2010 Scholarship Application
The Claymont Foundation will award financial scholarships to Claymont High School seniors who will continue their education by attending a technical trade school, community college, or university.
The application must be received by Dee Metzger, ACE Director at Claymont High School, by 3 p.m. Tuesday, MARCH 9, 2010.
Items needed for completion of this application:
· 1 teacher recommendation
· Current high school GPA
· 3 essay questions with cover letters
· Activity / Honors / Awards listing
· Picture of applicant
Winners will be notified by letter in April. Applicants are strongly encouraged to attend the Claymont Foundation banquet held in May 8, 2010 where scholarships will be awarded.
All decisions regarding recipients of any scholarship are at the discretion of the
Claymont Foundation and are final. Please note that if you are awarded a scholarship via the
Claymont Foundation and receive a full-ride you will not receive the scholarship money. The Claymont Foundation defines a full-ride to mean that tuition, room, board and books are paid for via scholarships (other than a Claymont Foundation Scholarship) or grants that do not have to be repaid. If you receive less than a full ride, your Claymont Foundation Scholarship may be reduced to provide at most a full ride. See the example that follows.
John Doe is awarded a $2,000 scholarship via the Claymont Foundation. Below are three different scenarios of the Cost (annual cost for tuition, room, board and books). Award (total of awarded scholarships and grants excluding ones awarded via the Claymont Foundation), Balance (Cost - Award), and CF (the amount of the scholarship awarded via the Claymont Foundation that will be paid to John).
Scenario Cost Award Balance CF
1……. 23,000 18,000 5,000 2,000
2…… 23,000 22,000 1,000 1,000
3…… 23,000 23,000 0 0
Also, if you are selected as the recipient of a scholarship with certain narrow requirements and change your area of concentration or any other change that affects your eligibility for the scholarship before the start of your classes, you will forfeit the scholarship. If books are not included in your college scholarship they will be reimbursed only by submitting a detailed receipt for book purchases.
Complete the following information and attach extra pages as necessary.
Name: ______Home Phone: ______
Address: ______
Parent/Guardian(s) names: ______
(As you would want them listed on any newspaper article)
Cumulative GPA: ______
College, which you plan to attend:
When did you apply: ______Have you been accepted: Y N
Date classes begin: ______Field of study: ______
Attach Activity Listing to application before submitting.
I agree that to the best of my knowledge, the information provided is correct.
Name ______Date ______
Essay Questions:
Answer the following questions on separate pages and attach to this form. Please add a cover page to each essay that includes your name. DO NOT put your name on the essay pages.
1. Why have you chosen the career or field of study you are interested in pursuing and why do you feel you will be successful in that pursuit?
2. What current world or national issue interests you and why?
3. A topic of your choice.