Specific to potential conference
  • Gary commented that EPA has specific guidelines for how this money can be spent. It is likely that a conference is an allowable use of funds, but CMRPC will follow up with Gary. Funds cannot be used for food items and travel in and out of state. Gary recommends charging an entry fee to those attending the conference
  • Trish suggests a potential conference date in September or October, 2018
  • Trish asks if the education committee views this new round of 604b funding as a component of the new MS4 grant
  • Ian says no
  • In the interest of time, Trish suggests a follow up meeting date to continue this conversation. Next meeting will be held on:
  • February 8, 2018 at 9 AM
  • Trish asks if anyone would like to be the committee chair of this group
  • Leads to a discussion of whether or not this group is a subcommittee
  • Martin suggests the group is more of a task force than a subcommittee and forming a subcommittee may not be a necessary step
  • Others on the call agree that this group is more of a working group than a subcommittee
  • Agree to call the group the “604b Task Force”

Matrix Discussion

  • Eli explains the Matrix that was distributed
  • Intended to identify what materials coalitions have already created, where those materials are stored, and materials that are currently being worked on
  • Trish asks if this Matrix should be distributed to the statewide group
  • Jeff Howland states that it should in order to avoid duplicating work
  • Eli to send out the matrix to the statewide group before the next meeting on February 1
  • Jeff recommends running through the top ~15 items listed on the matrix at the statewide meeting to ask if anyone has certain materials
  • Trish suggests that people on the call attempt to fill in the matrix before the meeting to help discussion
  • Hillary Waite will facilitate this discussion at the MSMSC meeting