30 June 2017

Dear Parents

Sports Day

I’m so pleased Sports Week was last week and not this week! I hope you all enjoyed Sports Day and there are no injuries after the parents’ race! Staff needed a lie down after the staff race and some were disqualified. Thank you for all your support.

Transition Week

Monday 10thto Wednesday 12th July children will spend time with their new class teacher. Mr Robson will be leaving us in July to go and work at Gosforth Central Middle School. I hope you will help make his last few days here enjoyable. Two new members of staff will be joining the Front Street staff in September, Miss Gilderoy and Mr Pallas. They will be here for transition week too.

Classes for September will be as follows:

NurseryMrs Robson, Mrs Croft, Mrs Johnson

ReceptionMrs Spence, Miss Donkin, Mrs Armstrong, Miss Routledge

Reception 1will move to 1S Mrs Sutherland and Miss Scott

Reception2will move to 1G Miss Gilderoy and Mrs Bradford

1B will move to 2M Mrs Marshall

1Swill move to 2S Mrs Smith

2Mwill move to 3P Mr Pallas

2Swill move to 3ON Mrs O’Neill

Mrs Jobling will help support in Year 2

3ONwill move to 4K Mrs Kitshaw

3Rwill move to 4H Miss Hoult

Mrs Scott and Mrs Robinson will support across Year 3 and Year 4

4Hwill move to 5G Mr Hollingworth

4Kwill move to 5H Mrs Howliston

Mrs Furley will help support in Year 5

5Hwill move to 6L Mr Lakey

5G will move to 6W Miss Walker

Mr Kelly and Mrs Evans will help support across Year 6

School Uniform

Please can I remind you polo shirts and sweatshirts with the old school logo are no longer part of our uniform and should not be worn for school. All clothing should have the new round logo on or no logo at all. Thank you.

Tuck shop

FOFS will hold a special tuck sale on the 14thJuly - this will be run fully by our Year 6 students and they would love your support to help raise funds for the school!

Tuck will be priced from 20p and they will be selling special Front Street Pencils and Rubbers priced at 80p each or £1.50 the pair.

Year 1

Next week our topic in maths is weight and measures. We will be making a mug cake. The children will need to bring in a large mug by Wednesday 5th July.

On Thursday 6th July we will be walking to the Hermitage garden as part of our science topic. If there are any parents who are able to walk along with us please could they let a member of the Year 1 team know.

Year 4

Big Sing - Just a reminder that Year 4 will be going to the Sage on Tuesday morning. All children need a packed lunch which will be eaten at school when we arrive back. Please check your child has their inhaler with them as we will be leaving promptly so will not be able to wait and call parents. Thank you


Just to remind you this is a Safeguarding School and we have a duty to pass on any concerns to Children’s Services.

Our staff are also trained in Team Teach techniques in order to ensure the safety of everyone involved.

Yours sincerely

HJ Gladstone


‘Gateshead Local Offer’

Information about events, activities and support in and around Gateshead for families with children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

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