First Reading:(Acts 13:14; 43-52) If our faith is a living faith, its light and heat will go out to enlighten and move others. Second Reading:(Revelation 7:9; 14-17) As Christians we have every reason to think that we will one day, and soon, be among the countless number of saints whom St. John saw in his vision of heaven. I say "every reason," because God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, has done everything that was necessary to bring us there. Gospel:(John 10: 27-30) Christ, the Son of God, is our Shepherd. He has laid down his life for us, his sheep. Do we always know his voice, do we always follow him? Read more at:
Sunday’s Offerings for week ending April 14, 2013
-St. Andrew’s, Vulcan:$ 420.00
-St. Francis de Sales:$4703.18
-Building Fund$ 795.00
**Parish Weekly Budget: $ 5148.00
Excess/Shortfall: + 618.23
Bulletin Bloopers …
- Next Thursdays there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get.
- Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days.
- A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow.
Thank you for the unity, generosity, support and hard work of every member of our parish.
Upcoming Events in our Parish and Mass Intentions
***4th Sunday of Easter – Sunday, April 21, 2013
+ Men Praying – 7-8 am in church
+ Mass at St. Andrew’s, Vulcan @ 9 am–Souls of Hoffart Family (B. Charette)
+ Mass at St. Francis de Sales @ 11 am–
+ Choir: Filipino
+ Intentions of people of St. Andrew’s and St. Francis de Sales’
+ 1st Communion and Confirmation Classes
*** Monday, April 22, 2013
+ N O M A S S – Fr. Ed’s day off
*** Tuesday, April 23, 2013 – St. George, St. Adalbert
+ Mass at 9:15 am –Soul of Frank Charette (Barbara Charette)
+ Mass at P.D. Lodge @ 1 pm –
+ Divine Mercy and Rosary @ 3 pm
+ Catholics Coming Home @ 7 pm
*** Wednesday, April 24, 2013 – St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen,
+ Mass at 3:30 pm at Hospital– Soul of Marcel Clouthier (Joe & Donna Svartka)
+ R.C.I.A. meeting @ 7:00 pm
*** Thursday, April 25, 2013 – St. Mark, Evangelist
+ ADORATION: 10 am – 10 pm
+ H.S.A. Staff Mass @ 4 pm
+ Mass @ 7:00 pm– Souls of Agnes & Eric Allison (Joy Donovan)
*** Friday, April 26, 2013 –
+ Mass at 9:15 am–
*** Saturday, April 27, 2013
+ Mass @ 5:00 pm – Souls of Marie & Lyle Donovan (Joy Donovan)
+ Choir: Children (practice at 3:30 pm)
+ ULTIMATE YOUTH GROUP 5:00 – 9:45 pm
*** 5th Sunday of Easter, April 28, 2013
+ Men Praying: 7:00 – 8:00 am
+ Mass at St. Andrew’s, Vulcan @ 9 am
+ Mass at St. Francis de Sales @ 11 am
+ Choir: Mixed
+ Intentions of people of St. Andrew’s and St. Francis de Sales
+ 1st Communion Class @ 10:25 AM; NO CONFIRMATION
We welcome all new parishioners to our parish community. If you would like to register with the parish, please fill out a “Welcome to St. Francis de Sales Parish” for at Sunday’s ‘Welcome’ desk.
If you are registered in our parish please be sure to notify us if you are moving to a new home (in town or not) so that we can send any or your parish mail to your new address.
Please have any submissions for the bulletin in by Wednesday, 12:00 pm noon.
Please remember to print legibly the names of the loved ones you are requesting a Mass for. Also, if you making your donation for the Mass request by cheque, please make your cheque out to Fr. Edwar Hospet and NOT St. Francis de Sales parish.
Be sure to let hospital personnel know that you are Roman Catholic during your stay. This will ensure that you will be visited by the Pastoral Care Team.
The Palliative Care Team is available to sit with the sick of our parish when they are dying. If you are in need of this very important ministry, please contact the team’s coordinator, Doreen Needham at 403-652-2245.
PLEASE NOTE: To avoid the difficulty of having people in ministry scheduled for more than one Mass on any given weekend, some changes have been made to the original schedules which you received in November, 2012. Please refer to the following schedules where changes have been made when necessary.
Liturgical Ministries for April 27 and 28- SFDS
MINISTRIES / 5:00 PM MASS / 11:00 AM MASSEucharistic Ministers / Donna Longson
Norma Cooke / CWL
Lectors / Natasha Cheney
Jaden Holle / CWL
Altar Servers / Sierra C.
Ella F.
Ogechi O. / Sam A.
Gus A.
Aidan B.
Ushers / Bill & Dianne Ward / CWL
Gifts / Mary Lou Charles
Norma Cooke / CWL
Greeters / Young Family / CWL
Choir / Children / Mixed
Coffee / ******************** / Ewchuk/Dearing
Liturgical Ministries for April 28 – St. Andrew’s
MINISTRIES / 9:00 AM MASSEucharistic Ministers / Wally & Karen Dorchak
Lectors / Jackie Lacoursiere
Coffee & Church Cleaning / Denise & Michael Hameluck
206 – 9th Avenue West, High River, AlbertaT1V 1A4
Tel. 403-652-2203;Fax: 403-652-3660; Hall: 403-601-3886
Parish Website:
Dioceses Website:
- Saturday Mass: 5:00 pm
- Sunday Mass: 11:00 am
ST. ANDREW’S, Vulcan
330 – 1st Street South, Vulcan, Alberta, T0L 2B0
Sunday Mass: 9:00 am
Weekday Mass Schedule
Monday:No Mass
Tuesday:9:15 am @ St. Francis de Sales
1st, 3rd, 5th Tuesday: Mass at 6 pm @ St. Andrew’s, Vulcan
2nd Tuesday: Mass at 1 pm @ Extendicare, Vulcan
4th Tuesday: Mass at 1 pm @ Peter Dawson Lodge
Wednesday:1st, 3rd, 5th Wednesday at 3:30 pm @ Medicine Tree Manor
2nd, 4thWednesday at 3:30 pm @ H.R.Hospital
Thursday:7:00 pm @ St. Francis de Sales
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament from 10 am – 10 pm
Friday:9:15 am @ St. Francis de Sales