Animal Science II – Small Animal Honors
Course Syllabus
Teacher: Mrs. Emily O’Connor / Room: 516Phone: (919) 217-5350 / Email:
Course Web page: / Available Times:3:00pm-3:30pm
Welcome to Animal Science II –Small Animal! I am excited to work with you this semester and am dedicated to making this course a positive, successful learning experience for you.Important information regarding the course requirements and expectations are listed below. Please take the time to read through this syllabus thoroughly, so that you are fully prepared for the upcoming semester.
Course Description: This course provides instruction on animal husbandry topics related to small animals that are served by a veterinarian. Content related to the breeding, grooming, care and marketing of animals that fit into this category will be covered through this course. Opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience will be included in the course and reinforced through work-based learning and leadership experiences.Required Prerequisite: According to school system policy, to enroll in this course, students must have successfully completed Animal Science I. Prior or concurrent coursework in Biology is strongly recommended.
Honors Credit:This honors course extends the Essential Standards to a higher, more challenging level. Students can expect to complete focused assignments and make regular presentations of their work in class. These assignments will also count towards a portion of your SAE.Honors assignments include: Current Event Journal, Small Animal Facility Visit and Paper, Disease/Parasite Research Trial and Paper.
Animal Science II – Small Animal Honors
Course Syllabus
- 1 composition book as shown here (spiral notebooks are ok too)
- 1 folder with brass brads or 3 ring binder (for Current Event Journal)
- 2 packs of index cards
- Loose leaf paper (college/wide-ruled)
- Pens and pencils
- 3 Ring Binder (1” or larger)
Classroom Wish List
**These items are not required, but are VERY much appreciated**
Paper Towels / Band-Aids
Kleenex / Hand Sanitizer
Clorox Wipes / Wet Wipes/Baby Wipes
Printer/Copier Paper / School Supplies (notebook paper, pencils etc.)
Glue Sticks / Art Supplies (construction paper, markers etc.)
Index Cards / Pet Supplies (bedding, food etc.)
Each quarter grade will be weighted as follows:
- Tests – 30%
- Quizzes – 10%
- Classwork/Homework – 20%
- Projects - 20%
- Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE)-20% The Supervised Agricultural Experience Program is a project completed outside of class time that gives students an opportunity to apply skills learned in class to real-world
scenarios. This is a unique learning experience in which students will choose an entrepreneurship, experiment, internship, exploration or improvement project of their choice.
**Mid-Term Exam - Prior to the end of the first quarter a comprehensive mid-term exam will be given. This exam will count as two test grades. No mid-term will be given during the second quarter. **
Wake County Grading ScaleA / 93-100
B / 85-92
C / 77-84
D / 70-76
F / 69 or below
The semester grade will be determined using the following formula:
- 1st Quarter Average 40%
- 2nd Quarter Average 40%
- Final Exam 20%
It is very important for you to do your own work, so that you are learning the material for YOURSELF. It will be considered cheating/plagiarism to copy someone else’s homework. You and the person who allowed you to copy their work will receive azero on any assignment that has been copied. I will also call the parent(s) of all students involved to inform them of your decision.Please remember that on projects or other assignments, you cannot copy and paste information without citing the source. This is plagiarism and you will be written up and given a zero on the assignment.
Classroom Procedures:
- Seated – Remain seated after the bell rings and quietly begin working on daily bell ringer assignment. Pencils should be sharpened before beginning the bell ringer assignment.
- Mature – Take responsibility for your own actions and behavior.
- Attentive – Pay attention and actively participate in class (NO SLEEPING!)
- Respectful – Respect yourself, Mrs. O’Connor, other students and our school AT ALL TIMES.
- Timely – You must be IN YOUR SEAT, ready to work when the bell rings to be considered “on time”.
Other Procedures:
- Restroom – The school bathroom pass policy will be followed.
- Dismissal – You will be dismissed by Mrs. O’Connor, NOT by the bell. There will be NO crowding at the door.
- Food & Drinks – Only water and drinks with a lid are allowed in class. NO FOOD. Chewing gum is permitted ONLY if you clean up after yourself and it does not interrupt class. IF at any time this gets out of hand, this privilege WILL be revoked.
- Electronics/Cell Phones – Are permitted ONLY at the discretion of Mrs. O’Connor and NEVER during lecture or tests. Misuse of this policy will result in disciplinary action.
Each and every student is expected to follow these procedures. IF for any reason you do not, the school-wide disciplinary process (found in the student handbook) will be followed.
In order to do well in this course, it is vital that you attend class each and every day.Excessive absences will have serious academic consequences and may result in class or grade-level failure (Board Policy 6000.6). Cumulative absences, both excused and unexcused, above ten (10) in a block course or twenty (20) in a full year course are considered excessive.
Make-Up Work:
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to collect any missed work from Mrs. O’Connor. You have 3school days from the date of your return to complete any missing assignments. Any assignments turned in after this will be considered late and receive a maximum of 70%.
Please fill out the Student Information/Parent Contact Information below and sign indicating that you have read the syllabus and have gone over it with your parent. Please keep the rest of the syllabus for future reference. I look forward to working with you!
Student Information/Parent Contact Information
Last Name First Name Middle Name
Street Address
CityZip Code
Home Phone Student Email Address
Parent/Guardian Name Primary Contact Number Email Address
(List only if checked regularly)
Parent/Guardian Name Primary Contact Number Email Address
(List only if checked regularly)
Do you have regular access to the internet at home? ______
Do you wear contact lenses? ______
Do you have any allergies? ______
If so, please list:
Describe any medical condition(s) or other circumstances that may affect yourperformance in the course and/or be a concern in the lab.
Please sign below indicating you and your parent have reviewed the syllabus and understand the expectations.
Parent’s Signature Date
Student’s Signature Date