Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344) requires authorization from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to discharge dredge and fill material into waters of the United States, which includes most streams, canals, reservoirs, lakes and adjacent wetlands. The USACE regulations are published in the Code of Federal Regulations at 33 CFR 320-332. The USACE website is

The client is responsible for obtaining authorization prior to commencing with regulated activities. The NRCS is required to consider effects of its federal actions on wetlands and other surface waters. Those areas may also be classified as waters of the U.S. The purpose of this form is to facilitate coordination with the USACE and document its determination of regulatory requirements to supplement NRCS-CPA-52, Section G.

Client Information: NRCS Information:

Mailing Address:
Phone (optional): / Field Office: DC:
Mailing Address:
Location (attach map): S T R , County:

Project Information:

NRCS Program: Primary Purpose: Total Project Area: acres
Description (attach drawings):
Aquatic Resources (streams, ponds, ditches, wetland):
Affected Resources (type and area):
Mitigation Measures:


USACE Wyoming Regulatory Office:

The USACE has reviewed project information shown above and other relevant information sufficient enough to provide an informed decision on regulatory requirements. The project qualifies for the following compliance method.

The project area does not contain any potential waters of the U.S. No permit is required.
Proposed activities would not result in a discharge into waters of the U.S. No permit is required.
Proposed activities may occur in waters of the U.S. All activities are exempt from regulation under Section 404(f) of the Clean Water Act. See 33 CFR 323.4(a)( ).
Proposed activities may occur in waters of the U.S. All activities are authorized by Nationwide Permit (NP) as defined in the Federal Register published on February 21, 2012 (Vol. 77, No. 34). The pre-construction notification procedure is not required. A copy of NP is attached along with a certification letter from the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ) dated March 16, 2012. The permittee must comply with all terms and conditions.
Proposed activities may occur in waters of the U.S. All activities can be authorized by Nationwide Permit (NP) as defined in the Federal Register published on February 21, 2012 (Vol. 77, No. 34). The pre-construction notification (PCN) procedure is required. A copy of the PCN instructions is attached along with additional requirements imposed by the WDEQ. The property owner should submit a PCN to the USACE.
Proposed activities may occur in waters of the U.S. Activities cannot be authorized by a nationwide permit. The property owner should contact the USACE and schedule a meeting to discuss permit application procedures.





Version2: October 2013