Classroom Management and Culture Plan

Articulate your 6 Week Vision:Where along the Spectrum for your Academic and Personal Big Goals do you want to be after the first 6 weeks of school? What will it look like / sound like / feel like on a daily level?

Build Relationships with Students and Families
What will you actually do in your classroom to get to know your students, their families, and to learn more about what they value?

What Will You Do? / How Will You Do It?
Reach out and Get to Know Students’ Families
→ Introductory phone calls
→ Initial or weekly letters
→ Progress reports
→ Parent questionnaires
Get to know your students, their identity, their values, and their goals
→ Student surveys
→ Team building activities
→ Student letters
→ Learning style inventories

Set Purpose / Invest Students in your Vision
What will you actually do in your classroom to articulate, reinforce, and measure your big goal and vision?

What Will You Do? / How Will You Do It?
Making the goals student friendly
→ How will you introduce the vision and goal?
→ Will you have a theme that aligns to your vision and goal?
Implement strategies and mini-lessons to build investment towards the Big Goal and Vision
→ Utilize Lesson Introductions
→ Teach lessons on Malleable Intelligence
→ Have a “commitment wall,” or having a class theme, goal wall, future jobs wall
Leverage your Student Tracking information
→ Tracking as a full class or team, individual student tracking
→ Give students their own tracker and make time to update and celebrate
→ Send progress/tracking reports home

Building Student Confidence
How will you help them believe that they are capable of achieving your vision and goals for the year?

What Will You Do? / How Will You Do It?
Making the goals feel accessible

Helping students feel capable and confident

Classroom Management
How will you help them believe that they are capable of achieving your vision and goals for the year?

What Will You Do? / How Will You Do It?
Classroom Rules




Ongoing Routines and Systems
What ongoing classrooms systems and routines can you use to reinforce a classroom culture based on your vision?

What Will You Do? / How Will You Do It?
Regular Classroom Routines or Systems

When will you execute all of these strategies in order to establish a classroom culture that will set you up to drive effectively toward your vision and big goals with your kids this year?

Culture and Management Plan Calendar
August/September 2012
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday