Advanced Trauma Life Support Provider Course Registration

Please complete all information and return via email, fax or postal service using the information below.


Address: 720 Eskenazi Avenue; Hospital, 2nd Floor, Room 431; Indianapolis, IN 46202

Call the Wishard ATLS Office with any questions at (317) 880-5047

Course Dates: January 22-23, 2015


Mailing Address for book mailings:

City: State: Zip:

E-mail Address:

Phone Number:

Alternate Contact Number:

Fax Number:

Primary Specialty:


Active Duty Military:Yes No If Yes what is your rank

Course fee: $750

Recertification Course fee: $500

Course fees (check or money order only): Payable to “Wishard ATLS Course”

Once registration has been processed you will receive a confirmation letter and email regarding your participation in the course.

Please list any dietary restrictions as breakfast and lunch are provided: