Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on the 28th May 2015 at Llanymynech Village Hall.
15/047 PRESENT: Chairman, Cllr. Mrs. D. Gaskill. Cllrs. K. Allcock, A. Brown,
R. Hitch, M. Melling, I.G. Pollitt, P. Roberts, B. Robinson, Mrs. J. L. Smith and the Clerk Mrs. V. E. Byrne. Shropshire Cllr Arthur Walpole, CSO Kurt Mabe and two members of the Public – Mr Bob Jones and Mr. Les Jones.
15/048 ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN. Cllr Mrs Dilys Gaskill vacated the Chair and left the room. Cllr Mike Melling nominated Cllr Mrs. Gaskill as Chairman, 2nd by Cllr Ian Pollitt.. There were no other nominations and Council voted unanimously to Elect Cllr Mrs. Gaskill as Chairman. Cllr Mrs. Gaskill was invited to return to the meeting and thanked the Council for her Election, and signed the Acceptance of Office.
15/049 ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN. Cllr Adam Brown was Proposed, but he asked for time to consider. It was therefore agreed to defer the election of a Vice Chairman until the June meeting.
15/050 RESPONSIBLE FINANCIAL OFFICER. Mrs. Vivien Eunice Jane Byrne was Proposed by Cllr Pollitt, 2nd by Cllr Roberts and appointed as R.F.O. for the ensuing year.
15/051 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE were received from Cllr: P. McConville and T. E. Mason (hols).
15/053 POLICE REPORT PCSO Kurt Mabe reported there were 52 calls, which are now graded, 4 of these were grade 1, as follows: thefts of a bike, and whisky, theft by an employee and damage to the wheels of a car. There were also 1 anti social behaviour, 1 concern for the welfare of a child, and 2 domestic incidents (both at the same address). Other incidents reported were collapse of a manhole on the A483, traffic lights not working, an illegal sign at the cross roads and 3 suspicious incidents. Because some of the incidents are multiple reports there were 10 recorded incidents in total. The Clerk produced an email from Mr. Connell about the parking in Station Road, Llanymynech particularly near the Curry Hut. Kurt reported the police had been dealing with this matter, by visiting residents and the owner of the Curry Hut and he had been asked to advise his customers not to park. It was agreed that the bollards in front of the shop are the main problem, preventing vehicles being parked properly. Cllr Walpole thought these were part of the planning consent, but he agreed to enquire about their removal. Cllr Hitch queried the accident at Llanymynech cross roads and how it had affected traffic, as he believed it had caused tail backs to Welshpool. Kurt agreed to follow this up.
15/054 MATTERS RAISED BY THE PUBLIC Mr. Bob Jones and Les Jones were present and wished to speak on the planning application for poultry sheds to house 100,000 birds at Lower House Farm, Llanymynech.
Mr. Bob Jones began by thanking the Council for allowing him to speak. He said there had not been any local information on the proposal. The site is 250m from Heritage Way where there are 163 houses and it may well be extended for more houses. There may be problems of odour, vermin and water pollution. The traffic generated would have a detrimental effect on the village, where there is no pavement and many children accessing schools and nursery. The operation of the site will generate 70 HGV movements on each crop cycle, there would be manure spread on local fields and water from cleansing kept in a lagoon and distributed on local fields. Behind Plas Cerrig Farm is a natural wet area with drainage from many local areas into the wet area and from there into a stream between Beechfield and Llwyngroes and the River Vyrnwy, so any pollution would have an adverse effect on the environment.
Mr. Les Jones spoke about the 70 HGV’s mentioned in the application and they would cause chaos in Station Road, also the mini roundabout at Badgers Green which HGV’s can only use by crossing to the wrong side of the road.
15/055 SHROPSHIRE COUNCIL REPORT. Cllr Walpole began by talking about the recent election, which he knew would result in further cuts. Keith Barrow remained as the Leader of the Council and Steve Charmley as his Deputy. The Canal and River Trust are due to hold an event on the 5th June to launch the towpath works at Four Crosses, then lunch at Llanymynech Village Hall. He would be attending this and afterwards having meetings with the people involved to try and get support for the canal. The works to the railway bridge on Station Road was mentioned, also the change in planning application at the The Grove to two dwellings. The Inspector’s Report on the wind farms and pylons is still awaited. He advised there is a vacancy on the Bryn Offa School governing body, and he would like to hear from anyone interested. The Samdev report is still not in from the Inspector, but the Council are finding that the appeals are being upheld by 21 out of 22. Affordable housing levy changes, for the contribution to be removed when less than 10 dwellings, was challenged but unsuccessfully. Report of the removal of a hedge, installation of a fence and a new entrance being formed at Yewtree on the B4396 was reported to Cllr Walpole and he asked for an email report.
15/056 ELECTION OF COMMITTEES. Cllr Melling Proposed that the Committees be re-elected en-bloc, 2nd by Cllr Roberts with all in favour and therefore RESOLVED that the following be re-elected:
Burial Committee - Cllrs Mrs. D. Gaskill, Mason and Cllr Mrs. J. Smith with
Cllr McConville as Reserve.
Footpath Committee - All Councillors.
Planning Committee - All Councillors
Oswestry Area Committee - Cllrs Mrs. Gaskill and McConville.
Play Equipment/Health & Safety Committee - Cllrs McConville, Pollitt and Robinson.
Llanymynech Village Hall Representative - Cllr Pollitt.
Pant Memorial Institute Representative - Cllr McConville.
Playing Fields Association Representative - Cllrs McConville and Pollitt
Emergency Planning – Cllr Mason and Cllr Melling.
Tree Warden – Cllr Robinson and Cllr Roberts.
Quarry Liaison Committee - Cllrs Brown, Mason and Allcock.
Bryn Offa P. Field Management Committee - Cllrs Brown and McConville
Parish Path Wardens - Cllrs Mrs Smith, Robinson, Roberts and vacancy.
Shropshire Council Local Joint Committee –Cllr Mrs. Dilys Gaskill..
15/057 MINUTES of the meeting held on the 25th March 2015 were Proposed by Cllr Brown, 2nd by Cllr Roberts with all in favour.
15/058 JOINT USE FIELD ENCROACHMENT. Letters from Sean Pemble, Architect were read by the Clerk and reports from Headteacher. Discussion on the French drain, soakaway, drain pipe and grid. It was unanimously Resolved that the Clerk write to demand that all the works be removed from the Council’s property within two weeks of the date of the receipt of the recorded delivery letter..
15/059 BADGERS GREEN PLAY AREA. The Council considered the quotations received for the play area at Heritage Way, Badgers Green. Sovereign quoted for a Buzz unit (no roof) a Pony springer and 2 bench seats and green bonded rubber safety surface beneath items for £18,508 plus vat but this did not include metal fencing or a safety gate. Ray Parry Ltd quoted for a Sutcliffe multi play unit, a sit on spring duck, a sit in spring bee, a Driftwood Den, 3 bench seats plus bow topped steel fencing powder coated green to surround site and a red self closing anti slam steel safety gate with green bonded rubber safety surfacing beneath items for £23,900.00 plus vat and Playdale had sent brochures and prices. Following discussion and study of the plans, it was Proposed by Cllr Melling and 2nd by Cllr Allcock that the quotation from Ray Parry Ltd be selected. All voted in favour and therefore it was RESOLVED that Ray Parry Ltd install the equipment at Badgers Green play area. It was further agreed that the entire play area be green rubber to reduce maintenance costs.
15/060 ROAD AND FOOTWAYS Ian Askew of Highways England Ltd had written thanking the Parish Council for their reception at the Annual Parish Meeting. It was agreed that the APM had been very successful and Messrs Askew and Jaffier had been most helpful. The square indentation in the footway opposite to Greystones Court had to be reported. Also Well Lane subsidence.
15/061 PLANNING. The following applications were considered.
15/01871/FUL Netherfield – no comments.
15/01557/EIA Lower House Farm, Llanymynech. Agreed to comment that the Parish Council objects due to the following issues – TRAFFIC - increase on the narrow junction of the cross roads where there is no pavement and HGV’s have difficulty, and the mini roundabout at Badgers Green which is unsuitable for HGV’s as they have to cross into the opposite carriageway into the path of oncoming traffic. POLLUTION – close proximity to large housing estate and possible issues of odour, vermin and flies. The spreading of manure on local fields and the water used for cleaning kept in a lagoon. ENVIRONMENT - The adjacent wetland which drains a considerable area of Pant into a stream which then enters the River Vyrnwy could be polluted. BYPASS -
The route of the Bypass may conflict with the site. The operation of the chicken producing business may in the future become a cause for objection to a bypass of the village. Highways England Ltd must be consulted on this issue.
PLANNING QUESTIONNAIRE It was suggested that the Cllrs complete the online questionnaire on Shropshire Council planning arrangements.
15/062 FINANCIAL MATTERS AND ACCOUNTS Bank Reconciliation and Accounts for 2014/15 were circulated to Councillors. Accounts for payment as separate list below totalling £10,643.00 were proposed by Cllr Pollitt, 2nd by Cllr Roberts with all in favour and therefore RESOLVED.
15/063 STREET LIGHTING The Chairman reported that the Burial Committee had met earlier in the evening and had agreed to pay half the cost of the pole move. The Clerk detailed the cost of the pole move in Rectory Lane amounting to £5858.17 plus vat of £1171.63, a total of £7029.80 and the quotation for the new led lantern of £460 plus vat. The cost of the lantern in Smelthouse Lane would also be £460 plus vat, where the pole had been replaced by Scottish Power. Proposed by Cllr Pollitt and 2nd by Cllr Robinson that these quotations be accepted, all were in favour. RESOLVED therefore that the Burial Committee pay £2929.00 and the Parish Council pay the corresponding amount from the Neighbourhood Fund.
15/064 RIGHTS OF WAY None to report.
15/065 VILLAGE MAINTENANCE Request had been made for a bin at the Underhill Lane car park. Proposed by Cllr Robinson and 2nd by Cllr Roberts that a bin be provided from the Neighbourhood Fund, all were in favour and therefore RESOLVED..
Cheq / Payee / Amount / SupplyPAID AT APM
1286 / Llanymynech VH / 14.00 / Room Hire “
1287 / G. Gaskill / 40.00 / Pantllan graphics. “
1288 / OCC (L. Byrne) / 50.00 / APM catering “
1289 / HMRC / 115.80 / Tax & Ni “
1290 / V E Byrne / 463.20 / April Salary “
1291 / S. Power / 353.00 / Lighting energy Apr 7 Nay
1292 / Cancelled
1293 / V E Byrne / 463.20 / Salary May.
1294 / HMRC / 115.80 / Tax NI
1295 / AON / 485.26 / Insurance premium
1296 / Lawrence Direct / 11.50 / Photocopying
1297 / Highline / 188.76 / Lighting Maint.
1298 / St. Agatha’s PCC / 164.00 / Clock Maint 2014 & 2015
1299 / RPS / 1149.00 / Grounds Maintenance Inv 3/5
1300 / Scottish Power / 7029.80 / Pole move in Burial ground.
Shrops Council / 24,400.00 / Precept
“ “ / 16,063.00 / 2014 Neighbourhood Fund