Clean Cargo Working Group

Environmental Performance Survey 2011

Company Name: Date:


Clean Cargo Working Group l Environmental Performance Survey 2011

I. Policies & Reporting
  1. Do you have an environmental policy?
If Yes, please attach a copy to this survey. / Yes No
  1. Do you publish an annual environmental performance report? If Yes, please attach a copy to this survey, or provide a link if it can be downloaded off your website:

/ Yes No
  1. Are you involved in any environmental working groups, collaborations, or voluntary initiatives, or similar?
If Yes, pleaselist them below.
/ Yes No
II. Environmental Management System
  1. Do you have an Environmental Management System (EMS) in place?
/ Yes No
  1. Is your EMS certified by an independent third party?
If yes, according to which standards are you certified? (e.g. ISO 14001)
/ Yes No
  1. What are your environmental management objectives, targets, and milestones, including any key performance indicators you use to assess performance?

  1. How do you monitor environmental performance? (what staff are involved? What processes are in place?)

  1. In the event of non-compliance with your environmental management policy, how are corrective actions taken and monitored?

  1. Describe any events of significant non-compliance with your environmental management policy in the past year, and corrective actions taken:

  1. What areas of operation do you apply your Environmental Management System? (If your EMS applies to your whole organization, enter “100%” for all the lines below)
% of owned fleet
% of offices
  1. Are employees trained on the company’s environmental policy, procedures, and targets?
/ Yes No
  1. Do you have a policy in place for vessel recycling?
If yes, please describe your policy and practices:
/ Yes No


Clean Cargo Working Group l Environmental Performance Survey 2011

III. Emissions Reduction
  1. To help inform the group on approaches to reducing CO2 emissions, mark any of the following measures that you systematically implement to improve fuel efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions on ocean vessels:
Vessel speed reduction/optimization
Hull and propeller polishing / hull resistance reductions
Weather routing / real time vessel controls
Optimal rudder adjustment
Optimal trim
Optimized vessel utilization
Optimized vessel load through freight consolidation, alliances etc.
Ballast water reduction measures for a better CO2 / TEU ratio
Waste heat recovery systems
Shaft generators
Electronic engine controls
High pressure fuel injection systems
Other. Pleasedescribe:
  1. Please describe your program to reduce CO2 emissions of cargo you transport by land. If you do not provide inland cargo services, mark NA.

15. Do you have a C02 emissions reduction goal?
If yes, what is your goal? (e.g. Reduce absolute CO2 emissions by 2% by 2011, based on 2007 data)
/ Yes No
  1. To help inform the group on approaches to reducing NOx emissions, please mark all of the following measures you have implemented to reduce N0x emissions:
Adherence to the IMO MARPOL Annex VI standards for all vessels post 2000
Slide valve technologies
Common rail technology
Electronic engine controls
Water-based technologies
Testing and development of advanced after treatment technologies such as Selective Catalytic Reduction
Adoption of a publicly available numeric goal for reducing NOx emissions.
Other. Please describe:
  1. To help inform the group on approaches to reducing SOx emissions, please describe your program to reduce SOx emissions:

  1. Please describe any other pilot projects or research investments you have made in the past year, including use of renewable energy or abatement technology:


Clean Cargo Working Group l Environmental Performance Survey 2011

IV. Subcontractors
  1. Do you use environmental performance criteria in your selection of suppliers or subcontractors?
If Yes, which suppliers do you apply these criteria to?
Charter vessels
Inland cargo transport services
Others. Please specify below.
/ Yes No
V. CCWG Data Sharing (Optional)
20. Which CCWG Shippers and non-vessel-owning common carriers (NVOCCs)would you like to share information with?
All CCWG Shippers
Specific CCWG shippers and NVOCCs:
Which of the following documents would you like them to receive (select all that apply):
This EPS Survey
Performance Metrics Scorecard
Data will be sent individually to the primary CCWG contact at the selected Shippers. Data will only be sent to shippers with a signed CCWG contract on file for 2011.


Clean Cargo Working Group l Environmental Performance Survey 2011