Classroom Layout Rationale:

  • Teacher’s Desk: I chose to place the teacher’s desk in the front, far corner of the classroom. I wanted the teacher’s desk to be in the front of the classroom so that I can have an eye on the students at all times. Although I do not plan to sit at the teacher’s desk often during class time, I realize that sometimes it may be necessary to be near because I must pull up activities for the smart board on the computer at her desk, or for other technology purposes. I also must have easy access to any handouts, “think sheets,” props, etc. that I plan to use during the lesson. Although the teacher’s desk is at the front of the room, it is still in the far corner, not in the middle so that the teacher is “on stage” or in the way of learning tools the students need to be able to easily see from their desks, such as the smart board and the whiteboard. Also, the teacher’s desk is in the far corner so that the doorway, which is a high traffic area, is clear for movement, easy entrance and exit.
  • Filing Cabinets/Teacher Shelving: I chose to place the filing cabinets and teacher shelving behind the teacher’s desk. I thought that this was a good place for it because it provides easy access for the teacher and limited access for the students.
  • Smart board & Whiteboard: I chose to put the smartboard and whiteboard at the front center of the classroom because these two items will be used frequently. All students should be able to easily see them from their chairs.
  • Small Table: I chose to place a small table for student folder boxes and hand sanitizer by the door so students have easy access to it when they first walk into the room. I hope to take role by looking into the box to see which students’ folders remain after class starts by setting a procedure for each student to take their folder when they walk into the room. Also, cleanliness is always important so hand sanitizer can be used upon entrance and exit of the room if desired.
  • Student Tables: I chose to place student tables in three rows, the first row with three tables, the second row with two tables, and the third row again with three tables. In my opinion, the rows set up in this way provide the best line of sight for the students in the back two rows to the front of the classroom as opposed to having table right behind table. I tried to demonstrate the best that I could that I was leaving plenty of space between tables on all sides so that the teacher and students can easily move between tables. This helps the teacher in monitoring the classroom. Movement throughout the classroom and proximity is key. I chose group tables as opposed to individual desks because I like the idea of students being comfortable with their classroom peers and working collaboritively in groups often. I like groups of three students because they are not too big and not too small allowing everyone to play a part without leaving anyone out, but also allowing enough discussion within groups. I chose the shape of the table to be semi-circles because I wanted all students to be facing the front of the classroom and not have their backs turned. I also thought that semi-circle was good for both groups and doing individual work because it can somewhat be divided into three work sections, one from the middle and one from each of the two sides, without students being all each others’ space.
  • Student Chairs: I chose to use unattached chairs at student tables so that students could easily move chairs to regroup if necessary.
  • Bulletin Board: I chose to place a large bulletin board in the middle of one of the side walls of the classroom. I thought that this was appropriate because all students can see it easily. I thought that a bulletin board would be great for postings studend work, procedures, calender, schedules, assignments, and unit title and objectives.
  • Bookshelf and Cabinets: I chose to place a large bookshelf with cabinets for supply storage above it along the other side wall. I think that it is a good idea for students to have easy access to a resource center of books and supplies to use for both their individual and group work.
  • Computer Tables: I chose to place the computer tables at the back corner of the room. Although I think that technology is a great tool, I did not think that the student computers need to be at front and center of the classroom. First of all, there are often times not nearly enough computers for students. Therefore, turns are necessary so other activities or instruction, which of course may be related, connected, or a part of the computer activity, must be taking place while students are using computers. Placing the computers in the back keeps them from becoming a distraction to the rest of the students in the classroom. Also, the computer at the front, the teacher’s computer, will be the most used computer in the classroom because it connects to the smartboard, with which all students can visualize and interact at one time instead of a selcect few. I hope to use technology as often as possible in the classroom, and in our technology class, we are learning how to do so. I think that the students learn well by using the technology themselves as well, not simply watching the teacher use the technology.
  • Computers: I chose to place six student computers in my classroom because although I do not think that they should be the focus, they are useful tools in research, games, activities, and so forth. There are also lots of new programs for mathematic technology such as Geometer’s Sketchpad and Graphing Calculator, which would be great construction and exploration tools to use in the classroom. I chose to place one teacher computer in my classroom at the front for teacher use and smartboard use.
  • Trunk Full of Manipulatives and Tools: I chose to place a large trunk to store manipulatives and other toolsat the back of my classroom. I think that manipulatives are great resourses in a math classroom. Sometimes, students cannot grasp concepts by simply listening to explanation from the teacher or working with paper and pencil. It is important for them to have other means of exploring problems. Manipulatives and tools would include blocks, shapes, calculators, rulers, portractors, compasses, etc.

Physical Needs

It is so important for students to be provided with a learning environment that meets their physical needs. Safety is a physical need that takes top priority. As teachers, we are responsible for our students’ safety while they are in our classrooms. When students feel unsafe in their own classrooms, their learning is hindered. As a teacher, I hope to make students feel safe by providing them with a friendly, inviting classroom environment. Therefore, I designed my classroom layout with this in mind. However, classroom layout is not the only factor that involves students feeling safe. Relationships with other students and with the teacher is very important. Teachers should be allies for their students; they should accept them, support them, respect them, stand up for them, and encourage them to succeed. I hope to create a learning community in which every student in my classroom is comfortable with their peers and with me. Appropriate seating is another physical need that students should be provided with in their classroom. Seating influences stress level, access to resources, cognition, and health (“Physical Environments for Learning”). It is important for students to be comfortable with who they are sitting beside so that they are not stressed because they feel unsafe or uncomforatble. Therefore if a learning community has been developed, they should not be a problem. I designed my classroom with equal access to resources in mind; I would be sure to allow everyone the opportunity to access resources when necessary. If someone needed to sit in a certain seat to have special access to certain resources because of a learning disablity or a health problem, I would be sure to keep that in mind when assigning seats. Seats should be designed so that they are comfortable and support good posture, without providint “too much” comfort. Uncomfortable seats may negativly affect back health and cognition. Personally, I know how important a good seat is when in the classroom; I have often experienced back pain and discomfort in classrooms, preventing me from giving my full attention to learning. Therfore, I would be sure to place good chairs in my classroom. Appropriate temperature is another physcial need that should be provided to students in the classroom. Temperature affects cognition because the brain is very sensative to temperature. An appropriate temperature for the classroom is between 68 and 72 degrees. The cooler the brain is, the more relaxed, receptive, and cognitively sharp the student is, as long as it is not too cold (“Physical Environments for Learning”).). Lighting is also a very important physical need for students. Natural light is very important Lighting can influence visual difficulties, nutritional deficits, chronic infectins, postural problems, and chronic fatigue (“Physical Environments for Learning”).). It is very important for sunlight to be present in the classroom. Students generally have better moods when they are exposed to sunlight, and therfore, perform better academically in general. I would include windows in my classroom. Finally, a very important physical need for students is movement. When students move while learning, their energy level stays up and their brains are provided with the necessary oxygen-rich blood for learning (). In my classroom, I will incorporate movement as much as possible through activities such as carousel walks, games, role-play, and more. Group seating and multiple resource centers throughout my classroom help make movement easy. Movement is key in learning and should be practiced in every classroom; it helps make learning fun, along with aiding in brain-functioning.

Emotional Needs

Emotions affect attention, create meaning, have their own memory pathways, influence behavior, and aid in organization (“Emotional States”). Emotions activate many areas of the brain; they are not simply limited to one location. A great emotinal need of students at any age is to feel accepted. It is so important for all students to feel accepted, respected, and connected in the classroom. Group seating and teacher relationships can help students achieve this emotional need. I think that it is extremely important to communicate to students about respect; students should be taught to respect each others differences. When there is respect in a classroom, students should be able to develop relationships and a sense of community. This positively efeects academic achievement. Also, when students make emotional connections, they are more likely to remember an experience. Students need to experience joy and pleasure in the classroom. Great associations are made when positive emotions are experienced during learning. Positive emotions in the classroom may also cause students to associate these feelings with learning, teachers, and school. Students also need to experience anticipation and curiostiy in the classroom. This can motivate them to meet their goals, which will help them succeed academically. As a teacher, I hope to evoke positive emotions in my students. I hope to make them curious by starting out lessons with a hook, or some type of engaging activating strategy. I hope to keep the content interesting so that they do not lose curiosity or motivation. Technology, manipulatives, and other resources can evoke curiosity in students. I hope to help the students experience joy and pleasure through exploration and construction of knowledge, which they can own because they worked hard to develop meaning and understanding. A rich classroom environment in which respect is practiced is key in meeting the emotional needs of students.


I feel that my classroom supports both the physical and emotional needs of the students. Learning environments should be very rich, providing opportunities for students to succeed academically. I feel that I created a classroom environment that caters to any student.