Recycling and Waste Management Sub Group
Progress Report February 2008 to May 2008.
The last meeting of the sub group was held on 6 February 2008 and the following developments have taken place since:
- On the evening of 26 February 2008, the Waste Wise scheme was officially launched with a presentation at Penbryn with a speaker from the Carbon Trust
- In March new waste food containers were provided to the Underground kitchen at the Guild of Students and started feeding the Rocket Composter with waste food.
- Notification received 3 March from the skip contractor that tipping fees would be £100 per tonne plus VAT as of 1 April 2008 which equates to £117.5 per tonne.
- A basement room full of redundant library book end were recycled for scrap metal on 7 March 2008 that filled a 16 cubic yard lorry.
- The glass recycling agreement was renewed with Ceredigion Waste Services on 26 March 2008.
- On 31 March 2008 a television interview was given to the BBC that appeared on the evening of 1 April 2008. This followed an announcement by the Welsh Assembly Government that additional funding was being made available to Local Authorities in Wales for reducing the amount of food sent to landfill.
- The waste disposal agreement with Ceredigion County Council was renewed in early April for the next 12 months.
- Action Aid forwarded a certificate for recycling printer cartridges and mobile telephones for a 12 month period.
- During April and early May, 352 monitors and about 3.5 tonne of redundant I.T. equipment was sent for reuse and recycling. Cefni Computers have now started to charge for disposal and are cheaper than other providers offering a similar service. Monitor disposal is currently £3.50 per monitor.
- Feedback received from staff in Ceredigion County Council is that between November 2007 and the end of March 2008, just over 1 tonne of textiles has been collected by the Salvation Army Trading Company from the 4 banks across campus.
- House Services is now responsible for waste and recycling at the Gogerddan Campus. Cardboard and paper is collected and stored in external skips for recycling. 40 blue recycling bins are being delivered during week commencing 19 may 2008 to the Lord Milford and Stapledon buildings primarily for offices.
Alan Stephens 27May 2008