Position Description Form (PDF)

College: Northern College

Incumbent's Name:

Position Title: Health & Safety/Plant & Property CoordinatorPayband:J

Position Code/Number (if applicable):

Supervisor's Name and Title:Sue Howson – Manager, Plant & Property

Completed by:Sue HowsonDate:Reviewed June 25, 2018



(Indicates the incumbent has read and understood the PDF)


Supervisor's Supervisor:Date:


Support Staff PDFFINAL

Instructions for Completing the PDF

1.Read the form carefully before completing any of the sections.

2.Answer each section as completely as you can based on the typical activities or requirements for the position and not on exceptional or rare requirements.

3.If you have any questions, refer to the document entitled "A Guide on How to Write Support Staff Position Description Forms" or contact your Human Resources representation for clarification.

4.Ensure the PDF is legible.

5.Responses should be straightforward and concise using simple factual statements.

Position Summary

Provide a concise description of the overall purpose of the position.

Reporting to the Manager, Plant and Property the incumbent in this college-wide position:
  1. Conducts occupational Health and Safety audits and provide advice and guidance to College management and to the College’s Joint Health and Safety Committee’s.
  2. Recommends and implements approved measures to ensure the College provides a healthy and safe environment that meets all occupational health and safety legislative requirements and that the College remains compliant with relevant legislation, and that staff are aware of their rights and responsibilities under the Act
  3. Develops health and safety materials, guidelines, and policies, and trains and promotes/educates College personnel on their content.
  4. Assists with facilities planning activities such as modifying floor plans, preparing architectural specifications and drawings, and building condition audits and data entry. Coordinate construction projects by liaison with architects, engineers and contractors and College staff. This will also include responsibilities to ensure that the College meets the “Accessibility” requirements as per government guidelines.

Duties and Responsibilities

Indicate as clearly as possible the significant duties and responsibilities associated with the position. Indicate the approximate percentage of time for each duty. Describe duties rather than detailed work routines.

Duties and Responsibilities / Approximate % of time annually*
  1. Working alone, or in conjunction with College personnel and with theJointHealth & Safety Committees the incumbent ensures that the College’s Health and Safety policy, and Health and Safety legislation is complied to by:
  2. Responding to health and safety concerns
  3. Identifying unsafe conditions and directing corrective action in an effort to avoid injuries to staff and students and to prevent damage to College equipment and premises.
  4. Providing detailed reports relating to Health and Safety concerns.
  5. Working with supervisors to ensure approved corrective action is implemented and to ensure their departments are in compliance to related Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental legislations
  6. The incumbent develops goals and objectives and coordinatesthe implementation of occupational health and safety policies, procedures and practices
  7. Overseeing hazardous substance inventories and provision of Material Safety Data Sheets as required and are in place under the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System / Global Harmonized Systemlegislations.
  8. Reviewing all accident/incident reports (investigating as necessary) andtaking appropriate corrective action to protect the college from unjustified Workers' Compensation claim costs.
  9. Assisting with the investigation of accident scenes and works with Ministry of Labour when required.
/ 45%
  1. Provides Health and Safety awareness to staff,students and the publicby:
  • Delivering educational and awareness programs to the College Community (i.e. supervisors, staff and students) so they may better recognize hazards related to fire, health and safety and be aware of their responsibilities related to Health & Safety within their working/learning environment.
  • Developing and distributing literature on fire safety and other occupational health and safety related matters.
  • Developing and implementing the fire prevention and control program to comply with the Ontario Fire Code. This also includes the administration of the Emergency Response Plan. The incumbent will maintain the College’s Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation Plans to ensure a controlled evacuation of the College, when required.
/ 23%
  • Acting as a resource personto the campus’s Joint Health and Safety Committee. This involves providing statistical information relating to workplace injuries, providing clarification regarding Acts/Regulations, co-ordinating workplace inspections and researching responses to workplace inspection concerns and committee recommendations.
  • Providing safety instructions to on-site contractors.
  • Assisting with the co-ordination and implementation of Women’s Campus Safety program

3. Assist with facilities and “Accessibility” planning for all campuses by:
  • Preparing architectural specifications and drawings for departmental needs
  • Liaison with architects, engineers and contractors
  • Reviewing architectural/engineering drawing to ensure that the needs of the project are being met, in requirements, functionality and cost.
  • Modifying floor plans
  • Building condition audits and data entry.
  • This will also include responsibilities to ensure that the College meets the “Accessibility” requirements as per government guidelines.
/ 25%
  1. Tracts attendance, sick days, vacation, and overtime for Porcupine plant staff by:
  • Completing attendance sheets
  • Recording vacation days and overtime
/ 2%
4. Other duties as assigned / 5%

To help you estimate approximate percentages:

½ hour a day is 7%1 hour a day is 14%1 hour a week is 3%

½ day a week is 10%½ day a month is 2%1 day a month is 4%

1 week a year is 2%


A.Check the box that best describes the minimum level of formal education that is required for the position and specify the field(s) of study. Do not include on-the-job training in this information.

□Up to High School or□1 year certificate or2 year diploma or


□Trade certification or □3 year diploma / degree□3 year diploma / degree plus

equivalentor equivalentprofessional certification or


□4 year degree or□Post graduate degree□Doctoral degree or

equivalent(e.g. Masters) or equivalentequivalent

Field(s) of Study:

Occupational Health and Safety, or related discipline such as Construction Management, Building Inspection, Architectural

B.Check the box that best describes the requirement for specific course(s), certification, qualification, formal training or accreditation in addition to and not part of the education level noted above and in the space provided specify the additional requirement(s). Include only the requirement that would typically be included in the job posting and would be acquired prior to the commencement of the position. Do not include courses that are needed to maintain a professional designation.

□No additional requirements
□Additional requirements obtained by course(s) of a total of 100 hours or less
Additional requirements obtained by course(s) of a total between 101 and 520 hours / Phase II -Train The Trainer
Basic Certification I
Phase II Certification
WHMIS/GHS Train the Trainer
Working at Heights Train the Trainer
Rigging Train the Trainer
Standard First Aid/CPR / 16 hours
28 hours
14 hours
14 hours
14 hours
7 hours
21 hours
□Additional requirements obtained by course(s) of a total of more than 520 hours


Experience refers to the minimum time required in prior position(s) to understand how to apply the techniques, methods and practices necessary to perform this job. This experience may be less than experience possessed by the incumbent, as it refers only to the minimum level required on the first day of work.

Check the box that best captures the typical number of year of experience, in addition to the necessary education level, required to perform the responsibilities of the position and, in the space provided, describe the type of experience. Include any experience that is part of a certification process, but only if the work experience or on-the-job training occurs after the conclusion of the educational course or program.

□Less than one (1) year
□Minimum of one (1) year
□Minimum of two (2) years
□Minimum of three (3) years
Minimum of five (5) years /
  • A minimum of five years of practical experience in in various disciplines (construction, industrial) in the area of Health and Safety, and
  • Experience in the use of AutoCAD drawing software would be an asset.

□Minimum of eight (8) years

3.Analysis and Problem Solving

This section relates to the application of analysis and judgement within the scope of the position.

The following charts help to define the level of complexity involved in the analysis or identification of situations, information or problems, the steps taken to develop options, solutions or other actions and the judgement required to do so.

Please provide up to three (3) examples of analysis and problem solving that are regular and recurring and, if present in the position, up to two (2) examples that occur occasionally:

#1 regular & recurring
Key issue or problem encountered. / Health and Safety Inspections resulting in the reporting of an infraction and or locking-out of unsafe equipment
How is it identified? / Identified through the visual inspection of the workplace along with the experience and knowledge of incumbent in the matters of Health and Safety
Is further investigation required to define the situation and/or problem? If so, describe. / Depending on the nature of the of the Health and Safety incident, closer investigation may be required to determine if there are other concerns.
E.g. A grinder has a charred plug, was the plug itself or a defective electrical receptacle that caused the charring to the plug.
Explain the analysis used to determine a solution(s) for the situation and/or problem. / Depending on the severity/complexity of the infraction, research involving the Health and Safety Act must be undertaken
What sources are available to assist the incumbent finding solution(s)? (E.g. past practices, established standards or guidelines). /
  • Incumbent’s knowledge.
  • Occupational Health and Safety Act & Regulations
  • Workplace Safety & Insurance Act, Regulations, and policy manual
  • Fire Marshals Act, Ontario Fire Code and Building Code
  • Other related industrial and educational standards, guidelines and procedures

3.Analysis and Problem Solving

#2 regular & recurring
Key issue or problem encountered / Preparing architectural drawings and specifications to meet a departmental or building requirement. Example: Nursing Simulation Lab.
How is it identified? / Usually presented to the incumbent by the supervisor
Is further investigation required to define the situation and/or problem? If so, describe. / The incumbent will meet with the staff affected to discuss fine details of the needs required to fully understand the scope of the project. E.g.: Location of partitions, type of flooring, location of equipment, power and data requirements
Explain the analysis used to determine a solution(s) for the situation and/or problem. / The problem isresolved through the incumbent’s knowledge of building systems and construction practices.
What sources are available to assist the incumbent finding solution(s)? (e.g. past practices, established standards or guidelines). /
  • Incumbent’s experience and knowledge
  • OntarioBuilding Code

#3 regular & recurring
Key issue or problem encountered / The incumbent must review all safety concerns accident/incident reports investigating as necessary and take or recommend corrective action to protect the College and its employees.
How is it identified? / Through Accident and Incident reports submitted to the incumbent
Is further investigation required to define the situation and/or problem? If so, describe. / In some situations further investigation is required to fully analyse the problem in order to recommend corrective action to prevent reoccurrences.
Explain the analysis used to determine a solution(s) for the situation and/or problem. / The incumbent may have to speak to all parties involved and depending on the outcome a procedure may have to be developed to prevent future occurrences
What sources are available to assist the incumbent finding solution(s)? (e.g. past practices, established standards or guidelines). / The incumbent’s knowledge
Past occurrences
Occupational Health and Safety Act
Various Safety Associations

3. Analysis and Problem Solving

#1 occasional (if none, please strike out this section)
Key issue or problem encountered / Respond to Health and safety inquiries/concerns from staff and management. E.g. Type of personal protective equipment to use, type of training required to use power tools, type of documentation for due diligence purposes, are volunteers covered under the Act, how to complete forms.
How is it identified? / Through phone calls or e-mails to the incumbent
Is further investigation required to define the situation and/or problem? If so, describe. / Incumbent must follow-up on the inquiry or concern and respond to the staff members in a timely fashion
Explain the analysis used to determine a solution(s) for the situation and/or problem. / Incumbent must either research the inquiry i.e. specific training requested or required as well as offer guidance to the inquiry as for the protection of workers
What sources are available to assist the incumbent finding solution(s)? (e.g. past practices, established standards or guidelines). / Various Safety Associations
Industry Contacts
Established standards
#2 occasional (if none, please strike out this section)
Key issue or problem encountered / The incumbent must resolve unforeseen issues or problems during construction projects
How is it identified? / The problem is most often identified during construction
(ex: unforeseen hidden building components not identified on construction drawing such as hidden piping or columns in existing walls)
Is further investigation required to define the situation and/or problem? If so, describe. / Further investigation is required to provide a proper solution and to ensure that changes will not affect building components or design
Explain the analysis used to determine a solution(s) for the situation and/or problem. / The incumbent must act quickly as to not affect the schedule of construction. The incumbent will discuss possible solutions with the contractors.
What sources are available to assist the incumbent finding solution(s)? (e.g. past practices, established standards or guidelines). / Incumbent’s Knowledge
Discussions with Supervisor
OntarioBuilding Code
Contact with Architects/Engineers


Planning is a proactive activity as the incumbent must develop in advance a method of acting or proceeding, while coordinating can be more reactive in nature.

Using the following charts, provide up to three (3) examples of planning and/or coordinating that are regular and recurring and, if present in the position, up to two (2) examples that occur occasionally:

#1 regular & recurring
List the project and the role of the incumbent in this activity. / A construction/renovation project. The incumbent would be required to plan and coordinate such that there are minimal interruptions to services during the construction/renovation project
What are the organizational and/or project management skills needed to bring together and integrate this activity? / The ability to logically plan and coordinate events such that neither the work of the contractor or that of college staff is impeded. The incumbent must also ensure that proper documentation is received from the Contractors prior to commencing work. (WSIB clearance certificate, liability insurance, proper funds, training certificates when applicable)
List the types of resources required to complete this task, project or activity. / A work plan must be developed with a defined time linewhich includes coordination from the design process all the way to the completion of the project.
How is/are deadline(s) determined? / Deadlines are determined, in the most part, by the start or end dates of Collegeactivities or events e.g. start of a semester, pre-scheduled event such as a conference, or Ministry timelines.
Who determines if changes to the project or activity are required? And who determines whether these changes have an impact on others? Please provide concrete examples. / The incumbent makes the necessary adjustments as long as it stays within the agreed upon parameters
#2 regular & recurring
List the project and the role of the incumbent in this activity. / The incumbent must deliver New Employee Safety Orientation and WHMIS / GHSTraining
What are the organizational and/or project management skills needed to bring together and integrate this activity? / The incumbent must coordinate with other departments regarding new hires in order to conduct safety orientation for all new hires including summer students.
The incumbent must keep training files of all full–time employees and track training (WHMIS/GHS, Working at Heights)
List the types of resources required to complete this task, project or activity. /
  • Incumbent’s training files as well as coordination with Human Resources
  • College Database/ College Personnel

How is/are deadline(s) determined? / The deadlines are determined by the incumbent and the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and in some situations with the Human Resources Department
Who determines if changes to the project or activity are required? And who determines whether these changes have an impact on others? Please provide concrete examples. / The incumbent in consultation with the Joint Health and Safety Committees and their Supervisor. Any changes/updates to training programsare initiated by the Incumbent and passed through the committees and Supervisor for feedback.
#3 regular & recurring
List the project and the role of the incumbent in this activity. / The implementation of occupational health and safety policies, procedures and practices.
What are the organizational and/or project management skills needed to bring together and integrate this activity? / The fine details of the needs requires further discussion with the end users or supervisor to fully understand the scope of the project
List the types of resources required to complete this task, project or activity. /
  • Discussions with appropriate departments and personnel
  • Occupational Health and Safety Act
  • Various Safety Associations
  • Industry Contacts
  • Municipalities
  • Other College Practices/Policies

How is/are deadline(s) determined? / The immediate need to have the policy, procedure implemented
Who determines if changes to the project or activity are required? And who determines whether these changes have an impact on others? Please provide concrete examples. / The incumbent makes the necessary adjustments as long as it stays within the agreed upon parameters
  1. Planning/Coordinating

#1 occasional (if none, please strike out this section)
List the project and the role of the incumbent in this activity. / The incumbent (in coordination with the Professional Department)arranges for guest speakers or specialized training as requested by employees and or managers
(i.e. Hilti Training, Dealing with Difficult People, WHMIS/GHS Train-the-Trainer, Forklift Training)
What are the organizational and/or project management skills needed to bring together and integrate this activity? / The incumbent will contact trainers and/or facilitators and establish possible venue dates and then get back to the requestor with the required information.
List the types of resources required to complete this task, project or activity. /
  • Industry Contacts
  • Various Safety Associations

How is/are deadline(s) determined? / Either by the incumbent or the requestor. Deadlines are also based on the availability of the facilitator
Who determines if changes to the project or activity are required? And who determines whether these changes have an impact on others? Please provide concrete examples. / The incumbent in consultation with the various parties involved.
#2 occasional (if none, please strike out this section)
List the project and the role of the incumbent in this activity. / Annual General Joint Health and Safety Committee Meetings and other meetings (Women’s Campus Safety Committee etc...)
What are the organizational and/or project management skills needed to bring together and integrate this activity? / The incumbent will send out e-mails to all members with a possible date for the meeting and correspond with them as required to set up the meeting date
List the types of resources required to complete this task, project or activity. / Committee lists
How is/are deadline(s) determined? / Annual Schedule and obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act
Who determines if changes to the project or activity are required? And who determines whether these changes have an impact on others? Please provide concrete examples. / The general consensus of the committee members

5.Guiding/Advising Others