Christow Parish Council

Clerk: Mrs C Retallick, Bagtor Barton , Ilsington, Newton Abbot, TQ13 9RT.

Tel: 01364 661532


Minutes of the meeting of Christow Parish Council held on Tuesday, 7th June at 7.30pm in the Bowden Room, Teign Valley Community Hall, Christow.

Present: Cllr. Archer (chairman),

Cllr. Cann,

Cllr Edwards

Cllrs Fidock

Cllr Green,

Cllr. Orme,

Cllr. Woods,

Carol Retallick (clerk), Cllr A Ford (TDC), Cllr Brook ( DCC) and 3 members of the public

Cllr Archer welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1) Apologies and Acceptance for Absence: / Action by

2) Declarations Of Interest: In accordance with the Code of Conduct, members are required to declare any personal or disclosable pecuniary interests, including the nature and extent of such interests they may have, in items to be considered at this meeting. Members are also reminded that any change to their Declaration of Interests must be notified to the Monitoring Officer at Teignbridge District Council within 28 days of the change.

Cllr Orme declared and interest for item 15
3) Public Discussion – To allow any questions, reports by members of the public on any matters relating to the agenda of this meeting. The period of time designated for public participation shall not exceed 5 minutes. (Standing Order 1d).
Mr K Bessant the applicant for a planning application on the agenda informed the meeting that the plans that were being presented this evening have been amended and will be available soon.

4) County Councillor's Report (for information only)

Not present
5) District Councillor's Report (for information only)
The meeting enquired why the grass at Woods Close was not being cut. Cllr Archer believes that DCC own this land the clerk will enquiry from Cllr Brook.
Benner Hill is a road that has been declassified Cllr Edwards reported the road is in a very bad state and asked for it to be repaired. The Broadband meeting was successful however not many people attended but it was very informative. If there are any enquiries from the parish she would be happy to forward them to the relevant person.
On Friday the Chief Executive from TDC is coming to Teign Valley Community Hall to meet the councillors and chairmen. / CR

6) Minutes – to approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on the 3rd May 2016.

These were signed as a true and accurate record of that meeting
7) Christow Public Toilets - confirm the water charges from a water metre
The standing order payment has reduced after being challenged about the high charges, their reason given for the high bills was an outstanding debt which the clerk will get more details for the next meeting. / CR
8) Cemetery Charges - discuss the charges locally and review Christow cemetery charges
The fees from other burial ground were discussed then Christow's charges were discussed the meeting felt that the charges need to include the maintenance of the ground to ensure the area is kept looking nice. The meeting decided that during May and September the grass should be cut more frequently and agreed to increase the contract to 10 cuts per year. Cllr Keys proposed an increase of 20% this was seconded by Cllr Cann, all in favour by a show of hands.
9) Recreation Field - Discuss using the field as a emergency Helipad
An enquiry came from Jamie Dunbar about using the recreation field for a emergency helipad the councillors discussed and decided that they would like more information and invited Mr Dunbar to the July meeting.
10) Start the Risk Assessment review - Discussion
Christow have two risk assessments – one for to open spaces and one for procedure. Cllr Archer suggested meeting to review the risk on Saturday 25th June 2016 at 9.30am meet at the allotments.
The clerk will circulate hte play park risk assessments to all councillors / All
11) Car Park at the Recreation field - Discuss and decide plans for improvements
Cllr Woods wrote and circulated a report after the last meeting.
Cllr Archer then reported to the meeting about a recent request to use the car park temporary the clerk created a permit that was circulated for the councillor to see, he had also received a complaint about the horse box being parked there by a non-resident.
The councillors then discussed the matter and all agreed to have marked bays (t’s)
There was a very long and informative and useful discussion. Cllr Archer felt this could be achieved by councillors.
Cllr Woods offered to discuss the council plans with the hall committee and ask if they feel there is a problem for hall users to park.
It was agreed that a working party will meet to paint the car park end of July 22nd Friday. Cllr Cann suggested an article should go onto the unity to inform local people of the plan and notices onto the parish notice boards and the shop and surgery to ensure the area is cleared for painting.
12) Flag - Discussion over replacing the Devon Flag at Christow
The meeting discussed purchasing a flag at approx. £50-£60. Cllr Fidock offered to provide an England flag and all agreed to discuss this again next month. / TF
13) Matters arising at the allotment field- Report from Cllr Archer
Cllr Archer confirmed the chestnut fencing is up, but the tap is broken and cannot be repaired until the stop cock is repaired in the middle of the road by SWW we are awaiting that to be completed.
Planning Applications - Dartmoor National Park Authority has asked for comments from the Parish Council on the following planning applications:
a) DNPA 0223/16 - Proposed Erection of dwelling at 6 St James Place, Wet Lane, Christow. Objection over development on the site and not an affordable housing.
b) DNPA 0219/16 - Proposed change of use of post office to residential accommodation at Fairlands, The Post Office, Village Road, Christow. Supports the application as the post office has already been moved with no loss of amenity.
Grant of Conditional Planning Permission
·  0137/16 - Erection of side extension to existing dwelling 7 Smithay Meadows, Christow.
·  0167/16 - Replacement Early Years Foundation Stage Classroom, Christow Community Primary School, Dry Lane, Christow.
Withdrawal of Application
0068/16 - Installation of mobile telecommunication and ancillary equipment etc ,..... at Hill Farm, Christow.
The Telephone box door at Teign house has broken off and the clerk will notify BT / CR
Expenditure: Clerk's salary May = £ 361.37
SHS Ltd May 136.50+ VAT 27.30 = £ 163.80
SHS Ltd June 151.10+ VAT 30.22 = £ 181.32
AJ Ormes Plant Hire 200.00+ VAT 40.00 = £ 240.00 South West Grounds Maintenance 280.47+VAT 56.09 = £336.56 SSE Christow toilets DD = £ 41.10
Bank Reconciliation and Statement: The Chairman had checked the invoices, paying-in book and cheque book . The balance of the current account is presently at £5800.17
Although Lloyds bank has now recognised me as the contact they will not issue statements until they have received the signed mandate form the council which will be signed this evening.
16) Annual Return & Audited Accounts - to agree and sign off accounts for external audit for the year 2015-2016
The statement of audit was read out and the council responded to the statements and signed the annual return to be sent to the external auditor.
17) MEETINGS ATTENDED: to receive reports from councillors who have attended meetings on behave of this council and items of Information from the clerk
Cllr Orme attended a meeting about dementia, the meeting agreed that Christow was a village sensitive to the needs of suffers also many residents have an awareness an Acorn.
Broadband meeting had been attended it was a good, interesting meeting with lots of information
The clerk read out a letter requesting funding the meeting agreed to ask for a formal application online which could be presented at the March the councillors also suggest they could contact the other parishes.
Cllr Archer responded to the letter received from Mrs Collins with regard to the water from her property and councillors agree Cllr Archer should visit her again.
The defibrillator has arrived and will need fitting by a local electrician. The meeting agrees to obtain quotes.
Cllr Archer reminded the councillors of the meeting this Friday meeting in the hall and the inspections for risk assessment on 25th June 9.30.
Matter which still require Action
Cllr Archer to meet head teacher at school - re road safety
Cllr Fidock organise a working party for the play area.
The next Council meeting is on Tuesday 5th July 2016, at 7.30pm
in the Bowden Room.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.20pm

Signed………………………………… Date………………………….


Email circulations during the past month / Paper circulation
Connecting Dartmoor & Exmoor Superfast Broadband Programme update,
newsletter from Healthwatch Devon,
plastics bank in Christow - to be removed this week.
DAAT Community Helipad,
Funding News,
Weekly Email News Digest - Monday, 9 May, 2016,
Public in dark over ‘tremendous upheaval’ Brexit would cause services,
Rural Vulnerability Service - Rural Transport - May 2016,
Get ready for the Devon County Show!,
Temporary Traffic Notice - Wet Lane, Christow (TTRO1615958),
You are invited to attend: 10 Top Tips,
TALC Meeting Thursday 26th May 2016 - Agenda,
Temporary Traffic Notice - B3193, Road from Teign House Inn to Gidleys Turn, Christow (TTRO1615960),
Dunsford Minutes,
Weekly Email News Digest - Monday, 16 May, 2016,
exciting opportunity to join Active Devon as a Board Member,
Families and Welfare Reform Event
Item for next month’s agenda

Christow Parish Council Page