Canton Board of Education
November 30, 2006 7:30 p.m. Canton Community Center – Room F
Board Members: Also Present:
Frank Byus Absent Leonard Lanza, Interim Superintendent
Susan Crowe Present Gary Gula, Principal CHS
Lou Daniels Present Jerry Domanico, Business Manager
Beth Kandrysawtz Present Graham Martin, Club Football Coach
Carlene Rhea Present Karl Grabowski, Friends of Canton Football
Sue Saidel Present
Carrie Sinish Present
Tony Toland Present
Patti White Present
Chair Daniels called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Chair Daniels discussed the rules for the public forum excluding football.
That the Canton Board of Education approve the Consent Agenda as presented.
Rhea/White U
There was an extensive public forum discussion on the recommendation in support of Canton football. Richard Sanger spoke in opposition. Cathy deSimas spoke in support while cautioning the Board to be aware of the impact in the future. Supportive comments were made by Fred Burditt, Bill Canny, Kevin Smith, Dick Sanger, Sharon Golder, Andy Dylag, Gail Talbot, Paula Deaver, Cindy McFetridge, Kyle Bento, Cathy deSimas, Andy Kuhlberg, and Graham Martin.
Chair Daniels closed the public forum at 8:10 for Board deliberation.
JV Football for 2007
The Board deliberated on the recommendation in support of Canton Football for 2007. Dr. Lanza commended Friends of Canton Football (FCF) for their efforts in raising funds to support football and working well with the Board and community. Dr. Lanza indicated he supports Mr. Gula’s recommendation in support of Canton Football.
Gary Gula, CHS Principal, presented the recommendation for football in 2007.
Chair Daniels thanked the generosity of FCF and the way FCF worked together with the Board as a community. He indicated that an understanding between FCF and the Board will be needed for time to implement the football program; an advisory board will be needed to work on logistics; an understanding that the football program will be governed by Mr. Gula and Ms. Nancy Grace, Athletic Director; and that FCF will continue to raise funds to help support the football program.
Board of Education members expressed their opinions on the issue.
MOTION: That the Board of Education approve the recommended action in support of Canton Football – revised memo dated November 3, 2006 (attached) from Canton High School Principal Gary Gula.
YEA: Crowe, Daniels, Kandrysawtz, Rhea, Saidel, Toland, White
NAY: Sinish
The Board recessed at 8:45 p.m. and reconvened at 8:51 p.m.
Chair Daniels welcomed Jerry Domanico, Business Manager, to his first Board meeting.
Chair Daniels recognized Dr. Lanza in light of the fact that this meeting would be his last with the Canton Board of Education and thanked him for his service to the Board.
Space Proposal
Tony Toland presented the Board with an update on educational space issues throughout the district. He indicated that representatives from DRA, an architectural, engineering and educational planning firm, will be meeting with all district principals on December 4. A proposal from DRA will be presented to the Board meeting on December 14.
Chair Daniels called for a special meeting on December 18 at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the space proposal update following the three board meeting with the Board of Finance and the Board of Selectmen.
Insurance – Agent of Record
Chair Daniels led a discussion on the issue of hiring an Insurance Agent of Record. He informed the Board about his meeting First Selectman Mary Tomolonius. She would like to meet again with the Insurance Committee, including Beth Kandrysawtz, Tony Toland and Jerry Domanico. There was a long discussion on the pros and cons of hiring an agent of record for property and casualty coverage in light of preliminary discussion with the Connecticut Interlocal Risk Management Association (CIRMA) about the necessity of having an agent of record. Mr. Domanico will conduct more research on the Agent of Record for property and casualty and benefits.
There was a discussion about whether the Board should postpone a decision on the agent of record for employee benefits in light of upcoming negotiations.
MOTION: That the Canton Board of Education appoint Lindberg & Ripple as Agent of Record for employee benefits.
Toland/Kandrysawtz U
Dr. Lanza and Chair Daniels discussed the findings of a routine inspection report from Anatoly Konyukhov, Physical Plant Director. The inspection discovered a damaged bearing on the operable wall in the CHS gymnasium which can be a potential safety hazard. The divider will be turned off until the bearing is repaired.
MOTION: That the Canton Board of Education authorizes up to $6,000 for repair for Willco Sales & Service Inc. to replace one damaged bearing in the drive assembly and reinforce and refasten the chassis on the operable wall in the CHS gymnasium.
Crowe/Saidel U
MOTION: That the Canton Board of Education go forward with a budget freeze at the discretion of the Superintendent.
Rhea/Saidel U
Chair Daniels commented on the CABE Conference that was held in mid-November.
Susan Crowe initiated a discussion on Board relations.
Chair Daniels indicated that Kevin Case, the new superintendent starting on December 11, is open to new ideas and can suggest ways in which the Board can change. Chair Daniels would like the Board to look at ways to become more efficient.
MOTION: To adjourn at 9:49 p.m.
White/Rhea U
Respectfully submitted,
Carrie Sinish, Secretary
November 30, 2006
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