PPG Meeting


Monday 16th March 6pm

Present: Sarah-Jayne Dutton, Clare Nock, Dr Sarah Malcomson, Malcolm Allsop, Gilbert Parker, Derek Fisher.

Apologies: John Lowe, Maureen Howes, Beryl Talbot, Pat Bennett, Keith Sanders

  1. Welcome

Sarah-Jayne Dutton

  1. Clare Nock – Quality & Risk Manager for WFHP

Clare explained why the 5 site merged to be WFHP. GP Practices can’t work as standalone practices.

Demand is huge – resources limited.

The merge won’t affect quality of care.

WFHP has 59,000 registered patients. Half the population of the Wyre Forest.

It was suggested that the merge wasn’t communicated well enough. Not enough understanding as to why it had been done and what was going to happen.

Period notifications of how WFHP is going – notices, The Shuttle etc.

ACTIONS: CN to write a more understandable piece and send to attendees for comments.

SJD to send copy of WFHP Structure.

  1. Building Update

A bid was submitted to NHS England last year for new premises, and a further bid submitted this Spring. The intention is to have one building which houses both the Stourport Health Centre and Work House Medical Centre teams; shared bases is the standard approach now for new GP Premises , as the NHS seeks to replace old buildings as economically as possible. Tan Lane was considered as a location, then discounted. Other options to locate the building are being explored.

  1. Consultants & GP Surgery

Why does it take a couple of weeks to get letters here from hospital Consultants?

Dr Malcomson explained that letters often take up to 10 days to receive as they are not always sent electronically. The Surgery has access to reports, blood test results & histology, but only in the Worcestershire area at present. This is an IT issue unfortunately nothing that the surgery can do.

  1. Introduction from Cathy Mills

Cathy is part of the SHC Reception/Admin Staff. She explained that her mother is a patient here who has Usher’s syndrome meaning she is deafblind. Cathy actively encourages patients to let us know if we can help. She will be looking to help patients who are; disabled, hearing loss, sight impaired, autistic, we offer interpreters. Cathy is also qualified in sign language.

  1. Building update

A bid was submitted to NHS England last year for new premises, and a further bid submitted this Spring. The intention is to have one building which houses both the Stourport Health Centre and Work House Medical Centre teams; shared bases is the standard approach now for new GP Premises , as the NHS seeks to replace old buildings as economically as possible. Tan Lane was considered as a location, then discounted. Other options to locate the building are being explored.

  1. Maureen Howes

Maureen went to Training & Development workshop Level 3 and to Bishops Wood, phase for young foundation workshop.

ACTION:Maureen to discuss at next meeting.

  1. AOB

Mr Parker asked if we could have a look at the website regarding test results. Asked for information boxes. ACTION: SJD to look into this

Mr Fisher said that he thought results were vague. He would prefer face to face consultations.

SJD explained why we use telephone triage and the advantages of this. Mr Allsop & Mr Parker agreed that it was a very good system and they don’t have any problems with it. SJD acknowledged Mr Fisher’s concerns and assured him that we still offer a good quality of care.

  1. Next Meeting

To be confirmed