Lesson Plans

Class: Second Grade [2L] Teacher: Mrs. Levin April,[13-17], 2015

Times / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
7:55-8:40 / Morning activity
Lunch count
Change gym shoes / Morning activity
Lunch count
Change gym shoes / Morning activity
Lunch count
Change gym shoes / Morning activity
Lunch count
Change gym shoes / Morning activity
Lunch count
Change gym shoes

Phonics: Lesson 101

  • History of Eng. Lng
  • Read-spell w/final-stab-syl [sion]
/ Phonics Lesson 102 Digraph ew
  • Reading-spell w/digraph
/ Phonics 103
Doubling Rule [PART 1]
  • Vowel suffix
  • Consonant suffix
  • Read-spellw/rule
OLYMPICS / Phonics 104
Sight-Words, Part 8
  • Sight Words 96-105
/ Phonics 105
  • Assess 21
  • Spell 21

8:45-9:20 / PE /Music
Teacher Plan Time / PE/Art
Teacher Plan Time / PE/Art
Teacher Plan Time / PE/Art
Teacher Plan Time / PE/Art
Teacher Plan Time
9:20-9:40 / Reading Daily 5
Whole Group /
1:10-11:45 / Lunch/recess / Lunch/recess / Lunch/recess / Lunch/recess / Lunch/recess
11:45-12:10 / English p. 366-369
Obj.: Children will read magazine article.
  • Use antonym
  • Write clear beg-Mid-End
  • Explore table of Contents
  • Workbook p. 86
/ Workbook p. 87
  • Children will identify & generate antonyms, children will improve the fluency of their writing
/ / Workbook p. 88
  • Children will write stories that are organized with a clear beginning, middle & end
  • Text 374-75
/ Test Taking Strategies
  • Practice ID & correct sentence fragments
  • Practice test-taking skills
  • Text 376-77

12:35 / Hands On • Measure with an Inch Ruler
Common Core State Standards
2.MD.A.1 Measure the length of an object by selecting and using
appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, and
measuring tapes.
MP2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. MP5 Use appropriate tools strategically.
MP6 Attend to precision. MP8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Teaching for Depth
It is important that children understand that a ruler is
divided into units that remain constant. Continue to
emphasize that it is the spaces on a ruler that are being
counted when measuring length. Reinforce this idea with
the following activity.
First, have children use inch rulers to measure the length
of an object, such as a pencil. Next, have children measure
the length of the pencil again, but have them line up the
right edge of the pencil with the last mark on the right
end of the ruler. Finally, have children measure the length
of the pencil once more, lining up the pencil with any
(whole inch) mark on the ruler they choose.
Children should count the inch spaces in each measurement
and will see that the three measurements are the same.
Learning Objective
Measure the lengths of objects to the nearest
inch using an inch ruler.
Language Objective
Children use classroom objects to demonstrate
how to use an inch ruler to measure lengths.
MathBoard, rulers children / LESSON8.5 Problem Solving • Add and Subtract in Inches
Drawing a diagram is a way of representing information
in a problem situation. A diagram can help children
understand what is happening in the problem situation.
They can see what information they have, what
information they still need, and how all the pieces of
information are related.
In this lesson, children draw a diagram to represent the
problem. They analyze their drawings to help them see
whether the problem asks them to find an unknown
sum or an unknown difference. Then they can use this
information from the drawing to write a number sentence
and solve the problem. As in earlier chapters, children
use a symbol in each number sentence to represent the
unknown amount.
MP1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. MP2 Reason abstractly and
quantitatively. MP4 Model with Mathematics. MP6 Attend to precision.
Learning Objective
Solve addition and subtraction problems
involving the lengths of objects by using the
strategy draw a diagram.
Language Objective
Children use a problem from the lesson to show
a partner how drawing a diagram can help
when solving problems about length.
Material / LESSON8.6
Hands On •Measure in Inches and Feet
Learning Objective
Measure the lengths of objects in both inches
and feet to explore the inverse relationship
between size and number of units.
Language Objective
Children demonstrate their understanding by
using the sentence frame, Measuring in feet is
different from measuring in inches in these ways: ____, _____, and ______.
MathBoard, sheets of paper, large paper clips,
inch rulers
Learning Objective
Measure the lengths of objects in both inches
and feet to explore the inverse relationship
between size and number of units.
Language Objective
Children demonstrate their understanding by
using the sentence frame / LESSON 8.7
Estimate Lengths in Feet
Why Teach This?
The ability to estimate lengths is an important real world skill to have, especially if measuring tools are not available. In Lesson 8.3, children used the unit of 1 inch to
Estimate lengths. In this lesson, they will estimate lengths in feet.
Professional Development
Talk with children about how measuring to find the actual lengths of objects is different from estimating lengths of objects. There are real-life situations in which estimates are needed, and there are also real-life situations in which actual measurements are needed.
For some children, they may use a mental picture of a measurement unit and then mentally partition a length to make an estimate. Besides thinking of an inch ruler as a referent, they could think about the length of the long side of a sheet of notebook paper as a 1-foot length. Then
they can think about how many sheets set end to end,
would match the length of the everyday object that they are estimating.
Learning Objective
Estimate the lengths of objects in feet.
Language Objective
Child pairs practice explaining to their partner
the process for estimating the lengths of objects in feet.
1:20-1:50 / LIBRARY 1:20-1:50 / COMPUTERS
Star Literacy / Practice OPERA / COMPUTERS
Star Math / Practice OPERA
1:50-2:40 / Papier Mache
/ Research Dinosaur / RETURN FROM
/ Use research to write a Dino riddle. / Transfer riddle to Wall – size Riddle-a-saurus
2:40-2:50 / Pack to leave------ / ------> / Early Dismissal
2:50-3:00 / Dismissal
2:55 car riders and walkers
3:00 bus rooms
3:10 bus departure / Dismissal
2:55 car riders and walkers
3:00 bus rooms
3:10 bus departure / Dismissal
2:55 car riders and walkers
3:00 bus rooms
3:10 bus departure / Dismissal
2:55 car riders and walkers
3:00 bus rooms
3:10 bus departure / Dismissal
2:55 car riders and walkers
3:00 bus rooms
3:10 bus departure