Clerk: Mrs Lisa Horritt


Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 12thOctober 2017 at 7.00 pm at St Thomas and St Andrew Church, Doxey.

Public open forum
No members of the public were in attendance.

  1. Attendees
    ChairmanCllr D HughesCllr R WhymanCllr C Haigh

Cllr C HughesCllr I DaviesCllr E Tristram

Cllr P DavenportClerk Mrs L Horritt Meeting was Quorate

Public: None in attendance


Cllr Cllr K Allman,Cllr S Davenport

  1. Declarations of Interest relating to items on the agenda
    Cllr I Davies ref planning
  2. Signing and approving the minutes of the last meeting held on 14th September 2017
    The minutes were approved as a true record by all present.
  1. Matters arising from those minutes (for information only)
    The Clerk confirmed that the defibrillator charge sticks and pads have been replaced. The defibrillator outside the club is still showing a spanner and AED will send this for a service. In the meantime it has been taken off the West Midlands Database.
  2. Borough and County Councillor reports:
    Borough Councillor Davies noted that the Western Access Road amendments had been submitted
  3. To agree registering with the information commissioner’s office in relation to data protection and to understand upcoming changes to data protection including SPCA course
    It was agreed to register with the information commissioner’s office. Cllr Pam Davenport offered to attend the course with Cllr C Hughes if Cllr Davenport is not available.

The Clerk noted that the changes to data protection will be a challenge and that this must be completed by May 2018. A data protection officer is required and this is likely to need to be an external person. Clerk will update more as information becomes available.

  1. To discuss Doxey Hub, long term use and potential community asset transfer

It was agreed more information would be obtained including information about a potential length of lease, any break clause and possible financial information and support available. Clerk to action.

  1. Redrow Park takeover, updates and associated costings including:
    The final clarifications about the park have been sent to SBC by the Parish Councils solicitor. Clerk has asked Redrow to clarify ref the finger trapments. The graffiti is due to be test cleaned to see if it can be removed by Streetscene – Clerk is working with Redrow and Streetscene on this.
  1. To discuss football pitch
    It was agreed to set up a meeting with the rugby club to discuss more details – Cllrs Tristram, Haigh and D Hughes indicated they would attend with the Clerk.
    A request has been received from a football team – it was agreed to confirm with the rugby team if the days would be an issue and if not to agree this – the clerk will send the agreed costs.


  1. Christmas Meal, roles and planning required

Cllr Tristram has confirmed that Ellen will be happy to cook the meal this year. It was confirmed that this is only available for residents currently living in the Parish and mainly senior citizen’s with potential additional attendees as identifiedby local nursing and support teams.

Cllr Tristram has approached organisations for donations. Clerk will obtain crackers and invite the Mayor, MP and local Councillors. The Parish Newsletter will be completed this month and used to circulate details. Clerk to also contact the school, rainbows and bellringers about providing carols and entertainment.

  1. Doxey roll of Honour

Cllr Allman has been to the records office and obtained further information. He has also been provided with details about a website which gives both parish and name/address details. This is only free for 2 weeks before a subscription is due. It was noted that the work is unlikely to be completed for the 100th anniversary due to the complexity of the task.

  1. To receive Clerk’s Report and Financial Statement

The Parish Newsletter was discussed – it was resolved to complete and print in the next 2 weeks in order to inform the community about the upcoming events.

(a)To approve financial payments and transfers

To be paid:
Paid To / Details / Amt / VAT / Total to pay
Salaries / Salaries/HMRC / 368.40 / 368.40
Stafford Borough Council / Civic amenity x 2 / 208.33 / 41.67 / 250.00
TGM / Grass cutting / 88.00 / 17.60 / 105.60
AED Donate / pads/charge stick/ 1 x mask kit / 294.40 / 294.40
Information Commissioner / 35.00 / 35.00
L Horritt / Office Exps/Training / 84.11 / 1.40 / 85.51
TOTAL / £1,138.91

It was also agreed to transfer £1614.61 to reserves in relation to the Youth Club money paid into the current account.

Agreed by all present.

(b) To approve transparency fund application for website and ongoing costs

This was agreed by all present and covers hosting and time spent by the Clerk uploading documents. Clerk to submit application.

(c’) To agree bank reconciliation and confirm which Councillor will check the bank rec going forward
This was approved by all present and it was agreed that Cllr P Davenport would check the bank rec and cashbook going forward. Clerk to action.

  1. To discuss Planning matters and discuss planning applications in the Parish received as follows:

The Bellway affordable homes issue was discussed. Gnosall Parish Council attended the planning meeting and are writing to Stafford Borough Council in relation to their concerns about affordable housing switches being allowed. It was agreed that the Clerk would also draft a letter noting Doxey’s concerns with this and to ask for it to be looked at before the Baswich application is brought forward.

14. To agree items for the next agenda.
Items to the clerk 10 days before the meeting. To discuss footpath behind the church

15.To inform attendees of dates of future meetings
To note dates of future meetings as follows:2017 dates9/11, 7/12, 7pm.
Apologies must be sent to the Clerk if known in advance.

16.Meeting close

The meeting closed at 8.55pm
