Appendix 2 - Management Agreement – The Rosliston Forestry Centre Outdoor WeddingGlade AreaReceptions
Appendix 2 - Management Agreement between the Forestry Commission and the Rosliston Forestry Centre Outdoor Wedding ReceptionsGlade Area provider.
The Rosliston Forestry Centre Outdoor wedding receptions describes the product that we require and is not a brand name.
This document sets out the management regulations agreement for the establishment, day to day operation and review of The Rosliston Forestry Centre Ooutdoor wedding receptionsGlade Area. These management regulations agreement along with the key performance indicators (KPIs) form part of the Licence and will be used to monitor the Forestry Commission (FC) expectations.
This management agreementese regulations describes more fully than the Lease, the practical day to day operating principles, procedures and policies required for the effective day to day provision of The Rosliston Forestry Centre Outdoor Wedding ReceptionsGlade Area. Furthermore, these management regulations agreement will form the basis of a standardised review process which is detailed in the Key Performance Indicator document.
These management regulations agreement will be reviewed regularly and may be adapted or amended with consent of the Tenant.
The Rosliston Forestry Centre
Rosliston Forestry Centre is a visitor centre situated on the outskirts of Rosliston in South Derbyshire and at the heart of The National Forest. It is owned and managed in a partnership arrangement between The Forestry Commission and South Derbyshire District Council. The Centre is a high quality woodland visitor attraction offering a wide variety of activities and events including environmental education, walking, cycling, fishing, archery and orienteering. The site contains 6 log cabins offering private holiday accommodation. Other on-site attractions include the Hub Café, gift shop, picnic area, children’s play areas, sensory garden and barbeque site and an Enterprise Centre currently housing educational classes run by Burton and South Derbyshire College. The site also hosts the Get Active in the Forest project which runs a variety of leisure and physical activities on and off site.
The Centre is situated approximately 5 miles from Burton-on-Trent, 20 miles from Derby, 35 miles from Birmingham, Leicester and Nottingham and 40 miles from Stoke-on-Trent.
The Rosliston Forestry Centre is situated on the outskirts of Rosliston in South Derbyshire and is a partnership between The Forestry Commission and South Derbyshire District Council owned and managed by the Forestry Commission. It lies at the heart of The National Forest, a woodland haven offering outdoor activities, family fun and all-year round events.
The Rosliston Forestry Centre is a high quality woodland visitor attraction offering a wide variety of activities and events including walking, cycling, fishing and orienteering. The site has private holiday accommodation within it. Other on-site attractions include the Hub Café, gift shop, picnic area, children’s play areas and a barbeque site.
The Rosliston Forestry Centre is situated approximately 5 miles from Burton-on-Trent, 20 miles from Derby, 35 miles from Birmingham, Leicester and Nottingham and 40 miles from Stoke-on-Trent.
The Rosliston Forestry Centre currently offers Woodland Weddings as part of the attraction.
The Rosliston Forestry Centre Outdoor Wedding ReceptionsGlade Area Offer
The Rosliston Forestry Centre outdoor wedding receptionsGlade Area should be operated on the basis of the following criteria and ethos.
Bookings and confirmation of dates
The Tenant will be responsible for the following
- Managing their own events utilising The Glade space and facilities
- Taking bookings directly from customers to hold outdoor ‘woodland’, ‘party’ or ‘festival style’ wedding receptions and similar celebrations
Managing their own events utilising The Glade space and facilities
- Bookings shall not be confirmed with the customer until availability of the venue on that date has been confirmed by the FC site contact.
Booking conformation with the FC will require a deposit. The deposit will be the site fee for a one day event or the first day’s site fee for a multi-day event.
Deposits must be received at least six weeks before the event is due to take place.
Late bookings (less than six weeks before the event is due to take place) may not be able to be considered.
The deposit will be refunded if the event is cancelled due to extreme severe weather or due to the actions of the FC (e.g. emergency forestry operations as a result of severe weather or disease control) or that the site is deemed dangerous by the FC.
The deposit will not be refunded in full if the Tenant or their client cancel the event:
Six weeks or more in advance - half the deposit will be refunded
Less than six weeks before the event - the whole deposit shall be kept by the FC
Enquiries received by the Forestry Commission from private individuals regarding outdoor woodland wedding celebrations or similar celebrations will be referred to the Tenant.
Licences and documentation
The Tenant will be responsible for the following
- Applying for, the cost of, and the compliance with any required licences or permits will be the responsibility of the Tenant.
- Obtaining any planning or other necessary consents.
- Providing the FC site contact with details of all eventsa full written proposal of the event including maps at least six weeks before the event takes place.
- Collating and making available to the FC site contact upon request a pack of health and safety documentation from all subcontractors and suppliers, and risk assessments/ method statements, for set up/ take down and the event, including an emergency evacuation plan etc..
- Collating and making available to the FC site contact upon request documentation from caterers and bar suppliers including local authority registration, HACCP, risk assessments and public liability insurance, gas and electricity safety certificates
The Tenant will be responsible for the following
- Public and Employers liability insurance of a minimum £5 million.
Events insurance of an amount suitable to cover cancellation of the whole event including refunding the client, and contractors as required, , and paying the deposit/ fees to the FC detailed in this permission.
- Eengaging contractors and suppliers who hold a minimum of £5 million Public Liability insurance
Infrastructure, contractors and staff
The Tenant will be responsible for the following
- Provide all necessary temporary infrastructure including power and water as necessary.
- Provide all event staff including but not limited to set up, crew, security and car parking stewards.
- Provide a designated manager as a key point of contact for the site
- Engage competent contractors and suppliers who hold a minimum of £5 million Public Liability insurance, and have the necessary technical and professional qualifications and experience.
- Engage local contractors where possible and appropriate
The Site
The Tenant will be responsible for ensuring the following
- The outdoor ‘woodland’, ‘party’ or ‘festival style’ wedding receptions and similar celebration are staged in the area specified and access to the site is over the specified routes as shown on appendices 1 & 2 on the attached licence.
- Any deviation from the area or access routes is authorised in writing by the FC site contact.
- The Tenant or nominated staff member is on site to supervise set up, with a particular emphasis on protecting the safety of the public.
- Security/ guarding, including overnight security is provided.
- All equipment and litter brought onto FC land by the Tenant, participants and spectators, is cleared to the satisfaction of the FC site contact
- Forest warning signs and instructions from FC staff are heeded, that areas where work is in progress are avoided. The forest is a working environment.
- Vehicles owned by the Tenant, his representatives, participants and spectators only use the access routes and areas specified by the FC site contact.
- Any damage occurring is notified to the FC site contact as soon as possible and within 48 hours or occurrence.
Sole use of the site at the time of the event will be granted to the Tenant, other Tenants will not use the site at the time of the event.
However if a CROW closure is required to prevent members of the public accessing any part of the site at the time of the event an additional administration fee will apply.
The Event
The Tenant will be responsible for ensuring the following
- Outdoor ‘woodland’, ‘party’ or ‘festival style’ wedding receptions and similar celebrations are to be private events for invited guests, not open to public or casual attendance.
- A maximum of 4150 guests or 5200 people in total (including staff and contractors) on site for any one event
- The Tenant or nominated staff member, as the Organiser, takes an active part in the event and is entirely responsible for discipline, safety and overall control of participants.
- Alcohol service or sales at the event is authorised by a Personal Licence Holder and a ‘Challenge 25’ scheme is in operation.
- The area and the route(s) are safe and suitable for the event subject to FC advice and FC tree inspection.
- Public rights of way are not impeded.
Health and Safety
In line with FC operating procedures the Tenant will:
• Provide all Accident Books for inspection and review annually. Any lessons
learned will be discussed and any actions recorded and undertaken within an
agreed timescale.
• The Tenant will provide First Aid cover for visitors to The Glade
• The Tenant and FC will review the site and facility Risk Assessment annually and
update as required.
In addition, the Tenant will be responsible for ensuring the following
- Use of camp fires, candles, pyrotechnics, fireworks, and any other naked flames are agreed in advance with the FC site contact. These may be restricted in relation to the fire risk at the time of the event. Please note fire risk status may change at short notice.
- Sky lanterns are not be allowed under any circumstances.
- Assessing and providing adequate first aid facilities.
- Advising the FC within 24 hours of the end of the event of any accident to a participant, spectator, or third party which arises as a result of the exercise of this Licence.
Extreme Weather
In extreme weather conditions (e.g. extremely windy conditions); an outbreak of any notifiable disease; other emergency or dangerous situations the FC may consider it prudent to close The Rosliston Forestry Centre to the public. Events such as these are outside our control, and at very short notice but the FC will ensure that the Tenant is consulted prior to closure where reasonably possible. The FC will make all reasonable endeavours to keep The Rosliston Forestry Centre open.
The Tenant is advised to obtain in advance the extreme weather closure guidance document available from the FC site and also the Tenant may wish to insure against cancellation due to bad weather.
Marketing and Promotion
The Glade and outdoor wedding receptions product should be branded by the company holding the licence. The product MUST include the word woodland or forest in the name to ensure it is relevant and bespoke to the forest environment.
All outdoor wedding reception sites across England form part of the Forestry Commission’s outdoor wedding receptions portfolio and will be promoted as such on the Forestry Commission website.
Application of the brand (both FC and The Rosliston Forestry Centre outdoor wedding receptions local branding) must be agreed with the FC site contact prior to being used. This is common across the estate and reflects the importance that the FC attributes to its brands and identities.
The Tenant will establish a web presence for the activities at The Gladeevent which is agreed with the FC site contact and consult with the FC regarding use of FC logos.
Promotion and advertising will be the responsibility of the Tenant. Should signage, leaflets, other marketing ‘tools’ etc appear on site, without the knowledge or agreement of the FC, then the FC reserves the right to remove them without notice to the Tenant
The Tenant will promote the opportunity of using the Civil Ceremony Licenced Venue available at the Visitors Centre in The Rosliston Forestry Centre.
The Tenant shall be able to display and distribute leaflets on site where appropriate facilities exist, and will be promoted by the FC in marketing and promotion opportunities as relevant and appropriate.
List of nominated individuals to act as key communicators as per the Communications Matrix- Appendix x.
Procedures for communications with the media are to be agreed with the Site Marketing and Communications Manager and FC RPA Manager.
The Tenant is expected to attend quarterly, or more frequently if required, site communications meetings with FC.
There is an expectation that as part of a high standard of customer care, the Tenant will provide information about the Site. In order to do so effectively, the Tenant staff will attend regular briefings with FC so as to be aware of what is going on in FC and wider forest. The Tenant staff should be willing and able to communicate this to the public.
Working with other site partners is crucial to maximise the potential of the Site, there is an expectation that the Tenant will take opportunities to work with FC and other partners at Hicks LodgeRosliston to promote the Site. At and between the quarterly meetings, the Tenant will contribute positively to newsletter and other communication mediums to stakeholders and Discovery Pass holders about the Site and FC activities.
Undertaking Improvements / Alterations
Before any changes/improvements to infrastructure are undertaken written approval of the FC Land Agent must be sought by the Tenant.
The FC Land Agent will respond to all written requests from the Tenant within 5 working days.
Environmental Management System and Waste
The FC has an Environmental Management System (EMS) which provides a framework for improving the environmental performance, quality, and effectiveness of environmental management throughout the organisation. The process is aimed at reducing environmental impacts, so they become more of a part of overall business operations. This relates directly to waste management, as stated in our Environmental Policy commitment to; 'reduce our production of waste and promote recycling and recovery'.
This EMS complies with the International Standards Organisation (ISO) 14001 Environmental Management Systems and FC successfully achieved the first phase of external accreditation in summer 2010. FC is now working towards full accreditation and we would expect the Tenant to work proactively with FC to achieve this at the Rosliston Forestry Centre.
Key Performance Indicators
Key performance indicators will be used to monitor and review standards during the tenancy, which will help inform decisions about lease renewal at the expiry of the term.
Key performance indicator document as per Appendix 33.
Customer satisfaction -this will be assessed by a combination of VAQAS, Mystery Shopper surveys and FC's RPA Manager's review of the on site Customer Feedback/ Complaints record.
Income - the Tenant will submit financial reports Quarterly within 5 working days of the agreed period's end date to the FC Land Agent.
Cleanliness - the Tenant's will provide copies of all Environment Health Officer inspection reports. In addition a representative of the Tenant and FC's RPA Manager will conduct joint inspections to review cleanliness of the shop area shown in the redline boundary in Appendix 1.
FC may use an external consultant to carry out assessments on behalf of FC and the tenant.
Review and Monitoring of Operating Agreement
On-going Agreed Procedures:
a)Six monthly tenant review meeting
Every six months a formal Tenant/FC Area Land Agent review meeting will be held – this may be convened more frequently initially if required by either party. It will be the forum for any issues arising under the Lease or these regulations, to be discussed and resolved.
b)Regular meetings with the Tenant and FC Site Manager
In order to foster and maintain effective tenant relationships, representatives of the Tenant are invited to attend a general communications meeting at regular intervals. At this meeting forthcoming events will be discussed enabling the Tenant to forward plan opening times, staffing, product selection etc.
Date agreed for annual review of Operating Regulations – usually 12 months from start of the Lease.
The relevant FC site contact will ensure that all forest district staff are notified of the licence and the approved area to be used.
The Tenant will ensure that the Forestry Commission Byelaws are observed, except as expressly authorised by this Agreement. The Bylaws are attached to the Licence at appendix 6and any failure to observe the Bylaws may result in termination of the licence.
In particular the Tenant will ensure:
- there is no smoking or the lighting of fires
- all gates are left in the position as found
- reasonable care is taken to prevent disturbance to wild fauna and flora and to agricultural livestock
- compliance with any instructions issued by the Forest District Manager or his authorised representative
- no forest roads are obstructed
1|Management Agreement|AlisonLeyshonSteve Holdsworth|11/08/2018